
Doomed to Fall, Destined to Fail

This is the story of a man who has been forsaken by the Gods. A man who is destined no doomed for failure in his journey of life. A man who will lose everything and everyone he loves and knows due to this destiny. The story of a man who has not yet realized his fate but will soon cry out against the heavens. This is the story of the man named William Clark and his doomed journey around the multiverse. Time and time again he will lose everything and he will rebuild himself. Will William be able to save himself from his eventual final demise or will he truly lose everything forever? Find out in Doomed to Fall, Destined to Fail

Animecormade · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Welcome to the world

William Clark had done it again, he had died for the 1,500th time in his life via Hydrogen cyanide poisoning. He didn't really mind it of course after all he's died so many times and lost everything just like that. This time he was targeted for assassination cause he married a girl he fell in love with in this world and got killed by her former lover. Just when he was about to devote himself to living a happy life as well.

Soon after dying he would find himself in a white space, the same space he would find himself in whenever he died the last few 1,499 times. "Oh brother I gotta go through this shit again." William said to himself as he waited in the white void until it happened. A crack in time and space opened up sucking him through it. Woop, Zoop, sloop he was being pulled through a wormhole through time and space. As he looked at the side of the wormhole as he was pulled through he saw nothing but black void and massive ticking clocks. He'd been in this white void more then enough times already. It wasn't anything new.

And suddenly then! William would wake up yelling and crying as bright light flooded his vision. He could feel a warm embrace as a woman held him in her arms close to her chest. William thought in his mind. "Guess I've been reincarnated instead of transmigrated this time." He continued crying and screaming until his mom got him to calm down as a man who seemed to be his father entered the room. Taking a look at what seemed to be his parents he could see his mom had quite the beautiful face looking like quite a looker. She had long pointed ears, amber eyes, long blonde hair, and a light kind smile on her face as she looked at him. Being just a baby he still had an innocent look on his face as he looked towards his dad.

He was a tall man looking close to 6'0 something maybe. He had dark brown hair, light blue eyes, and an incredibly handsome face by Williams standards. In this life seems like he would grow up to be quite a lady killer. And as he thought to himself he said. "Guess this is my welcome to the world! Well there's no turning back now let's go give em hell!"


A/N: I would like to inform you all that I plan on having this story be quite different from all of the other trashy things I've written. I plan on making it well more high quality then any of them. Along with that William will face way more set backs, struggles, etc seeing as I intend this to be more dark, realistic, and overall violent then any of my other stories. William after all is a man fighting against destiny when it comes to his life. He's doomed and destined for failure making him a doomed hero. I know some people might not be happy without I might execute certain things or the idea of the story so this is just a warning. If you don't like it in the early parts then it will either get better or worse from there on out and so I ask you to be willing to take the chance that it gets better.