

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

winter_yanyan · ファンタジー
57 Chs


 Qin Ziran's face changed several colors, what is the origin of this Gong Yi?

He heard Gong Yi say again,

 "First, at this very moment, you have to clear people out and give up beds. This is understandable, but I think your low-level administrators are also free and have time to fight with a woman. Instead should you take good care of the luggage and the injured outside."

  "Second, first create a stable place and transfer people out in batches. The role of your management is to use a good attitude to solve the emotional problems of the injured in a civilized manner. The energy should be used where it is more useful, and don't grab the work of the garrison."

  The management class solves the problem in a civilized manner, and if it cannot be solved, the garrison is used.

  So you can't put the cart before the horse.

  After finishing speaking, Gong Yi's fierce eyes fell on the few remaining administrators.

  He didn't seem to see the low-level administrators who fell to the ground and were smashed to the ground by Hua Mi.

  Several administrators looked at Gong Yi and then at Qin Ziran, but said nothing.

  A few guards with guns came up around them, took out their guns, and pointed them steadily at the few managers.

  If you have the ability not to go out to pick up luggage, and try not to help the injured person who was thrown out? As soon as he dies, he will know whether Gong Yi's words are just words.

  The few remaining low-level managers who had achieved great success went out to work in a hurry.

  It was also at this time that Qin Ziran realized that although he had become the management commander of the emergency department, facing someone of Gong Yi's level, all his orders were bullshit.

  People easily declared a state of wartime emergency.

  The garrison all listened to Gong Yi, and the administrators were all afraid of the guns in the garrison's hands. What's the matter with Qin Ziran?

 Qin Ziran watched helplessly as Gong Yi gave the order, took Hua Mi's wrist, and led her outside the emergency room.

  His throat seemed to be blocked with a ball of cotton, he wanted to tell Hua Mi to stop, but he didn't dare.

  Walking out of the emergency room, Gong Yi pointed at Hua Mi, and directly ordered the garrison standing outside, "Find a few people and cooperate with her to find a place for the injured lifeguard and clean it up."

  Seeing the injured lifeguard getting more and more many, Gong Yi decided to separate lifeguards from ordinary survivors.

  In this way, Hua Mi, who helps take care of the lifeguards, doesn't have to meet Qin Ziran face to face.

  Moreover, Gong Yi could see clearly that the lifeguards were stuffed into ordinary wounded patients, but in fact they did not get the care of more special medical resources in the emergency area.

  So far, the people who took care of Cao Feng and Tang You were all hired by Hua Mi.

  The medicines given to Cao Feng and Tang You are also Huami's medicines.

  Gong Yi blatantly suppressed Qin Ziran just now, and he was always worried about putting his people under Qin Ziran's nose.

  It's easy to block open spears, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. I'm afraid that Qin Ziran, a little trash, will play tricks.

  As soon as Gong Yi's words fell, several nearby garrisons on patrol came.

  He looked at the raincoats they were wearing, compared with his own tarpaulin that looked like a cape.

  The resolute man covered in muddy water didn't say a word, he covered Hua Mi's head with his big hand, pressed the center of Hua Mi's eyebrows with his thumb, and led the lifeguard behind him to leave quickly.

  The interaction between the two is seen by everyone.

  The garrison and lifeguards exchanged a mysterious look with each other.

  Look, Sister Hua and Boss ...hehehe.

  Of course, those who saw this action also included Dai Fang who was drenched in the rain in the distance.

  There was deep disdain in her eyes, and she was even more contemptuous of Hua Mi's behavior.

  Gong Yi's action towards Hua Mi prove it.

  It can only prove that Hua Mi is indeed as Fang Xin said, flirting with men everywhere behind Mr. Qin's back.

  Seeing that Gong Yi's people had finally left, Dai Fang immediately stepped forward, hiding from Huami, preparing to go to the emergency room and complain to Qin Ziran.

  As a result, a garrison stood in front of her and said with a blank expression,

  "Our boss said, all the management staffs should go to pack the luggage thrown by you, comfort the injured, build a safe house, and transfer the wounded properly. And avoid them from suffering."


  Before Dai Fang could finish speaking, a gun was suddenly thrust into her forehead.

  Her legs trembled in fright, and she said,

 "I, I'll go right away, I'll go right away."

  Hua Mi heard the news, touched the center of her brow and turned her head, looked at the submissive Dai Fang, and said "tsk".

  This Dai Fang really has no backbone.

  She shook her head, and before she could analyze the meaning of Gong Yi's action, she suddenly remembered something.

  It's raining endlessly, and the lifeguards don't have raincoats yet.

  Hua Mi hurriedly caught up, took out the tarpaulin from the big satchel, and stuffed it into the hands of the lifeguards, "Put it all on your body, tie it tight around the neck, er, er, grab the two corners and tie a knot. "

  She took out a piece of tarpaulin, another piece, and another piece.

 When Cao Feng and others who followed Huami came out with large and small bags, Huami had already attached them to everyone who returned to the emergency center. Lifeguards, all issued a tarp.

  No one had the time to count how many tarpaulins Huami carried in her satchel.

  The rescue team, who was in a hurry to save people, didn't have the thought to count this down.

  Just when Hua Mi had finished distributing the tarpaulins, the garrison arrived with a bus.

  This is for Tang You and Cao Feng, as well as all the rescuers who will appear later.

  Hua Mi thought for a while, and asked them to park the bus on the square of the relief center, which is next to the caravan she was selling mineral water.

  The 10-year-old Xiaofu looked back at the emergency department in disgust, and asked innocently, "Why don't we stay as far away from those bad guys as possible?"

  The bad guys she was talking about were Qin Ziran and Dai Fang, the administrators of the emergency department.

  Hua Mi held her umbrella and said with a smile: "Although they hate us, they don't have the final say on the relief center now, but Boss Gong manages the order, and it's very convenient here. Only by being here can you feel safe."

  If Hua Mi is just alone, she prefers to live away from the crowd in the last days.

  Because in the late end of the world, human beings will have mutated reactions.

  Those who mutate successfully become supernatural beings, and those who fail to mutate become zombies.

  So living among the crowd is not a very good thing.

  But it is not a very wise choice to leave the relief center at this time and go to other places to accommodate the wounded of the rescue team.

  Because at this time, all the materials purchased by the management of Xiangcheng were concentrated in the temporary rescue center.

  If you move away from the relief center and act alone, you may not even have three meals a day and two snacks.

  It is the key point to be able to enjoy free three meals a day and two snacks.

  What's more, Hua Mi is not fighting alone in this life, the garrison and lifeguards treat her very well, and she can't help but take care of these people.

  In other words, after finishing the free three meals a day and two snacks, the relief center will be in a state of lack of clothing and food, so let's talk about it later.