
how bad is a little white lie

In the hushed confines of the classroom, Hans Müller and his comrades, Johann, Ernst, and Klaus, exchanged furtive glances laden with unspoken worries. Beyond the windowpanes, Berlin hummed with the ominous whispers of impending conflict.

"I can't shake this feeling of foreboding," Ernst confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

Johann nodded gravely, his eyes reflecting the somber mood. "The world seems on the brink of chaos."

Klaus leaned in closer, his voice a mere breath. "What if we're called to fight?"

Hans, usually reserved, found his voice amidst the weighty silence. "We've all heard the call to arms. We know what's expected of us."

The specter of war loomed large over their youthful aspirations, casting shadows upon their dreams of tomorrow. As their classmates buzzed with academic pursuits, they shared a solemn understanding of the gravity of the times.

"We promised to stand together, come what may," Ernst declared, his tone resolute, his gaze meeting each of theirs in turn.

Johann clasped Ernst's shoulder in silent agreement. "Then together we shall face whatever lies ahead."

As the final bell tolled, signaling the end of another school day, they stole away from the confines of academia, embarking on a clandestine journey fraught with uncertainty.

Under the cloak of night, they navigated the labyrinthine streets of Berlin, guided by the flickering lamplight to the threshold of destiny—the recruitment office. Their hearts quickened with each step, pulses synchronized with the drumbeat of anticipation.

As they stood before the stern-faced recruiter, a palpable tension hung in the air, thick with the weight of their shared resolve.

"Names?" The recruiter's voice cut through the silence, piercing their facade of determination.

Hans exchanged a wary glance with his comrades before summoning the courage to speak. "Hans Müller, Johann Richter, Ernst Schmidt, and Klaus Wagner."

The recruiter's brow arched skeptically, his gaze probing their youthful countenances. "And how old are you boys?"

Johann hesitated for a moment, exchanging a glance with his friends before responding with practiced resolve. "Eighteen, sir. Old enough to serve our country with honor."

A flicker of doubt crossed the recruiter's features, but he said nothing more, passing them the enlistment papers as a silent testament to their shared conviction.

As they etched their signatures upon the parchment, they embarked upon a journey that would test the limits of their courage, their loyalty, and their very humanity.

Little did they know, it was just the prologue to a harrowing odyssey that would shape the tapestry of their lives and the destiny of a generation.