
The Devil’s Children (Part 2)

The Devil's Children like what the fuck is going on here..

Oh your saying I can't use the f word yet because the universe is still fresh and new to us, man fuck that, the reader already knows what that means and they don't care about nothing at this point, hell they can't even be bothered to write and leave a comment on this book, that's how messed up they are...

Remind me how he has kids again...

Narrator: oh yeah through the act of self actualization and everything he does brings forth new things into this sad depressed world without the f word and s*x yet, huh just another boring day...

War: so glad that you could come…

Death: Join us Father…

Wickedness: let us celebrate the birthday of ….

Lucifer: oh okay any more child support I gotta pay off up front or is that it…

Wickedness: you seek the New world isn't that right Father…

Lucifer: yeah that's right…

War: then let us join you in your conquest Father…

Lucifer: um I don't know but…(an idea pops up) you know what, you can be of important use to me actually, how would you like to be by my side as sisters and brothers of destruction huh, together we can ravage this New World together my off spring's…

Death: absolutely Father, we are right behind you…

Lucifer: perfect…

A screaming Mazakine just so happens to pop up out of the darkness all around and ...…

Mazakine: Arhhh!!!

Lucifer: Mazakine, ugh there you are, I thought you made like your wings and flew off…

Mazakine: well think again, and who are these, let me guess, more disastrous creatures I presume…

Lucifer: that is a possibility yes….

Mazakine: aha, I guess soon your gonna tell me you pre-ordered the Bible as well…

Lucifer: I actually almost did that when Angel Scripture was writing and putting them together buh he told Dad was gonna have a bunch of creatures write the Bible instead of us so I stopped…

Mazakine: am guessing those creatures were called humans…

Lucifer: well then, we definitely need to be on our way to the New World then…

Mazakine: aha…

Mazakine gets entranced with the off springs of Lucifer as Lucifer grabs her by the tail and pulls her along as they both fly towards a huge bright light up ahead which gets brighter as you approach it and bam💥…

Mazakine: wow, it's beautiful out here…

Lucifer: yeah yeah whatever, we've got places to be things to do…

Mazakine: right, so what now Lucifer…

Lucifer: (just then he spots a very familiar Angel up ahead and decides to get into action)

Am gonna disguise myself to get more info about this dreadful place…

Mazakine: what am I gonna do then…

Lucifer: just scout the area for any suspicious things…

Lucifer transforms into his most favorite Angel

Arch Angel Amenadiel: why hello there Light…

Arch Angel Light Sander: oh hello Amenadiel, why are you here…

Arch Angel Amenadiel: oh nothing just wanted to know more about this place…

Arch Angel Light Sander: oh really, it's always nice seeing Angels down here trying to learn more this magnificent place you know…

Arch Angel Amenadiel: aha…

Really I don't have to tell you that God made plants and animals and all that, that's what your Bible's are for, anyways since am feeling very lazy right now, you can just guess everything he said about creation and that there are two humans running around too…

Arch Angel Light Sander: and also…

Arch Angel Amenadiel: oh I think that's enough I'll be on my way now…

Arch Angel Light Sander: oh okay then see you around…

Arch Angel Amenadiel: yesss…(flys downwards to the ground) now that was a boot load of bullshit, I really should name my transformations from now on, since am Amenadiel I'll call this Angel Lucadiel, kinda has a ring to it don't you think, now time to find those pesky creatures called humans…

Mazakine: where is Lucifer…

(She then comes face to face with

Amenadiel) oh Amenadiel ugh um

Lucifer: relax Mazakine, it's me…

Mazakine: Lucifer, ugh you scared the sin out of me…

Lucifer: okay we've got to find those so called humans and see what's up…

Mazakine: well that shouldn't be too hard now

Lucifer: right…Arhhh!!!!

Mazakin: what's happening to you…

(Lucifer body suddenly starts to twist and glitch around as his body spilts into two entities and back to himself again)

Lucifer: ugh…

Mazakine: what happened to you Lucifer…

Lucifer: I don't know am not exactly sure what just happened…

Mazakine: you were like two entities just now…

Lucifer: strange…

Mazakine: so what now…

Lucifer: let's go do some pruning…

To be continued….

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