
Don't Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

From love, marriage, heartbreak, pain, to divorce- Mu Chuqing has been through it all in a few years with Sheng Yuchen. After not seeing each other for years, she imagines that they would be like strangers. But why is that man looking at her with anger even when holding his fiancée in his arms? Why can’t they be like strangers? Will he forever humiliate and torture her? Why can’t Sheng Yuchen let her go? Just what kind of cruel man is her ex-husband? … Ever since that night three years ago, Sheng Yuchen has not slept peacefully. Every time she cries, her tears fall like acid on his heart. His blood boils when he sees her smiling at other men the way she used to smile at him, and the beast in him might as well destroy everything around. He can’t let her go. He won’t let her go. Even if his heart gets charred with her tears. … This isn’t a love-at-first-sight story! “Boss! Miss Mu is back!” “Got it.” The man responds indifferently. “Boss, someone gave Miss Mu a bouquet of roses!” “Adulterer! Humph!” The man finally raises his head, narrows his eyes, and snorts. “Boss, Miss. Mu and that man watched a movie today, had a candlelight dinner, and…” “And what…” “They kissed!” The man’s eyes spits fire, and he can’t sit still anymore. He suddenly stands up from the sofa. “B-Boss, bad news. Miss. Mu and that man are going to get married in the Netherlands!” The man slams the table. “Which plane? Shoot it down!” “Yes!” “Wait!” The man suddenly stops him. “Boss, do you have any other instructions?” “Blast the male adulterer. If she loses even a hair on her, I’m afraid you won’t be able to handle what comes next!” “…”

Li Nannan · 都市
60 Chs

Good Morning Baby

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

The assistant next to the woman suddenly approached her with quick steps.

"CEO Mu, the Old Master said, you must call him after getting off the plane!"


The woman did not reply and instead quickened her pace.

"Mr. Sheng Yuchen, the CEO of the world-renowned corporation Sheng Shi Corporation and the only daughter of the Chang Trading Corporation, Miss Chang Chu, will hold their engagement banquet at the Century Hotel this Saturday. The childhood sweethearts who grew up together are finally becoming life partners…"

The woman's footsteps gradually slowed down and came to a stop. Standing in the middle of the crowded hall, she motionlessly stared at the mobile television opposite her as a bitter smile hung on her lips.


Through the black sunglasses, Mu Chuqing looked at the face of the man on the moving television who had his lover in his arms, but still cold and ruthless. The bright pupils behind the sunglasses slightly squinted as her eyes moved, and she glanced at the beautiful and delicate woman in his arms. The surrounding air suddenly became chilly, and her expression turned cold.

She tossed her hair aside, turned around, and said to the twenty-something people following behind her.

"You guys stop following me!"

The tall and robust bodyguards looked at each other but did not move.

Mu Chuqing pursed her lips. She stepped forward on her high heels, with a "clack-clack" sound.

"Since I'm already standing here, I won't leave so easily. Also, no matter when or where, I don't want to see you guys again."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, leaving everyone in the hall watching Mu Chuqing's tall figure fade.

There was already a car waiting for her outside the airport. Mu Chuqing did not let the chauffeur drive, instead she herself sat behind the steering wheel.

Putting on her bluetooth earphone, she called.

"Hi, Mr. Li, as you wished, I've arrived!"

"All the best! Do a good job!"

Mu Chuqing gritted her teeth and smoothly stopped her car at a red light.

"Let me tell you first, I'm just temporarily helping to look after the company. Hurry-up and think of an idea to make your son come back obediently. You have at most one year, otherwise don't blame me for quitting my job!"

"Little bean, do you want to speak to Mommy!"

"Good morning, Mommy…"

As Mu Chuqing heard that voice, she was already imagining the cute image of her little Dou Dou lifting her soft and meaty hands to rub her eyes.

Even though Li Zhenghua avoided the important topic, once Mu Chuqing heard her daughter's soft and adorable voice, her heart melted instantly.

"Good morning, Baby!"

That's right, it's her daughter!

Even she didn't expect that just a month after her abortion, in that endlessly dark night, she welcomed a new light into her life.

After Mu Chuqing found out about the existence of this child, never once did she think about giving up on her.

Mu Chuqing's marriage to that man lasted for about a year. In that year of marriage, no matter how hard both of them tried, she never got pregnant. The doctor said that it was very hard for her to get pregnant.

It was very hard, but that didn't mean that it was impossible!

As much of a so-called 'very hard' thing as it was, she still surprisingly got pregnant just a month after she painfully lost her first child.

However, this time, she chose to leave. Leaving behind all the people and places that could threaten her or her child.

Mu Chuqing was grateful that her decision was right.

"Mommy, when will you bring me back home? I'm really worried that you have to live alone!"

Mu Chuqing's lips tilted upwards. She smiled lovingly and said, "My dear baby, children should be honest. If you miss Mommy, just say it!"

There was a pause on the other end for a while, and Mu Chuqing was feeling smug. She had finally won her daughter in bickering. You should know that whenever Mu Chuqing bickered with her daughter, she would always be on the losing end.