
Don't do sins

☠️Don't do sins 💀

Scene 1

News Channel - "100 people went missing in indian town in kanpur" let's see what government has to say " whoever this killer is we are going to making him pay for his sins". Tv off by Raj dev . Mom said to Raj "don't get obsessed with these do some study and prepare for board of 12 exams". Raj said- " mom you know i am topper i will do best in exam but mom after exam my friends and I are going for camping ".

Camping day

Raj science student , height 5.7 feet 70 kg person with look like tom cruise his friends shivanya ,pretty quarrelsome and too much talking girl , Aryan, his brother who is very smart 6.3 feet tall and body builder type and sister sonika who is so shy and loving caring girl. And few more friends like navya, mehek,arman,kohli,porush ,and sharman .

They all were going for camp . 10 people in 3 cars huge crowd for camping.

In Raj car , Raj driving ,shivanya on front seat with him , Aryan sitting with sonika and Navya.

All other people in others cars .

They all going for camping from kanpur to Bithoor.

All were singing ,eating,drinking then in mid way ,they heard some screaming in jungle , then some weird voices, then Raj stop car and others too.

Raj said -we should see what going on here.

Scene 2

Raj - come with me Aryan let's see and what you all seeing come with us its new adventure.

Raj- we should be divided in group to see what going on here. All agrees.

Raj group - Raj ,shivanya ,


Arman group- Arman ,sonika who is Raj and Aryan sister, kohli.

Aryan group- Aryan ,porush,sharman and mehek.

Lets do camping here said by Aryan group .

Raj ok but we need to be careful we need to find out what going on here.

All eating food and decided to move in group but they saw someone blown out their cars tyres.

Mehek ,sonika ,navya started screaming and crying . Kohli said i have a bad feeling about this situation. Raj said don't scream . We need to stay together and see what is going on .calm down . We made a huge mistake by agreeing on you Raj you want adventure not us ,you put us in danger said kohli. Kohli and Raj started fighting and kohli smashed punches on raj face and Aryan protected Raj by comig in their way.

sharman, porush ,arman grab kohli . Ayan said this is not time to fight. Let's end this and fix tyres and moves out from here and go home very bad day we all have .Raj said i am sorry its my mess .Its 7 pm getting darker, lit the fire.

Shivanya sitting with Raj, Aryan with navya , sonika with kohli . All others friend with mehek and sharman, porush with mehek.

Camping day 1 time 9pm.

Mehek and porush going little away from camp just to spend alone time.mehek said there is something behind those bushes something big.porush chill its nothing. They were hugging and doing dance , from behind a huge 9 feet person came with a huge deformed face with big mouth having big shiny axe and sword cut porush head from body .

Mehek start to scream but 9 feet giant cut tongue of mehek so fast .it was blood all over bushes. He puts his sword in porush head and drag his body and his mate from behind drag mehek and took them to underground secret cave.

Inside cave

Mehek tied with ropes and is was inconscious when she wake up she saw porush hanging in meat claw his body and his head on floor.

9 feet man said- we don't eat female. Another 9 feet man Said yes we don't eat. Hahaha laughing.

Mehek sobbing and waving her head saying please let me go in sign language.

Outside look

Raj said to Aryan where is porush and mehek ? In tension and so afraid we need to find fast , you kohli sonika look there we look there.

Kohli thats Mehek watch .Raj that's porush locket.

Inside cave

9 feet man introduction

Big yellow eyes hairs all over face looking like gorila big sharp teeth .

Nose like pig,ears like bat .

9 feet man we can say them goreman. He cut porush heart ,lungs, liver, and small intestine and put all things in big bowl and he put his heart in bottle jar. Took all his blood in huge can and drinking like water. Mehek crying and felt ill many times and vomiting. They eating his porush flesh and bathing in porush blood. They put porush in mehek face and washed her face with blood.

Outside look

Gorman from another tunnel saw people outside searching for their friends. This time it's goregirl who is 7 feet with 2 big tusk and fat girl look like pig, whose eyes are yellow.

Kohli ,sharman and sonika together and sonika saw a fat girl hiding in back of tree.sharman and kohli decided to grab her ,when they saw her they walked away and started sweating. Fatgirl used her big knives and stabbed in their hearts and sonika ran away so fast and reached straight to Raj and Aryan. Goreman know now they are alerted .Fat girl screaming ancient language akafds akafds kill the bustsrds which means few humans alive kill the bustard.

Goreman came out of cave tunnel with his brother goreman 2 .They took kohli and sharman to cave where they saw mehek .mehek tell in sign language they eaten porush. Goreman 2 put sharman in meat hanger .mehek thought kohli and sharman are alive but theirs eyes was open .

Outside look

Sonika brother brother listen..fat girl killed sharman and kholi she stab knives in their hearts.

Calm down sister we are with you raj said.

Aryan said tell us what happened. Sonika said fat girl from some dighole came and killed them and she was so tall and fat like an animal.she has Yellow eyes.she was wearing bones necklace with bone head on her knee pad.

Raj ,Aryan ,navya ,

shivanya are so shocked . Raj told them we need to plan ,if we need to live we need to go out of this jungle.

Aryan said i will be bait , trust me whomever is this i will not let them touch my sister and my brother. Raj said no no i will be bait because of me we all in danger, you take care of my gf shivanya and your gf navya and our sister sonika.

Navya said shut up we all in this together we will help each other .we stay with each other and stay like shadows of each other. Raj with shivanya and Aryan with navya and sonika.

Raj as bait .

Where are you bustards , why you hiding trash cans,donkey mans.

Aryan with them hiding .

Goreman came out of dighole and didn't attack raj and moves away.

He called goreman a shit coward.

After 1 min fat girl came running and throwing knives,one knife got in his leg .

Aryan pulls trigger and a huge net came flying and they trap fat girl. Fat girl called and screaming ehhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhh ehaaahhhhhh ..goreman.

2 goreman came and shoots arrows on raj hands and legs and Aryan got injured too .

Goreman2 thrown huge sword on Aryan hand but it touches shivanya hand and she got injured. They were running away but huge jump made by goreman and they grab all 4 of them .

Inside cave dighole

Aryan ,raj ,shivanya, navya all tied in same room.

Goreman said we will not kill you because you have given us tougher fight we will show what we do to your friends.

Kohli hanging on meat hock with sharman.

Goreman cut both hands of sharman and eat them and goreman 2 cut kohli legs and drinks blood dropping from his femur..they were shocked crying screaming help us.

After from meat hock goreman cut sharman face and put in walls and hangs it.then he cuts kohli face and hangs in walls .he lit the whole room and all see there was 100 of face mask of people in walls. In jars bottles he saw people heart liver lungs. He saw intestine are used by goreman for lit and burn of fire. He saw 100 of people bags purse shoes ,jackets ,shirts, necklaces, many things.

The great escape chapter 2 in next part