
16: Find The Exit

The adult left with his group while Sage and his group stayed.

"Everyone listen up! I don't know what appeared before you, but I know what did for me! it is a screen that looks exactly like a video game."

Sage explained the system as if it was a game. He instructed them on how to access various things like their status, inventories and skills. Everyone was ready and armed with a weapon.

"Although not everyone may make it out alive, I promise that I will try my best to provide a way out, all you can depend on is yourself. So

let's move out!"

Sage led his team down the first flight of stairs, thankfully there was no monster in sight.

"Alright everyone, stay close together there may be monsters on

the next floor."

As they advanced to the second floor, a civilian spotted several trolls.

"Ah! look there are several monsters ahead approaching us, are those trolls!?"

"Yes! everyone be on guard!"


[Speice> Grass Troll]


"Sage what do we do now!?"

"Mark! make sure everyone remains information. We're going for the kill!"





Sage took the lead when it came to the attacks, he summoned his sabres from his inventory and in an instant sliced the heads of half of the trolls, the rest were taking care of by the others. But it was not easy for them to fight the trolls, because they were once civilians.

'Logia! why are they finding it hard to kill a few trolls? when I was a level one I easily massacred five hundred of them.'

'Don't compare your monstrous strength to normal humans', besides you had the special system at the time. Oh, by the way, have I told you the name I choose? Marco 2.0 what do you think?'


Sage bursts out laughing to the point where the monsters looked his way.

" Oh sorry, you can keep fighting now."

The monsters and hunters looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and continued their battle.

'Ha!Ha! Dude, what is with that name? couldn't you go with something cooler like Rex or something!?'

'Well, I'm not changing it.'

Logia who was filled with embarrassment stopped talking to Sage.

"Hey! come on Logia, I didn't mean to laugh. Ah, whatever."


And the fight proceeded. Sages group fought to the twentieth floor, halfway to the bottom, but something began to seem odd to Sage.

"Mark, do you notice anything weird?"

"Yeah, now that you say it, we haven't seen the other group so far."

"This is odd... Hmmm."

Sage contemplated about the mission, he was sure that there was a hidden meaning behind it.

"Wait a minute! 'finding the exit' doesn't necessarily mean the exit on the ground floor, the real one could be somewhere else!"

"Does that mean the other team already made it out!?"

"No, I don't think so, I don't think it's that easy. Everyone! check for clues in the area, even the smallest thing could be a clue."

Everyone searched the vicinity for clues before they could find anything an alert popped up.


[*Time > 30mins left*]

Ahh, seriously!? not right now!"

After a few minutes, they found a clue.

"Yo Sage! we found a clue come over here!"

Sage rushed over to a wall at the entrance of the nineteenth floor.

"What did you find?"

"Some wired looking words, none of us can read it."

"Hmm... Let's see."

Sage took a good look at the words on the wall, it immediately changed to a language he could understand.


[*You have acquired the skill translate*]

[ You can understand all Languages including the one that does not exist on earth.]

'Oh! nice, Logia do you see this I gained a new skill! You still won't talk huh?'

"Guys I think we need to go back up to the top floor."

Sage explained to the group. But people started to panic.

"Wait so you're saying we have to go back again!? What do you mean by that!?"

Others began to murmur.

*Isn't he telling us that what we did before now was worthless?*

*I knew it, I should have gone with the other group.*


People began to doubt Sage, but then Mark stepped in.

"Look, everyone! do you think we would still be alive without him!? Or could you have escaped out of here on your own?

Everyone became quiet and the air became tense the people faces were filled with guilt.

"It's okay Mark I mean who would believe a teenager like me? unlike you adults, we children are just kids who lack experience of the world no?"

Sage's smile became ominous and all the adults broke into a cold sweat, there was immense pressure in the air. Being completely oblivious to the pressure Mark patted Sage's shoulders.

"It's alright Sage, I believe you."

Mark's eyes were sparkling like the night sky while he expressed he complete trust for Sage.

Using a sarcastic tone Logia decided to speak.

'You have some weird friends, don't you Sage?'

'Oh shut up you! now you talk, what about your psycho disciple who is trying to kill you?'

"Sure, thanks for the help, Mark. Now! if anyone still wants to follow me you better, because I won't be coming back."

Sage and Mark left to return to the top floor, others followed suit. The adults who said rude things to Sage were three steps behind.


"Bunch of cowards, in the end, they still followed us."

Sage scuffed at how cowardice humanity could be while recollecting memories he wished he never had, The memories of his father leaving home.

On their way up, they encountered venomous spiders that were the size of toddlers. They smoothly fought their way up thanks to Sage.




[*Time> 15mins left*]

They reached the top of the building, back to the helipad.

"I guess we're back up here, this is the exit everyone."

"Sage what do you mean!? here!?"

"Yep, we'll have to jump down the building form the helipad."

"What!!!!!!?" (everyone in unison)

<End of chapter>

Thanks for reading! (⌒▽⌒)☆

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Ah!! I'm so selfish!! \(≧▽≦)/

Any way thank you for reading once again!! (*≧ω≦*)

Love you all ❤

Rankuzacreators' thoughts