


 Waking up, meeting a neurologist telling her of the break down of her nervous system having multifunctional glioblastomas .Finding out the frequent cause of her dizziness and throw up . 

 Possessing a tumor with a non ideal locations, she could do was say yes to not carrying out biopsy with an expressionless face. Performing a biopsy which can help in finding more about the tumor, was the last thing on her plate since she didn't have time. Moreover, she didn't see any use in living back again for it was all crushed .

 Mr. Jung , Tak Dong Kyungs doctor, friend and colleague in writing was a man in his mid thirties with no wife or child currently. He does doubles jobs one as a doctor in one one the most renowned hospitals at Seoul, Korea and the other as a writer. Dong Kyung is an editor at a less busy editorial company with only five workers with her included. Having lost her parents both at an automible accident with only her her aunt, mother's twin sister identicals with her brother Dong and her best friend Ji Na and her colleagues at worker, where the only ones there for her. 

 Coming to the hospital only to know of that she is terminally ill from, Mr. Jung Dung. It was somehow like a big blowww to her face.Where are only chances of living cannot be more than five months if a surgery is carried out but none was about three months, 100 days. Maybe it was because she didn't have the hope or faith of living and with no one to hold on to she never agreed with whatever comes out of Mr. Park in for her to live long.