
Don't beleive the appearance

Lyle Wilson is a 17 year old student at West High. With his God like looks coupled with that brilliant brain of his, he is considered as the hunk of West High. As a typical hunk, he is the best at everything he does, with girls flocking around him, waiting to be noticed. But the one who really captures his eyes are those eyes behind that gold rimmed glasses, that girl behind those oversized clothes. Ivy Gracia is a 17 year old student at West High. She is the type who would put her everything into studying but unlike what's expected, she isn't the topper of her class. Infact, she ranks just above average no matter how hard she tries. But, she isn't the hated nerd. She is liked for her simplicity, just like she wanted. She doesn't talk back. She doesn't fight. She doesn't drink or use substance. All her works are submitted on time. She doesn't bunk and has her attendance as a hundred percent. And she doesn't even use dirty slangs. She is that really simple girl. She is as her classmates quote, 'the simple girl from the book.' She is just too simple to be true. But that isn't the case for everyone. While Ivy tries her best to hide the wildness behind that pair of glasses and oversized clothes, Lyle just seems to see through her. Why doesn't he let her end her highschool like she wants to? He didn't notice last year when she came, so what exactly went wrong this time? Now who can tell her that Lyle had actually seen the 'real' her behind that seemingly 'simple' her? Will Lyle be able to find the reason she is acting in this manner and bring her back to her old self, the free and happy one? Read on to find out. THE PICTURE IN THE COVEE DOESNT BELONG TO ME. I TOOK IT FROM THE INTERNET. CTTO.

Ocean_Depth_9855 · 若者
88 Chs

1. Keeping company secretly.

''Lyle, comeon. It time for our class'sgirls match. Hey where are you even going. It's in the other direction.'' A black haired boy shouted as he watched his friend run in the opposite direction. Frustrated, he shouted at the top of his voice for his friend to come back. ''Lyle, come back. This is not funny.''

''We have a research to submit tomorrow. Do you think that's funny. The library should be empty right now, I'll just get the books quickly. You go on.'' Lyle Wilson, the young man whom his friend was shouting after, turned to reply before running off.

''It's sports day today. Is the library even open?'' Though exasperated, the black hired boy ran towards the stadium to make up an excuse for his heartless friend. Afterall, it was a rule that everyone had to watch the match of their class without fail.


On the other side, Lyle was making his way towards the library in a hurry. He knows that his friend would cook up an excuse for him si he just has to hurry back and everything would be okay.

With his brown hair jumping with every step he ran coupled with that obsidian eyes, and lean physic with long legs, he looked like a model except that he was running instead if walking.

''As expected, the library is open and empty.'' Lyle muttered as he quitely made his way towards the non-fiction section, afterall, library is a silent place is what's embedded in the head ever since one learns the word library.

But the closer he got to the non-fiction section, the louder the sound of someone wisper yelling was heard.

'Someone's in the library even during the sports day? I got to see who that weird other then me is.'

As he got closer and closer, he began to hear the words spoken more clearly. And from among the books he could see those lips that were saying those words.

Lyle got closer and closer, until he could not only hear properly but also see the face of the weirdo clearly.

'It's her?'

It was the 'simple girl from the book' who joined last year. The girl who always buried herself in her studies.

Woah... those words doesn't sound like the words a simple girl from the book would say.

Guess he's in for a secret. But his train of thoughts were cut of by her words.

''I told you I'm not coming back.''


''Do you think I care?''


''Fuck you. I said I'm not coming back and that's final.''


''Get the freaking hell away and don't you dare call me again. I don't want anything to do with that thing ever again. I won't let what happened before happen again.''

After whisper yelling in the phone, she cut the call off before slaming it down on the ground.

With a thud, the phone broke while she sat there on the floor with her head between her knees and arms. Her shoulders were shaking and soft sobs left her mouth.

Lyle who was behind the book shelf right behind her also sat there not knowing whether to go comfort her or not. She seemed like she needed comfort but if he went there, she would know that her secret is out. She wouldn't have a peaceful made then.

So all he did at the end was keep her company secretly and to keep watch as well.