
Doraemon: Degenerate Nobita

A doraemon degenerate fic only for the degenerate. Only writing cause the author is really horny. ... One day, an ordinary guy reincarnate as nobita with incubus/lust system in doraemon world. Now with these perks, what will he do? Read to find out. ### Also, it will be a slowed paced so, if you don't like slow pace... well, you should find another one for you cuz it's not for you. ### Additional tags: R@pe, Incest, Mind Control, Every fucked up things drilled into this fic. Read at your own risk. ### This will be wish fulfillment fanfic. Note: For the book to continue and have a steady supply rate of chapters, it would entirely depend on the interactions the story receives and the reader's enthusiasm for this book~. ### Head To My Patreon For More Advance Chapters. https://www.patreon.com/LordRedEx Head To My Buy Me A Coffee Page And Leave A Fucking Tip! buymeacoffee.com/GodlyMadara

AlmightyAzor · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 7: Making Doraemon Leave!

After we both finished our lunch, Doraemon took the plate in which we brought doracake and two glasses downstairs.

"Ah man, now I gotta rot my brain into thinking of a perfect plan to conquer my new 'mother'," I said as I placed my hand on my stomach with a smile.

[Ding, A New Mission Assigned!] The system's notification brought me out of my thoughts, and I looked at the interface with a smile, as it was something I was about to do.

[Mission: Conquer your new mother and give your new father a big green hat!

Requirement to complete: Conquer both her mind and body.

Reward: A random skill

Failure reward: Nothing

Time Limit: 2 Weeks]

[Accept] [Reject]

As I saw the Mission, I grinned from ear to ear and then clicked on the accept option without any hesitation, as there was nothing for me to lose here, and if I succeeded, I would get an additional reward and That's a new skill.

"Bah, I accept it," I said with a grin on my face.

And after accepting the Mission, I was just about to stand up, but then I heard the door of the room sliding and an angry Doraemon coming in.

"Nobita, what am I hearing right now?" He said with an angered face.

"Huh, what happened Doraemon?" I said as I turned toward him.

"I just heard from Shizuka that you talked so badly with her and didn't even apologize. You also beat up Suneo and Gian," he said, with a surprised expression on his face when he said the latter word, but that quickly turned into an angry face.

"Why are you angry, Doraemon? I didn't do anything wrong though. Gian was about to beat me, and Suneo was the one that started the fight. Even Shizuka is in the wrong here too," I said as I brought my hand closer to my face, putting up an act of victimhood.

"I just defended myself. Even you are like that? I thought you were my best friend," I said, dropping some fake tears that even I don't know how I produced.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Nobita. I thought you had beaten Gian, Suneo while hurting Shizuka who was trying to stop the fight," he said, making a guilty face as I grinned hearing that, but Doraemon didn't see that because I was covering my whole face with my hand in an attempt to make him think I was crying and really was the victim.

"Let's go, Nobita, and apologize to Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo," he said, making me raise an eyebrow at that.

"Why, Doraemon? Why do I have to apologize when it's not even my fault?" I said, trying to look angry, which made him feel even more guilt.

"I—" he was about to say something more, but I quickly intervened and spoke first.

"So it's like this, huh? The only one that I thought will listen to me and take my side, turns out to take my fake friend's side and abandoned me, haha," I said as I mimicked a fake laugh of agony, as Doraemon drowned in guilt even more.

"Get out! I don't want to see you," I said, finding an excuse to make him leave for some time to act on my mission.

"Nobita, I—" he tried to say something more, but I didn't give him any chance as I threw a comic book that was near me toward him, which he luckily dodged as I started to throw more.

"Get out. I don't want to see you right now," I said as I threw even more comic books at him while dropping tears, which was a fatal blow to him as he quickly hopped inside the drawer where the time machine was and left for some time.

"Kekekeke, finally! FINALLY some peaceful time for now and the time for me to act on my mission NOW!" I said with a huge grin on my face.


[Doraemon's POV] [Flashback]

As I placed the plate and the two glasses in the kitchen, I was about to head back upstairs when I heard the phone ringing.


After hearing the sound of the telephone ringing, I quickly headed toward the telephone in a hurry and then picked it up.

"Hello, Doraemon speaking!" I said as I waited for the other person to speak.

"*hick *hick Doraemon, do you know what happened to Nobita? He has changed so much overnight," Shizuka said with a voice that indicated she had just stopped crying.

"Uh, Shizuka, what happened? Why are you crying? And what do you mean Nobita has changed?" I said in confusion.

"Nobita. Today, he was so rude while speaking, not like the usual Nobita. He even insulted Suneo and beat him. I also heard that Nobita knocked out Gian who's in a hospital right now," Shizuka said, which unknowingly made me kind of angry toward Nobita.

I don't know why, but I felt it this way hearing that the timid, shy Nobita had done such things. I didn't even need to hear his side of the story because I thought it was all Nobita's fault.

Forgetting that he can't even beat a kid and that today, he breaks up Gian.


[Flashback's END]


"Oh yeah, how could I forget that skill I have. Haha, silly me. System, give me a description of the skill 'Seductive Aura'."

[Seductive Aura: Seductive Aura, just as its name suggests, upon activation, it will release Seductive Aura that will seduce the opposite gender no matter the relationship, status, anything in a matter of seconds.]

"Eh, I thought I would seduce her over the span of 2 weeks, but it seems that I will have to just rely on this, sigh*." I sighed, feeling a little low, but then I became happy again, remembering that in a few minutes or hours, I will get to taste the juicy ass and those huge freaking boobs.

"Haha, screw the patient game. I don't care now. I'll just use this," I said, deciding to give no fucks to my previous decision.


A/N: I thought of making a slow romance type, slowly turning her into a s*x slave, but then I remembered that this is a wish fulfillment, and that there isn't supposed to be much of a plot anyway, hahaha.

Oh yeah, if you, I mean YOU are liking the story, leave a small tip for me through my Buy Me a Coffee account.

I'll see from the response of yours to see if It's worth continuing... bye, mortals!


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