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SD_SR · テレビ
154 Chs

Chapter 8: The Pact


Thanks to those who are still sticking with the fic, I hope I have made up for the long waiting period between the chapters by posting 4 additional chapters over the course of yesterday and today.

As always, Comments are highly appreciated and I will accept as many questions as I can without spoiling the future.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Everything seemed to have gone downhill after the fight erupted at the feast; something had made the king move the wedding up to that night, he had to practically force the Septon to perform the ceremony in the great hall, then in the sept.

The wedding was supposed to be one the greatest the realm had ever seen, to celebrate the marriage between a Kings' daughter and an heir to a powerful house, now it was nothing more than a single feast that ended in disaster.

Aerion had learned the name of the man he saved, Ser Laenor's companion, Joffrey Lonmouth, he was ushered away by the maesters in critical condition, Laenor was practically on the verge of tears, such a weak match for the princess, crumbling for all to see.

Rhaenyra's sworn shield, Ser Criston, was ordered down into the black cells to await further questioning for his actions, what could make a knight act like such a rabid dog, Aerion had no idea, though he has experienced that level of anger before.

Aerion searched the keep for Daemon but there was no sign of him within the Red Keep, it was as if he vanished into thin air, though no doubt he found himself in the company of some whores in Flea Bottom.

He found himself back in his chambers before the night was done, refusing to watch Rhaenyra such a pathetic excuse of man, while he knew House Velaryon would be the better ally to Rhaenyra, he hated it with every fibre of his being.

"They were going to kiss." he thought to himself as he slumped down onto the chair, with a goblet filled with honeyed wine, his mind constantly on that moment, Daemon's hand on her neck, their lips were so close to connecting.

Had his rejection of marrying her secretly affected their relationship so much as to move on to someone else, his father of all people.

A loud creek came from the corner of his room where the secret passage was located, and as it opened, a brush of cold wind filled the room and made the prince shiver, and soon came Rhaenyra, still wearing the dress of the feast, tears rolling down her face.

She closed the passage, and as the cold air vacated the room, the candle sat beside Aerion extinguished, and the room became awfully darker.

Her velvet eyes were at their brightest whenever she cried, and he lifted his goblet towards her, and she grabbed hold of it, taking a sip "What's the matter, Princess?" his tone had been cold as he asked her, showing no emotion to her current state.

She ran her thumb across her eyes, wiping away the tears as best she could "Laenor is with Joffrey, the maesters say his injuries were severe, and that he may not live." she planted herself onto Aerion's lap, and buried her face in his shoulder, sobbing like a child "This is all my fault."

"Why would it be your fault?" he asked curiously, running his fingers through her hair, taking in the smell of lavender "You could hardly blame yourself for Ser Criston's outburst." but he knew she had much to blame herself for.

"He is my sworn shield, and thus my responsibility, I am the reason he is currently fighting for his life." she scried.

Aerion could not help but roll his eyes and pout, he was supposed to be mad at her, not comfort her on an pathetic issue, and yet despite being angry, she brought comfort to him, her very presence calming him.

"Look at me." he demanded, a bite in his tone; to which she responded by looking directly into his eyes, he placed his hand on her chin, and ran his thumb underneath her eyes to wipe away the tears "You do not blame yourself, dragons do not concern themselves with the actions of sheep."

He pulled her into a kiss, though their lips parted abruptly, and images of her and Daemon filled his mind once again and forced him to pull away, turning his head away from her.

"What's the matter?" she asked him, as he tapped his fingers along the arm of the chair, and he tilted his head back towards her as she smiled softly.

"Nothing…" he shook his head "Well…If I asked you something, would you be truthful?" he asked, his voice faint and low, running his hand along the skin of her neck.

"I have been nothing but truthful to you, I wouldn't begin to lie now." she responded.

"How do I tell you this.." he mumbled to himself "I..I saw you with Daemon." she looked taken aback by his response, even going as far as to remove herself from his lap, causing a scoff from Aerion.

He took a sip from his wine, and his attitude had turned cold and stiff "the way you looked to each other as you spoke, even before that moment, the small glances at the table.."

"What are you trying to insinuate?" she bit back at him "And remember I am still the Princess, and heir to the throne."

"That perhaps you feel something for my father; maybe it is he whom you wish to see in your bed, than myself." Aerion insulted her by how he spoke, and soon rose from the chair, planting the goblet down onto the table and taking a step towards her.

"How could…I did not come into your chambers that night to sleep with you, Aerion." she attempted to push him away "How could you even think that of me? I am not some whore on the street of silk, I am a princess!"

"Then why did you?" he asked "I could be put to the sword for our transgressions, the least you could explain is why this has happened, was it because I rejected your proposal? and what is this thing between you and Daemon?!" he lowered his tone "I don't want us to break apart because of this."

"It…well, it is not easy to explain." she had trouble finding the words, causing her to take a deep breath, and gripping tightly onto Aerion's wrists "Daemon was not just sent away, he was exiled by my father, being instructed to either return to you in the Vale, or across the sea to Essos."

"The night before he was exiled…" she bit her bottom lip "Daemon took me out into the city for some fun, I thought it was harmless at first, we have always been close, and it had been years since we saw each other last."

Aerion listened carefully, finding himself placing a hand on her neck as she explained "He took me to see a show, some comedic retelling of the succession between Aegon and me." she took another deep breath.

"After that, he took me to a brothel, I don't know why, I think he wanted to teach me that both a man and a woman can experience pleasure, we kissed, and when I thought it may go further, he abandoned me."

"He abandoned you in a brothel?"

"I managed to find my way back to the red keep, ofcourse, but..I was so angry with Daemon, and I had this hunger for something more." she paused "and thats when I found myself in the company of my sworn protector, Criston Cole."

Aerion couldn't believe what he was hearing, and yet the man's outburst made a lot more sense than what he originally thought.

"You slept with Ser Criston?" Aerion continued to think, if he could see something had happened with her and Daemon, surely it would not be challenging for another to find out something may have happened between her and Ser Criston, looks can give away so many secrets.

"I did…and I regret it, completely.." she admitted "Had I known what he would turn into because of it, then I would never have done it in the first place, he has gone from my closest confidant..to…I don't know what he is." her hands ran up his arms, caressing his neck.

"I told you the truth..I wouldn't have done so had I not cared for you, and while I admit I may have feelings for Daemon, he is in the past, and it is you I want." she shared a warm smile.

He was relieved to finally hear the truth, the anger he was feeling had lifted, and he felt he could finally forgive her actions "And why is it me you want, Princess?" he asked "I am no better, I have my own demons, things you have not seen." she made him feel a sense of freedom, ripping away the layer of protection he often wore in front of others.

"That is not true.." she replied "You are gentle." he felt her hand trail down his body and the other settle over his heart as she faintly whispered in his ear "and honourable.." he held his hand over hers, and intertwined their fingers "And the kindest man I know.."

"You must not know many men.." he chuckled "those who are honourable, do not sleep with married women." he smirked "Perhaps I could drag you in front of your new husband.." he teased, knowing himself to be none of those things she mentioned.

"You jest." she giggled, slapping her hand playfully against his chest.

"Oh certainly not, Princess, perhaps I will even allow him to join in.." he dropped his face into his neck, planting small pecks downwards towards her shoulders, tugging at the laces of her dress.

"Aerion…wait." she pulled back gently, and in response, he let out a groan of annoyance "If we are to go any further, we must discuss it with Laenor, and let him know." 

"Why in the gods would we do that, hm?"  he asked.

"I don't want what happened tonight with Ser Criston to happen again, I know about Joffrey, it is only fair he learn of you." she answered.

"You think I would have an outburst as Ser Criston did?" he shrugged, "You must not think very highly of me."

"Come on, Aerion…you know what I mean." she replied "Until then, you are just going to have to keep it in your pants, hm?" she smirked.

"Then tell me, Princess, how would you go about telling him the truth between us?" he asked, stepping away and taking another sip of his honeyed wine.

"We will tell him at sunrise." she responded "let him sit at Joffrey's bedside for tonight, and we will meet you in my chambers then." she continued as Aerion nodded "Good, then use the secret passage, to be sure we are not interrupted." 

She soon left his presence and left into the shadows of the secret passageways, and Aerion finished his wine before settling down for the night.

The next morning…

Aerion woke considerably earlier than usual to meet with Rhaenyra in her chambers, he opened up the passage to his room once he had dressed, deciding against taking his sword with him.

The secret passages within the Red Keep could be compared to that of a maze, he had explored everyone nook and cranny with Rhaenyra and even got lost once, there were rumors that servants took the wrong turn in the keep and were never seen again.

It sounded like a terrifying story one would tell children to do as their told; however Aerion found numerous skulls on his journey, their origins unknown to him.

He reached her rooms, and he had heard shouting, though he could not make out what it was about until he opened up the passage quietly so that he could listen in.

"Joffery deserves justice for what Criston did to him!" Laenor said, furiously "the maesters say he may never recover; that they may need to take out his eye."

"It could have been severely worse than it was, Laenor, if Aerion had not stepped in when he did I fear that he -" she was cut off.

"Don't…I do not want to think about what could have happened." he rubbed his head, then looked in Aerion's direction, and raised a brow confused as to why he was there "Aerion? What are you doing here?"

"Well, if that is not the way to speak to the man who saved your lover, I do not know what is.." he smirked as Rhaenyra came into view and planted herself between the two.

"Allow me to rephrase, what are you doing in my wife's chambers, and how did you even get here?" he asked, demanding to know.

"Laenor, please calm down; this is what I wished to speak to you about." Rhaenyra responded, smiling softly back at Aerion before pulling her attention to Laenor "He is to me what Joffery is to you, Laenor, I care for him deeply.."

"But…I had thought Ser Criston was.." he looked between the two, slightly confused to the situation "How long exactly has this been going on?" he asked.

"Not long after he arrived in Kings' Landing.." she responded, and they both intertwined their fingers "We must be honest with each other if our marriage is going to work; this is the arrangement we agreed upon."

"Rhaenyra, we married for duty so that our houses may combine their strength." he took a deep breath, and appeared to be in a deep thought "Have you both laid with each other already?"

"We have." Rhaenyra responded, nodding her head "Shortly before the wedding."

"This could be a storm waiting to happen should it get out, what would people think?" Laenor sighed "What if you are already with child? Did you not think of this? We agreed to do our duty first and foremost."

"Laenor, if I am with child, then it works for both of us, you won't be forced to bed me, which I know is something that you would have dreaded, and we wouldn't have found any enjoyment from it." Rhaenyra smiled.

Aerion found it odd being spoken of as if he was not present in the room, especially speaking of the matter such as putting a child in her.

"We should have at least tried…what about our parents?" Laenor asked

Do you feel left out, Laenor, is that it?" Aerion chuckled, though received an angry glare from the pair, he removed himself from the princess, and took a step towards Laenor, running his finger down his chest with a broad smile on his lips 

"You are free to join us in the act, if that is what you wish, especially with Joffrey out of action for a while…"

Laenor appeared to get red around the cheeks, and Aerion chuckled, biting his lip, stepping back a few paces "What of the children?" Laenor asked, moving on and attempting to ignore his remark "You would have them be bastards? Despite whether they have my name or not, that is what they will be."

"Not if Aerion agrees to the proposal in which he rejected.." she said, looking directly to Aerion.

"Rhaenyra…we have not even discussed children." Aerion said, before shaking his head "No..no..no, I will not be someone who you use in order to father children, I refuse it."

"Aerion, if we marry in secret, you will be their legitimate father." Rhaenyra said "Yes, they will have Laenor's name, but they will be yours, if taking care of them is the issue, you will not need to."

"Rhaenyra, you're asking me to stand by as my children are raised without me, I know how that can feel, it is exactly what happened to me as a child." he sighed "I can not sit back and watch my blood be raised by another man." he whispered faintly, almost pleading "Please don't ask me to do this."

"Rhaenyra is right, Aerion." Laenor said, to which Aerion turned his focus to him "I can't do this, I had thought that perhaps I would be able to..." he added "There are even certain deals I can make you."

"What do you mean?" Aerion asked.

"When our firstborn..well yours, reaches their sixth nameday, they will be fostered with you at Runestone, or wherever you may be." Rhaenyra also seemed intrigued. "As well as the second…if that is what you wish, I can even secure a trade deal..between my house and yours."

"That will look awfully suspicious if you begin showing your favour to me with all these agreements." he looked between the two "What would our enemies think? They might suspect something." 

"They won't, you are our cousin, therefore, nothing would be out of the ordinary." Laenor said "It will just look like we're favouring blood."

"And you are certain you'll allow me to foster them? To raise the future ruler of these kingdoms?" Laenor nodded his head, and then turned his focus to Rhaenyra "And you are okay with this?"

"If you agree to marry me on Dragonstone, this will be the agreement shared to none, and kept between the three of us." Rhaenyra nodded.

"Then I agree, we will bind our blood as Aegon the conqueror did…" he smiled, then turning back to Laenor "Can you ensure the trade deal?" he asked

"I can, you have my word as a Knight, you saved Joffrey, and therefore, I will be forever thankful to you, and in your debt." he clapped his hands together "I should go, and leave you both alone."

"That went better than expected," Aerion said as Laenor closed the door on them, running his hand across her cheek.

"I knew it would," she replied.

"You truly want me to be the father of your children? And you are okay with the deals made?" he asked.

"I wish we didn't have to speak of it early on, though I can understand why Laenor brought it up. Are you returning to Runestone?"

"I have to, Princess; I have dealings that must be handled to secure my birthright." 

"I understand; perhaps we can go somewhere before you leave, a ride in the Kingswood? Just the two of us." she smiled at him, embracing him and planting her head on his chest.

"I'd like that very much." He placed his chin atop her head, tightly hugging her, not wanting to let her go.


19/06/23: I thought it important to write here as there may be some who don't agree with the decisions made in this chapter, and I will put the answer to a comment I had the other day on AH for anyone wondering such decision was made.


At the end of the day, this is a Rhaenyra/OC fic, and I am not going to sugarcoat Rhaenyra as this innocent girl with no bad traits to her, as I have seen other fics do.

As for Aerion, every character has their weaknesses and strengths, he is someone who has not experienced the feeling of love before, even from his own parents, and if it may seem like he is bending over backwards for Rhaenyra, thats because he is, he feels something with her and is not willing to let that go, that is his weakness.

Now, Aerion saying he would sleep with Laenor, that was not meant to be taken literately, though I understand how one might think it was meant to be an actual offer.
