

Wufu had caused quite a stir at the Old Zhou family's place, and she truly felt refreshed, the gloominess scattering considerably. However, it was Madam Zhou who was worried, tossing and turning sleeplessly, to the point that she had dark circles under her eyes the next day.

Madam Zhou was fretful about something Wufu knew very well, but she didn't spell it out, pretending to be unaware as she said, "Mom, it's getting hotter and hotter, why don't you and Xiao Yu work on that outfit for me today? It would make getting around easier for me."

This perked Madam Zhou up as she asked, "The one based on the drawing you made?" The design looked bizarre, the pants not quite like pants, the skirt not quite like a skirt.

Wufu, finding skirts inconvenient for walking, had wanted to wear something simpler like pants, but Madam Zhou strongly disagreed, stating that no one dressed like that, and a woman should not dress in such a manner, exposing both legs without cover.