
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · SF
112 Chs

Linxian City Survivor Base(2)

On the Baiyin Avenue, a military jeep was speeding along. Don was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a submachine gun and firing wildly at the zombies on the roadside. The sound of gunfire attracted a large group of zombies to converge on the road.

"Captain, save some bullets," Carter said helplessly.

After emptying a magazine of bullets, Don felt a mix of sadness and anger. He had nowhere to vent his frustration and said, "I'm just a useless person. If I had commanded properly, Glen and the others wouldn't have sacrificed."

Speaking of Glen, Carter's nose felt sour, but he held back his tears and said, "Captain, that's why we need to safely reach the base to not let Glen's sacrifice be in vain!"

"Sigh!" Don sighed deeply, bowed his head, and remained silent. Carter also fell silent. The atmosphere inside the car became somewhat oppressive for a while.

Suddenly, a voice came through the radio. "Captain, this is Glen, respond if you hear me!"

Carter, still immersed in grief, thought he was having auditory hallucinations upon hearing the voice from the radio. With a mournful face, he said, "Captain, I think I'm hallucinating."

"I also seem to hear Glen's voice," Don murmured in agreement.

Meanwhile, Glen found it strange. According to reason, although the power equipment in Linxian City was paralyzed, the signal tower was still intact, not to mention that he was using satellite communication equipment, so there shouldn't be any signal issues.

"Why, couldn't get through?" Anthony asked curiously.

Glen shook his head awkwardly, picked up the radio, and puzzledly said, "This shouldn't be happening!" "Let me try again!"

With that in mind, Glen pressed the radio again and said, "Captain, this is Glen, respond if you hear me."

Inside the military vehicle, the voice came through the radio once again. This time, Carter and Don exchanged glances and looked at the radio. After confirming it was Glen's voice, Don's face filled with joy, and he eagerly snatched the radio, saying, "Glen, is that you? This is Captain Don!"

Upon hearing Don's voice, Glen's voice also became excited. "Captain, it's me."

"How are you doing, kid?" Now that he confirmed Glen was alive, Don immediately calmed down and asked.

Glen replied, "I'm doing great." Then he explained, "I thought I was done for, and guess what, Captain?"

"Don't fucking tease me, spit it out," Don said, his tears still fresh, mixing laughter with curses.

Glen said, "A master saved me."

"Don't be vague, explain it clearly," Don said.

Glen said, "Captain, I can't explain it right now, but in short, come back and pick me up, and you'll find out then."

"Okay! You stay put, kid," Don said. Afterward, Don glanced at Carter beside him.

Carter made an OK gesture and said, "Captain, just keep an eye out!" Suddenly, Don slammed on the brakes, followed by a sharp turn, pressing the accelerator to the floor. In an instant, the large jeep sped off again, heading back towards the Walmart supermarket.

In less than five minutes, the Walmart Square appeared in front of them. The vehicle came to a sudden stop. Don opened the door and jumped out, rushing towards Glen for a bear hug. Then he laughed and scolded, "You brat, I thought you wouldn't make it back. You made me cry like a damn woman all the way."

Glen awkwardly touched the back of his head and said, "Captain, it's all thanks to the Great master."

In a hurry, Glen pulled Don towards Anthony and introduced, "Great master, this is our captain."

Anthony looked at the lean man in front of him, nodded, and extended a hand, saying, "Hello, I'm Anthony, from Linxian City."

Don looked at the tall and thin, fair-skinned young man in front of him with surprise. It was hard to imagine that such a fragile-looking young man could take down two first-order mutants. He shook Anthony's hand with both of his and said, "Brother, I'm Don, Glen's captain. Thanks to you for saving Glen this time. If you need anything from me, just let me know. If I even frown, you can chop me with a knife, except for anything that violates discipline."

With Don's words, Anthony could tell that he was a passionate and loyal man. Without hesitation, he nodded and said, "Alright, then I'll rely on Captain Don from now on."

"Don't be so polite, Anthony. I'm older than you, just call me Don," Don warmly said.

Anthony nodded and said, "Don, to be frank, I do have some questions for you."

"Sure, let's talk in the car," Don said, gesturing for Anthony to get in. However, as he looked at the two first-order mutant corpses on the ground, he took out a satellite phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the call connected. "This is Armor One, speak if you have something."

Don said, "I'm Military Vehicle One. With the help of Anthony here, we've killed two first-order mutants. Should we request the Chu Provincel Headquarters to send someone to collect samples?"

" killed a first-order mutant?" The person on the other end of the satellite phone was clearly taken aback. After a moment of thought, they said, "You return to the base first. When the time comes, headquarters will send someone, and we'll make a decision then."

"Alright." Don hung up the phone and looked at Anthony, making a gesture of invitation.

Anthony nodded and was about to get in the car when suddenly he paused and glanced at the nearby Walmart supermarket. He said to Don, "Can you wait for a moment?"

Don casually waved his hand and said, "No problem, we'll wait."

"Thanks," Anthony said with gratitude. In a flash, he disappeared from the spot. Watching Anthony suddenly disappear, Don and Carter finally believed Glen's words. This tall and slender young man was indeed a master.

Ten minutes later, Anthony reappeared in the same spot. Upon closer inspection, one would notice a slight bulge in his backpack.

"What's this?" Don asked curiously.

"Take something," Anthony explained.

"Alright, let's get in the car then," Don waved his hand, and Anthony didn't hesitate, directly sitting in the passenger seat. Glen and Carter drove the other two military vehicles.

Half an hour later, the three vehicles stopped in front of a vocational school. Anthony looked at the familiar building in front of him, and a complex emotion surged within him.

Before his rebirth, he struggled for more than ten days during the apocalypse before entering this survivor base. He thought it would be a fresh start after the despairing life, but upon seeing that damn bitch, he realized it wasn't as easy as he had thought. Daisy arranged him into the most dangerous scavenger team, doing the most exhausting work, and receiving the least even moldy food.

Later, he met that girl. Anthony saw her pitiful state and gave her half a loaf of bread, and she regarded him as the most important person. Every time they returned from scavenging, she would quietly wait for him and carefully bandage his wounds. They didn't talk much, but they instinctively considered each other as family.

Until the day before the zombie tide arrived, he never expected that a half-day departure would become a permanent farewell. He excitedly returned to his dwelling only to find a lifeless corpse, and the murderer even boasted in front of him.

That day, Anthony swore that Evan must die. Now, in his second life, learning that she was in the survivor base and about to meet her, Anthony felt a hint of fear. He was afraid that all of this wasn't real.

"Anthony, what's wrong with you?" Don couldn't help but ask as he observed Anthony's changing facial expressions.

Anthony shook his head and said, "It's nothing." He took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluctuating emotions in his heart.

Soon, the iron gate of the vocational school opened. The three military vehicles drove in. As soon as they got out of the car, a man in uniform approached them with a few people around him. Don quickly went forward to explain the situation.

The man nodded and looked at Anthony, equally surprised that such a fragile-looking young man had the ability to kill first-order mutants. He extended a hand and said, "Comrade Anthony, hello, I'm Ross, the Chief Commander of the Linxian Search and Rescue Team of the Chu Capital Military Region."

"Anthony, from Linxian City," Anthony reached out a hand in return as a gesture of greeting.

Ross shook his hand and said, "According to Captain Don, you're looking for a comrade named Annabelle."

"Yes, where is she now? I hope to meet her as soon as possible," Anthony said anxiously.

Ross smiled and said, "Of course, that's not a problem." He then pointed in a direction and said, "We've built a refuge settlement in the backyard by the lake of the Linxian Vocational and Technical College. Unless something unexpected happened, she should be there."

"However, before meeting Comrade Annabelle, I need..." Anthony began to say.

"Thank you." Without waiting for Ross to finish, Anthony's figure flashed, and he headed straight towards the settlement. Right now, all he wanted was to see her quickly.