
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
237 Chs

The Family Can't Ignore

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There was something suspicious about the woman but Laotian hasn't figured out what's wrong yet. The only thing he could do for now was to be vigilant and be ready for the worst even if the chances are low.

He developed this personality of his by constantly dealing with similar cases throughout his years in the industry. It's not too easy for Mo Laotian to trust as he could quickly identify who was lying in front of him. It's a talent he was happy he was blessed with but it also had its disadvantages at times. This is also the reason why he didn't like attending gatherings and had Hanlu attend instead of him.

" Hmm, I'm sure Hanlu will be able to handle this on his own. " Daniel mumbled snuggling closer to the Alphas neck. They were still both sweating from their previous activity but it didn't bother them. Instead, it felt more intimate. Their hot damp bodies felt it belonged with each other.

" Hmm, but for now, let's not talk about that. " Laotian suggested resting one of his arms on top of Daniel's waist pulling him closer to his body.

Daniel nodded smiling, loving the feeling of himself against the Alpha's embrace. It's not always that they could cuddle with each other so now he wanted to savor the moment.

However as the two were starting to rest, the telephone suddenly rang waking the both of them up. Laotian wasn't planning to take it as he had a feeling it was something he wouldn't like so he continued hugging Daniel not a care to the telephone ringing.

" Don't you want to receive that? " Daniel mumbled feeling kind of irritated at the noise as he snuggled closer to the Alpha and laying one of his legs on top of him.

" I'm busy with you at the moment. " Laotian replied, loving the feeling of Daniel's smooth leg on him. Chuckling at the Alpha's excuse, Daniel nodded okay as the ringing finally stopped. But just as it stopped, it rang again earning a gentle groan from the Omega.

" Are you sure you don't want to take that, Laotian? Sounds important. " Daniel asked again. It's not always the telephone in their room has a caller so it must be important that someone was actually able to call the masters' unique bedroom number. And to actually know the telephone number means the caller must be a family member, Daniel thought then slightly pulled away from the Alpha realizing their alone time together was over.

Laotian pulled Daniel close again and groan refusing the pick up the telephone. " That phonecall would only bring me a headache. So it's good not to take it. " Laotian explained. Daniel let himself being pulled by his husband and just smiled at how the Alpha was acting sometimes, like this moment.

The call cut once again and thankfully, no one called again. The couple had started napping again when there was a sudden gentle knock on the door and later on David went in not caring if the two were only covered with a thin piece of sheet.

Although the room was still covered with mating pheromones, David wasn't affected by it at a level that would awaken his Alpha instinct. He only covered his nose with a white handkerchief and cleared his voice and with a telephone on his other hand.

" Old Master Chen request both your presence at the main mansion as soon as possible. " David spoke formally before nodding his head down avoiding the sight of the two, he knew full well not to stare. Seeing that the caller contacted David as well, Laotian finally sighs and slowly sat up draping all the sheets on Daniel as the Omega also sat up blushing at their appearance.

" What are we needed for? " Laotian asked scanning for his underwear and simply slid into them. After hearing David's reply, Laotian frowns then stood up taking the phone.

" What was that woman doing there? " Laotian asked the second the device touched his ear.

" Fuck! Where were you? I've been calling you for the past 20 minutes now! If I didn't call David I would not have been able to contact you! " Tian Zi whisper-yelled complaining, Laotian internally rolled his eyes listening to the young Alpha as he watched David already leaving the room shutting the door close.

" . . . "

" Okay. Okay. Father secretly asked me to call you. Mother has become crazy, if you don't hurry up and come here they'll going to start talking about marriage soon. They're getting along pretty well. Seriously, that woman is bad news. I'm gonna tell you later but you need to come here, go bring Daniel and Luangmin to distract mother and you go shoo that woman away. " Tian Zi explained desperately, he talked so fast but Laotian managed to catch all that and frown in annoyance learning that Veronica was even brave enough to visit the Mo estate.

" How did she manage to go there? "

" Mother did! Anyway, hurry up I'm gonna fill you in with all the details later but you two need to come here oh and tell brother Hanlu to hurry or he'll be doomed to marry a two-faced leech then even I will feel bad for him." Tian Zi added not liking the thought of Veronica Chime becoming his sister-in-law.

Tian Zi has always known the woman since she had become affiliated with Hanlu but Veronica was one of the few people that Hanlu dated that Tian Zi didn't dare to date.

It wasn't because Veronica rejected him as Ian Andrews did but because he simply doesn't like the woman. Tian Zi knew that Hanlu knew the woman was a leech but Hanlu stayed with her anyways.

Hanlu could endure such personality but never Tian Zi, he wasn't patient enough for a woman like Veronica Chime.

Tian Zi and Laotian quickly ended the call and only then Laotian realized Daniel was at his side observing his frustrated expression.

" What happened? " Daniel softly asked still covering his naked body with a bedsheet. He was worried at how the call made Laotian make such rare expressions. 

Laotian lightly removed the cover throwing the sheet on top of the bed leaving Daniel all bare before he wraps his arms around him. " Father wants us at the Mo Estate. That actress is there at this moment and he wants me to make her leave. " Laotian monotonously replied as they started walking towards the bathroom.

" Oh really!? Wow, this is really something the family can't ignore. What about inspector Andrews? Will Hanlu leave him for her? I feel bad for him, I genuinely feel like he really loves Hanlu. I like Veronica Chime as an actress but I don't know her personally so I'll still choose Ian over her. What do you think will happen, Laotian? " 

" I don't know yet. First off, we quickly need to go there and Tian Zi will fill me in with all the details. " Laotian replied that Daniel nodded okay as a response. Although Daniel had many friends, he never had someone he could call his best friend but all throughout the whole 3 years since he met Mo Laotian, Mo Hanlu had also become a very big part of Daniel's life.

Despite far from being labeled as a best friend, Mo Hanlu was the closest to Daniel. And as his closest friend and a family member, Daniel wants the Alpha to be happy just like how he found happiness with his older brother.

Daniel and Laotian quickly took a shower and a couple of minutes later both of them were wearing a simple casual attire ready to go with Luangmin ready as well. Another couple of minutes passed by and three SUV's trailed the way to the Mo Estate.

It wasn't that long until they arrived at their destination since the Mo Estate and Laotian's mansion was actually just 20 minutes long drive away.

" Are you okay? " Laotian asked Daniel after picking up Luangmin from the Omega and help him get out of the car. Laotian remembered that the doctor had reminded them not to travel too much so he was worried since they've already traveled the other day.

" Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you! " Smiling brightly, Daniel nuzzled his face against the Alpha as he replied feeling happy since Laotian was already leaning down and very convenient for him to reach. So many things happened the past week to the couple and Daniel was feeling especially happy with his pregnancy and how Laotian was even more caring and loving towards him.

A tender smile flashed on Laotian's lips before he kissed Daniel's temples forgetting that they were coming at the estate because they had to settle things.

Meanwhile, Tian Zi had been waiting at the entrance feeling impatient as he watches the couple 'still' being overly in love with each other after 3 years of marriage life. The security personnel at the main gate had informed him that Mo Laotian and Daniel Mo had arrived but he didn't expect to see their usual gut-wrenching public display of affection that would once again lead Tian Zi to stay away from such activities.  

" Uhumm! Can both of you come inside now and see how bad the situation is? " Tian Zi cleared his throat and interrupted, which made Daniel giggle softly making Luangmin's little limbs wave towards the young Alpha. 

" Let's go? " Laotian asked then they started walking. Daniel attempted to snatch Luangmin from his daddy's arms but failed. He was strictly only allowed to when he's sitting and won't exert too much energy.

The second they reached the foyer, Laotian and Daniel can instantly hear voices coming from Mrs. Laura Mo and someone else's which probably was Veronica Chime's at the living room. They were having a lively chat and occasionally laughs together. Just from hearing them, you can mistake them as long-time friends by how they were so comfortable with talking to each other.

" Mother, Older Brother and Daniel are here. " Tian Zi informed as he signals at his father at the other side of the couch also not liking what he's seeing but let his wife do what she wants. Mo Chendong was the one who introduced business to all three brothers and just by that also the skill to determine was faking or not. Mo Chendong was actually a very observant person which was why he does not talk that much and prefers to just listen at the side and analyze things.

Veronica Chime seemed to be good in acting since she's an actress but there was something off with her and Mo Chendong could easily determine that. He may seem very passive but he was the kind who you wouldn't know was working behind your back. 

The second Mrs. Mo heard Tian Zi, she immediately turns around and saw the couple with Luangmin. She instantly stood up and walked towards Daniel. " Oh my, Darling. Glad to see you today. Oh and my precious Xiao Min. I didn't know you were coming today. I told Laotian to come tomorrow." Mrs. Laura Mo said and gave Daniel a hug then picks Luangmin away from Laotian as she cooed the baby.

" We're staying here until... we settle this! " Laotian replied then secretly glared at Veronica who was stunned to see the couple have arrived. She avoided Mo Laotian's eyed and especially directed her glances at Daniel and Luangmin to see if the Omega was as beautiful as described online and some of the pictures published.

She was very curious about how the Omega managed to seduce a man like Mo Laotian. Normally in socialite families, marriage wasn't really a big thing. Mostly even, individuals from this circle only really gets married for business purposes.

It was very rare to see couples from these circle that would lasts two years before one of them gets reported having an affair or divorce.

Not long before she glanced at Daniel, Veronica couldn't help but frown to realize Daniel was actually a very stunning individual, no wonder he manage to snatch the most expensive man in the country.

Daniel was the kind of person Veronica especially hates, she was in the entertainment industry for so long and she had seen so many young stars raise s at the top because they were more beautiful than her. She was longer in the industry but she needed to sell her body to be able to get noticed.

If she didn't have that one thing Hanlu likes about her, she would be nothing.

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