
Chapter 3 The energy imprint jammer

The command center has been in a constant motion panic for the last half an hour. Prisoners were constantly escaping and the Mobile task force, along with the containment force, could barely keep up the pace.

Mobile task force was created to contain new found monsters in an outdoor/open world types of environments. Their equipment had minimalistic effect in an indoors environment. The main force here was the containment force.

Containment force is a special brigade of trained fighters. They study each and every monster their facility contains to the tiniest of details. They are the elites, the professionals. Their only purpose is to know everything and be ready for everything.

The task force has already managed to detain 11 of the 50+ escaped prisoners in half an hour. There have been casualties, though. The containment force has 500 men in it. They have already lost 58 of them to the escaped prisoners. The casualties would only keep piling up as time goes by.

Their next mission was to detain 3 of the 5 most dangerous monsters in the facility. Jack, the human who can dodge bullets and lift cars with bare hands. Tetras, the demon who's strength is way beyond normal biological boundaries. Specs, the ancient, organic type artifact, created by one of the origin craftsman, with the power to turn into anything and anyone. It has no bones, muscles, organs or anything that could pose a weakness. Basically unkillable, unless completely turned to ash.

There were still threats like 37, 768 and 27 with them, but 27 was just a fragile creature with no defensive powers. One bullet is enough to kill her and one tranquilizer is enough to knock her out. 37 was big and had high density fat. Not even a bullet can completely penetrate his big like thick hide. Farsight was nothing dangerous, only his ability to see 5 seconds into the future is dangerous about him. The most unique thing about that is the destination can be anywhere. He can see 5 seconds into the future of any 5 meter radius place he wishes.

The containment force recontained the last batch of prisoners and headed out to intercept the 6 prisoners of team A, near the weapons storage, in the light containment zone.

While the facilities most elite 442 guards were coming to contain the 6 prisoners, they were freely wandering the facility looking for the artifacts Jack and Tetras needed.

"Tetras, where is that gauntlet of yours? It has to be in the light containment zone, weapons storage area, but we can't seem to find it anywhere!"

"I don't know where it is. Normally I can sense it easily, but the jailers must have activated THAT artifact to mess with my sense."

"At least you have some good news. THAT artifact is the one I came here steal. Let's first focus on finding THAT artifact, deactivating it and taking it? After it is deactivated and I have gotten what I want, we can focus on finding your gauntlet and getting out of here. The jailers must have already realized where we would be, so the containment force should be knocking on our doors sooner or later!"

"Guys, I think I know how to find the thing Jack is looking for!"

"Don't stall and start talking, Luis!"

"The artifact Jack spoke of is an extremely precious and powerful tool. It can disable any Qi and mana fluctuation and activity within a certain radius. But It doesn't have an infinite range. Tetras, find the nearest artifacts you can feel and tell me where they are located at!"

"I can't sense mana or Qi! The abyss demon clan can't use or feel mana and Qi. We need our gauntlets to be able to convert some of our physical energy into mana. That's the reason we all wear gauntlets. Without the gauntlet, we are a lot weaker and completely powerless against anything with non physical attacks. Our gauntlets are the most precious tools to us. Loosing ones gauntlet is the greatest shame to any member of the abyss demon clan."

"Anyone up for a good ol session of game of thrones SHAME? I'm pretty sure we passes some kind of bell on the way here!"

"I did not take you for a joker, Jack. Where the hell has your shitty sense of humor been all this time?"

"Shut up Farsight. We don't have time, we need to split up. I'll go with Farsight, Blob and Specs. You take Luis and look in the left wing. We will take the right wing. If you find THAT artifact or the gauntlet, you can rendezvous with us. Farsight, keep your left eye on them while using your right eye on us." (A.N. Farsight's left and right eye can see either 5 seconds into the past or 5 seconds into the future. Each eye can only see one timeline. He has to close an eye to see into the future or past. If the eye is open, it is already seeing a timeline aka the present. Farsight generally uses left to see the past and right to see the future.)


Team A split up into 2 and went looking for THAT artifact. Tetras and Luis went to the left wing of the light containment zone. Jack and the rest went to the right wing of the light containment zone.

The command center saw this and relaid the information to the containment force. They were to apprehend Tetras and Luis first. Going after them would be easier, as the only battle capable person there is Tetras, while the other team consists solely of monsters who can't be killed by gunshots.

Jack and his team went to the right wing. The right wing consisted of a bunch of different rooms containing different swords and weird items. Not even the jailers themselves know what the artifacts might do, much less 3 humans and a weapon. Jack didn't want to take the risk of picking up a random artifact.

Artifacts could contain immeasurable power. They are mostly weapons designed for combat and destruction. They could be powerful weapons or traps. Some might be cursed or evil artifacts. The possibilities are endless and the risk is too great.

Jack and the gang knew not to take a random artifact and use it when they know nothing about it.

After an entire hour of searching 3 storage areas, Jack opened the 4th storage area and saw a place full of crates full of weird constructions and recognized the room. It was the one he raided when he snuck in here for the first time and right on queue, Jack saw the thing he has been looking for.

"There it is, the energy imprint jammer!"

"Hold it right there, monsters. We knew you would be coming here and have already prepared an ambush. Surrender peacefully and we won't put hundreds of destabilizing bullets through you. Take note, we are authorized to kill!"