
Don't catch feelings

I'm not sure which one will get more views the novel or the BTS fan fic one.

Xandros_Feng · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Have you ever wondered about something simple? Because I have, I wonder about everything I can think of. I wonder as to why humans tend to smile the way they do, I wonder about the things people call emotions, apathy, sympathy, and so much more. I was created for everything. Entertainment, battle, death, and even life itself. Although despite the things I was created for I never understood one thing. I never understood why I was created for the thing called love. Love is something when humans are the happiest. Sharing an umbrella, drinks, beds, and even offspring. Humans share so many things to where it kinda makes me wanna be one. I am what humans call a robot, an AI that has no real place in the world but to serve one purpose, which is to fulfill its mission for the rest of its life until destroyed.

However, other than the things called emotions I tend to be no different from humans. I had a childhood, I went to school, and even to my surprise made some friends along the way. I even go to college so I can get a good job besides the fact that I'll inherit the family business once my mother decides to retire and when she feels I'm ready. Don't think my life was all sunshine and rainbows because I am good at everything and rich. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. That part is true but my life up until now was a living hell. I was beaten, kidnapped, stabbed, expelled from several schools, disgraced, disowned, abandoned, and many more terrible things. So as for my verdict on humans, they are awful creatures. Though, I think that it is safe to say not all of them are bad.

Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xiao Weiyuan, and I am an expressionless, emotionless robot who somehow made friends. I am 6 '11 (211 cm) tall, my hair is silver and so long that it touches my shoulders, my left eye is blood red (without my hair covering it) and my right eye is purple, I tend to wear black leather outfits with a spiked choker, and black leather fingerless gloves. As far as piercings and tattoos go, I have a few of them. I tend to have a black tongue piercing, several ear piercings on my left, and nipple piercings as well. As for tattoos I have a dragon that goes through my right arm onto my hand, also if you wanna know how I am built physically then I guess you can say I'm very well built but not overly so. Now that you have gotten a pretty good image in your head of what I look like we can continue.

I am unable to age past young adult years for a human. I have to watch as my friends and family die over the years. If I don't get destroyed within the years to come, I have to watch it endlessly until I break down. If a human witnesses that for the rest of their lives they will become just as numb as I am to things. Humans are fragile creatures; one wrong move and they will snap like a twig. It doesn't matter if the snap is good or bad, they will resent you for the rest of their lives. That snap could mean they kill you, their death, or them having nothing to do with you. Whatever the outcome is, it'll always end with the other person getting hurt. Although I can speak, my mom made me go mute due to the betrayal of a friend of hers. You might be wondering what my mom's friend has to do with me, as to why she made me go mute is because of me. My mom told her friend that was a robot and she told him to never try to order me around because I act just like a normal person.

Although her friend did many things to her in the past, he betrayed her by saying I wasn't home so he could have me all to himself. How it's my fault that I am mute is because once he tried giving me an order and I killed him. It's not that I was mad at the guy for giving me an order, but it was because I felt like I needed to. That was the only time in my life that I felt like I needed to do something and also the only time I felt an overwhelming sensation within my body. My mom has always wanted me to have kids, but I am now unable to. Not because of something that makes me unable to reproduce but because of disorders I ended up getting.

After I killed that man, my mom told me I have been acting extremely weird. She said I was staring at her and then staring at her friends scanning them and waiting for them to mess up. She even said I would mumble to myself as to how I would kill her friends if they ever hurt her. When she took me to the doctor, I got diagnosed with two disorders. One was sociopathy, and the other was obsessive love disorder. It's a rare disorder that makes the person who has it become obsessed with their partner think it's just love. Although I have this, he said that's not the reason why I have been scanning my mother's friends waiting for them to mess up. He said due to my sociopathy I have the urge to kill others for a sensation I have never felt before.

Once I was diagnosed with the disorder, I was forbidden from actually speaking to anyone. Since love comes to people who can communicate through speaking, she made me become mute. Though I could talk through sign language there are very few people in the world who would want to be with me. She is scared that once I start dating someone there will be a repeat of that day. It was already hard enough for her to keep my condition away from the public. When she sent me to study dentistry my day was normal so far although my friends still needed me to write on a piece of paper for me to talk to them because they couldn't understand sign language. They also know that I am an American descendant as well which made it a little better. Since I can't speak anymore, they call me mute for a nickname. I don't mind it since it's been like this after middle school. It was the first day of school when everything changed for me. This brings us to the present day.