
Classified File

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When Hanlu arrived at where the confiscated materials where kept, the leader of the combat team, Aldrin, immediately approaches him as soon as he entered the room.

They had just finished laying down all the materials on the table but they already had ideas about what the spy was trying to get.

" Sir, I think you need to see this. " Aldrin said and Hanlu instantly became serious as he puts down his phone in his pocket. Hanlu followed Aldrin and the moment he approaches the table, the images of Ian Andrews and Lan Andrew immediately caught his attention.

Some of the people associated with him and Mo Laotian has at least one or two pictures. The ones that had a lot of photos were the members of the Mo family, Ian, and Lan.

" What the fuck! He's trying to find out more about us? " Hanlu gasped picking one of Ian and Lan's picture together while on a grocery store.

He scanned more on the pictures and he even finds some of the celebrities he had dated. Looking at the photos the spy had, he had at least been on their tail for almost half a year now.

It's surprising none of them noticed him.

" Yes, his computer had all the files of each member of the Mo family, relatives, friends, and business partners. " Aldrin mentioned. " He was on his way of disposing of all of these when we found all this on a garbage bag, " Aldrin added.

" Any contacts or emails on his computer? It can't just be that he likes to stalk us. " Hanlu questioned. The spy was obviously someone's personal investigator knowing that he does kill as well. The spy is also a pretty well-built man to be just an investigator.

Hanlu thought about it and he wondered how he didn't notice a man like him tailing for the past months. Or even Tian Zi who's even more vigilant than anyone in the family.

" No sir, except these pictures everything was clean. If he's sending information to someone then he must have not used any computer or cellphone device where it can be tracked down. "

" A cautious man. tch. " Hanlu mumbled, Laotian and Hanlu have many enemies and it's hard to track down which one was it.

Seeing how easy for the enemy to dig up information of each member of the family, the enemy must not be just someone they can ignore. If the spy was about to dispose of all his tacks then his job must've been done.

" Where was he seen again? " Hanlu asked again.

" Mr. Mo's office. " Aldrin replied and walked somewhere to get a file. " He must have known Mr. Mo's holiday schedule and took the opportunity to sneak in among the janitors. "

" He took this one from one of the drawers. " The man handed to Hanlu. The second Hanlu opened the file, he immediately knew what it was about.

It's about his brother's new project, a project that will once again surely raise up his value in the country's economy if indeed made to happen. But the project is currently a classified file. Hanlu wondered again how the man knew about the project.

" I think I know what we're dealing with. If older brother arrives, tell him to find me. " Hanlu ordered then left the room bringing with him Ian's picture with Lan and the file.

When he arrived at his destination, Hanlu sat on his chair. He stared at the picture on his hand once more and groans as his mind go wild.

The industry Mo Laotian was trying to enter is not just any common market industry, people who are just like Mo Laotian in terms of social status are of common to compete on it.

Mo Laotian and Hanlu worked together to build the company into where it is now. Although Hanlu and Laotian indeed have capabilities not common in many businessmen, that didn't stop them from doing something a little extreme. Connections aren't just made by talking and bribing, sometimes, things like that don't work and when that happens, desperate measure comes.

Of course, in the business world, Mo Empire isn't just the only company that had done what they've done. In order to ensure success, it's only rational to eliminate competition. And to eliminate comes in many ways.

Mo Empire is a huge company, its fall means the country's fall. And you can imagine what people will do to support Mo Empire in the shadows. Mo Laotian's success means success to all the people that supported him and vice versa.

Opening the folder again on his hand, Hanlu read the words Republic of Botswana, South Africa. He read through the files more and sighs again knowing that the project involves the election of the next president in the country. Hanlu gives out another groan thinking how politics is a very complicated field to concur with despite the similarities in business.

Throwing the file at the side, Hanlu stood up and pour himself a glass of scotch before draining it down on his throat.

Thankfully, the liquid did its purpose as it instantly calmed Hanlu a little bit. Thinking of pouring himself another glass, he stopped midway when Mo Laotian suddenly arrived and sat on the chair across him. Such dark air emanated from around him that instead just for himself, Hanlu also poured another glass for his angered older brother.

" He took this one from your files. " Hanlu said putting down the file on the coffee table after the glass of hard liquor. Laotian didn't have to open the file to know what it was as he knew it very well, better than anybody else.

Actually, Laotian already anticipated something like this would happen as kimberlites are not something that anyone can mine freely.

Mo Empire is new to the industry but the situation now proved that the enemies weren't planning to underestimate him.

Picking up the glass of liquor to take a little sip from it, Laotian once again took a glanced at Daniel's picture. He took it from the confiscated materials when he went a little side trip there before coming to find Hanlu.

When he was unmarried, things like this didn't really matter to Laotian but now that he had someone he wants to protect, he worries for the future.

Things like this were exactly the reason why he regretted some of his life choices.

" So what's the plan!? " Hanlu asked playing with the glass of scotch on his hand moving it in a circular motion. Hanlu knew backing out wasn't one of the options so he asked the older Alpha what he wanted to happen.

Clearly now that the enemy knew who is important to them, Hanlu wants to fix the problem before something unlikely happens.

" Fix him, I'll ask him after that. " Laotian simply said then gulping the bitter liquid down his throat.

" then? " Hanlu asked again raising an eyebrow.

" Let's see what happens. I trust that you can manage your Omega well. "

" Umm!? Y-Yeah, Of course, I can. " Hanlu replied rather unsure. Was his brother joking? Manage Ian Andrews? Was it even possible? Didn't he just came at his mansion this morning and whine about not being able to talk to the Omega properly and then he's asking if Hanlu could manage Ian!?

" Okay, then I'll leave now. I've instructed Aldrin to handle this matter momentarily . " standing up, Laotian stated bringing with him the file stolen from his office. He wants immediately to spend more time with Daniel before he goes back to work again tomorrow morning.

Laotian is also certain his younger brother wants to do that with his Omega as well.

Before fully leaving the room, Laotian glances again at Hanlu and thought for a second. Now that he had seen the younger Alpha, he finally realized what he had done to him and Daniel.

Staring monotonously at Hanlu's shirt with a print saying " I Love Mommy. " Laotian finally talked.

" Make sure to come to work tomorrow. " Laotian told Hanlu making him frown but nodded in the end. He didn't realize that after this time it would be a long time again before he can see Ian or Lan.

After just 2 hours, Hanlu returned to Ian's house only to catch the Omega talking to the man he had shooed early this noon.

He glared from his window car towards the man Ian was talking to. " Persistent bastard. " Hanlu mumbled already thinking of a way how to get rid of the man before stumping out of his car. The moment he left his vehicle Ian immediately saw him making the Omega turn in pale.

" Luu, this isn't what you think it is. " Ian warned looking at the approaching Alpha, he's not afraid Hanlu would think he was cheating since knew Hanlu wouldn't think that.

What he's afraid of is that if Hanlu was thinking Grey was here to pursue him when in fact he wasn't. The Young Alpha only came to apologize to him and to make sure he was fine with a person like Mo Hanlu.

" Yeah right! " Hanlu growls and grabs Ian to the waist before glaring to the young man with Ian pressed against his body.

Grey who watches this can't help but sigh helplessly, Ian very well explains to him earlier that if the Alpha catches him with Ian, he should expect a work transfer the next day.

" Kid, didn't I make it clear to you that you can't handle Ian!? " Hanlu asked brimming with hostility.

" Y-Yeah, I'm really sorry, I just came here to apologize to inspector Andrews and make sure he's fine. " Grey mentioned finally able to gather all his voice to reply.

Even though he was an Alpha himself, Mo Hanlu was on a different level. He always thought Hanlu had so many beauties on his side because of his money but actually not just that, the Alpha was indeed a very attractive man, minus the personality.

It was no doubt that even the frigid Ian Andrews fell for him.

" No need kid, he's safer with me than anybody else in the world. " Hanlu growled and tightened his grip on Ian making the Omega roll his eyes thinking " Whatever. "

" You can go now. You already had your chat. " Hanlu shooed seeing the young man hasn't left yet. If he was at the house to apologize and make sure Ian was fine then no need to stay for too long.

" Ahh, y-yeah! Sorry. I'll go now, sir. " Grey said started walking to his car after receiving a slight nod from Ian.

At this moment he finally accepted that Ian wasn't for him, he liked Ian from the very second he started working at the station and he dreamed of dating the Omega so many times.

He was the only Alpha in the station and Ian was the only Omega, Grey thought it was maybe destiny.

Grey was heartbroken but he was thankful it happened earlier before he really fell deep.

" I told you he was just a junior co-worker.

" Not for him. tch. " Hanlu replied rolling his eyes as he let go of Ian. " Why do you always have men following you around? " Hanlu asked squinting his eyes towards Ian, ever since they were younger, Hanlu could not count how many Alphas he had eliminated up until this day.

" So what are you suggesting? " Ian glared as he growled towards Hanlu.

This topic really hits a bullet in his head. Was it his fault he's a dominant Omega?

It's not like he likes Alphas following him around. If he could choose his gender, he wanted to be a Beta.

No matter how he changes his appearance, making himself a little manlier or how he was tougher than anybody else.

That still doesn't hide his Omega scent.

Even his suppressant couldn't hide it. The only effective way to hide his scent is when he had sex with Hanlu and that too doesn't happen too often.

Of course, he will attract unwanted attention and Ian hated that, ever since he was younger.

" N-Nothing, I was just asking. "

" tch." Glaring again to Hanlu, Ian clicks his tongue in irritation before finally deciding to get back inside the house slamming the door leaving Hanlu alone outside.

" Handle Ian Andrews? How? " Hanlu mumbled before following Ian inside.