Narrator: did you guys miss me already, aww, am sure you didn't but anyhow, it's been quite some breathtaking moments since chapter 1 of this series, the high's the lows, the good and the bad, personally I think we have some great chapters and not so great chapters but through it all it all adds up to where we are today, I mean sure there's been some questionable chapters and even some that don't make any sense, but why my black author decided to write those is beyond me and my ass but will just go along with it. Come to think of it I really do miss some characters though, Mazakine or Mazalilth who apparently has been possessed by Lilith though the art of spiritual penetration, Noah, who also happens to be possessed as well through the act of questionable gay behaviors but will let that one slide, Amenadiel, who…
Amenadiel: why thank you narrator I'll take it from here now and oh it's now Mr. Amen Diel from now on so please do remember…
Narrator: who the holy!!! is Amen Diel for crying out loud, I know I asked you to come here but um never mind, I mean fine a change of clothes some build ups of personality but I didn't expect you to come and get a whole makeover…
Amenadiel: well things change and I think it's time we all did…
Narrator: now what, you want my name to be Mr. Nara Tor oh something, Jesus…
Jesus Christ: you called f…
Narrator: not you Jesus your not needed yet, go back will ya…
Jesus Christ: oh okay, what ever you say, for I am the bread of life, the shame you feel when you go for dinner and you finish the food faster than everyone else and can't get up to leave because your afraid of being called Le Foode Eater, the thought that pops into your head when you want to fart but there's a lot of people around and so you decide to fart one by one to reduce noises, I am The Son of G…
and : show off wonder breath…
Amenadiel: anyways as I was saying, it's been a while since you've heard from me reader, yes I've been good, ever since I arrived from heaven and finally got the redemption I needed, so yeah I've been up to my new wings and boy oh boy I've gotta tell yeah it's been amazing, wanna see my new wing set, oh yeah that's right your still blind I forgot you're not spiritually inclined with God too much to be able to see me through your screen but never fear Narrator is here, take it away Nara Tor…
Narrator: don't you dare ever call me that liability, anyways where were we….ah yes, Ever since Amenadiel got back from Heaven or the Celestial City, he's been up with his wings and being lazy for most of the time but either way he's got a new set of wings, garnished with pure Black Silver from the Silverwave River in Heaven, it's got an agrarian glow to it, faster, stronger and more withstand-able to any earthly weapon of destruction now and a couple of new power sets added to his already powerful self which in my opinion is very wasteful but who cares anyways, let's see what he is able to do more of from now on…
Lucinda: Another day same boring life and Lucifer is not picking up any of my calls since Monday that I was discharged from the hospital and today's Friday, huh…well on the bright side I do get to stay off work for another set of days though…
Ding ding!!!🛎
Lucinda: am coming…( walk's to the door and opens it…)
Mailman Mark: hello, you've got mail today…
Lucinda: sorry don't mean to be rude but why didn't you just leave the mail in the mailbox outside anyways instead of walking all the way here just to get rejected by me all over again mark…
Mailman Mark: so I'll go now, bye…
Lucinda: good bye mark have a nice death I mean day…(stairs at the letter) why do I keep on receiving such mails lately…(opens it)
Letter: Dear Lucinda, you are here by invited to a circus show happening right outside your neighborhood on this very day and we would like to let you know that we've taken over your house space for this event and was wondering since you have no choice but to consider coming to it. Thank you, yours scarily, Nightmare The Clown…
Lucinda: what kind of fucked up letter is this anyways, it's basically tying up my hands and forcing me to go there but I'll go just to see who this nightmare really is and sue him for property violations…
At Lucifer's penthouse…
Lucifer: why fuck you but I don't think I'm gonna go…
Jinx: huh they have a lot of free drink's and sexy sluts…
Lucifer: maybe I'll reconsider😁…
Jinx: you seriously need help you…
Lucifer: what time do we leave…
At Lucinda's home…
Lucinda: huh this looks descent enough right, okay let's go…(her reflection in mirror speaks to her)
Mirror reflection: seriously girl, you look like one of those kindergarten sandwich take outs, girl please
Lucinda: but I really thought this outfit looks sexy on me I mean I see it in your mirror though…
Mirror reflection: girl bye…
Lucinda: hello!! Is this outfit still okay though…whatever I'm not gonna stand here and be body shamed by my own reflection…
Lucinda walk's right out of her house and just as she was about to take a 7 steps before she could actually start guessing where the circus was a spine chilling laughter could be heard from several blocks in front of her…
Lucinda: what the…where did this come from…
Few more steps near the circus and she notices that there are no car's parked outside of it, no people selling anything outside of it, no children playing or worrying their parents to take them either, just a big blank tent looking structure set up with your welcome written on top of it on a sign board. Lucinda proceeds to walk inside even though it looked a lot sketchy to her from the get go…
She walks inside what looks like a set or a collection of mirrors set up in front of her in a vertical arrangement making way for passage, some mirrors looked bigger than others,some just a little bit too small and some had cracks on them which divides your reflection into two sections. As odd as that was she continued to walk ahead, as she kept on walking through the collection of mirrors finally a face pops up from inside all the mirrors startling her at first but quickly calmed because the face was that off a goofy clown but he didn't topically look like your average clown though, he had a black cape on with highly extended collar's, a red nose and eyes to creep you out, a white pale mask with scratches on it and a bald head too…
Nightmare: were you scared little one…
Lucinda: not as much as your gonna be when you finally run out of business you silly clown looking joke…
Nightmare: awww come now, I know how much your afraid of me Lucinda…
Lucinda: what! I am not afraid of you or anything like that…
Nightmare: are you sure little one…
Lucinda: huh am a big girl now and not afraid of clown's or whatever you are sir…
Nightmare: oh please don't call me sir, call me your worst nightmare booo!!! Hahaha!!!
Lucinda: Arhhh!!!! What in the world…(she runs like it's her last day on earth…)
Lucinda tries to head out of the room the same way she came out of it but find's herself lost and also for more added creepy-ness the mirrors are gone too, she just find's herself amongst darkness with no where else to go, finally trip's and falls face first into what seems like a spider web laid out on the bottomless ground, she got stuck on the web and couldn't move her body around due to the stickiness of the spider web actually looks way bigger laid out like that, suddenly she sees a huge giant spider looking animal walks on over to her with nightmares face on it saying…
Nightmare: oh my darling, you aren't going anywhere tonight not until we're done sweetie…
Lucinda: just let me go you psycho…
Nightmare: no my dear, first tell me about that devilish boyfriend you have up your sleeve's huh…
Lucinda: what!! Who!
Nightmare: come now don't be modest about that accomplishment hunny…
Lucinda: what are you talking about…
Nightmare: you know your the only human whose managed to get the devil to stay at a particular place for a really long time you know, you should be proud of yourself, he probably would be banging Hawkeye's Wife by now..
Lucinda: who are you talking about you asshole
Nightmare: aww no matter, it will all be over soon…
Nightmare gets closer to Lucinda who is currently trapped in the giant spider web and can't move a muscle, he webs her up some more and cuts it so she falls right through the spider web into an endless bottomless pit of darkness screaming until it turns out not to be bottomless anymore and she lands safely on her face on the inside stage of the circus with her own spot light shining above her as she tries to get up slowly…
Nightmare: what's the matter dear, can't take a joke right…hahaha
Lucinda: this is not funny to me your freak
Nightmare: you're gonna tell me everything I wanna hear and see…
Lucinda: never you freaky looking ghost never!!!…
Nightmare: your right let's turn it up a notch shall we Hahaha!!!
Nightmare trans mutates into a smokey looking apparition and transcends unto poor Lucinda and partially enters her body and mind leaving some parts of himself outside Lucinda's body which in turn causes more pain than an actual possession, it feels like being on Anesthesia on the operating table and still be able to feel the pain of being cut through by the doctors, being penetrated through your skin by a big tape worm and can feel it moving through you all the way up to your heart, that's how it feels like for poor Lucinda right now but as for the pain she feels in her head or brain though it feels like having a million brain freeze's all at once from eating ice cream from your local broke shop at the moment….
Lucinda: Arhhhh!!!!! Get out of my head you monster Arhhh!!!!
Nightmare: not a chance human, not until I have looted your entire circulating system and memories, I feed on memories, is what makes me whole along side nightmares of humans, the memories help me construct the perfect nightmare for people Hahahaha!!!!!!
Lucinda: Arhhhh!!!!!
Nightmare: Ah almost there miss heaven…
Lucinda: please get out of me, it hurts too much, I think am gonna c…
Nightmare: Arhhh!!!!
Scene shifts back to Lucifer and Jinx arriving at the circus too…
Jinx: there are so many people here it's incredible…
Lucifer: well not enough orgy's though, in desperate times like this I need Mazakine, where is she anyways I haven't seen her since our last drunken night together…
Jinx: well enough about that you can't tell me you can't go a night without sex…
Lucifer: quiet the contrary, not having sex is like a man sitting next to his friends at a table and not being able to say anything or contribute to anything happening because he's mad at someone at the table and that person is contributing also or getting home and seeing that your wife has prepared delicious food on the table but your not able to eat it because you two got into an argument earlier and your trying not to talk to her…
Jinx: ouch…
Lucifer: yeah…
Jinx: anyways I think one night without sex won't kill ya so let's go inside already…
Lucifer: Arhhh!!! (Lucifer spots kids and freaks out)
Jinx: just ignore the kids Lucifer let's go…
Lucifer: little demon monsters, you know, we have a lot of those down in Hell…
Jinx: really??…
Lucifer: yeah
Jinx: what could they have possibly done to go there…
Lucifer: well you know, the usual stealing from their moms pot of soup or thinking about who God's mother is and all that stuff…
Jinx: wow, that is brutal…
Lucifer: yeah that was a freaky century back in the day…
Jinx: okay, let's go in, why is so dark in here, here take this light gun, it can help us in the dark here, ugh I think am not feeling so good Lucif…
Lucifer: jinx! What's wrong, something's not right here, I feel the presence of huh😳…
Lucifer immediately flash runs through the darkness and ends up in the center of the stage where Lucinda was supposed to be but found it empty as fuck…
Lucifer: what is going on here, show yourself..
Nightmare: why isn't it the King of darkness himself come to grace us with his presence…
Lucifer: who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you ghost…
Nightmare: oh am not a ghost your highness, I am Nigh…
Lucifer: Night Wing…
Nightmare: what no, I am Ni…
Lucifer: Ghost Freak…
Nightmare: you seriously think I look like an alien…
Lucifer: I mean you do look like a ghost at this point…
Nightmare: huh I am N…
Lucifer: Danny Fantom
Nightmare: what! You honestly see a little boy ghost in me when you look at me…
Lucifer: I mean then again the ghostly apparition is very distracting…
Nightmare: I am ….
Lucifer: Jafar from Aladdin…
Nightmare: what he doesn't even look like a ghost…
Lucifer: I mean he did get a tail at the end of the movie and did disappear like a ghost so…
Nightmare: huh evil father's help me…
Lucifer: so who are you really…
Nightmare: that's what I've been trying to tell you since you fucking got here!!!, huh, I am Nightmare…
Lucifer: Nightmare that's a very um it's okay…
Nightmare: what! What do you mean it's okay
Lucifer: what do you want with me ghost…
Nightmare: it's nightmare but never mind that, welcome to the biggest show of your life…
Lucifer: what have you done…
Nightmare: I have a very special someone of yours my king…
Lucifer: what??…
(Suddenly Lucinda falls to the ground with a spot light illuminating her from above as she lays lifeless on the ground…)
Lucifer: what did you do to her you freak…
Nightmare: oh nothing my king just reading her mind that's all and oh you wouldn't believe what I found, you know this makes me wonder what other things I could find out from you even…
Lucifer: I'd bet to differ…
Nightmare lunges at Lucifer and stretches out his arm claw and plunges it through Lucifer's chest and the other through his forehead for equal measure…
Nightmare: we will be one Lucifer, I shall possess you and rule the world!!! Hahaha!!!
Lucifer: not on my throne you freak, eat light balls…(Lucifer finally remembers the light gun in his pocket and fires it at nightmare burning him to a crisp for the moment…)
Nightmare: Arhhh!!!! Daylight at night!!!
Lucifer: ugh you hate sunlight do you, well this place seems a bit too dark for my taste, let's change that shall we…
Lucifer sets his gaze towards the up left curtain right next to Nightmare who is still in pain from the light gun shot at him by our King of Darkness and with the thrill of being a Pyronite or in other words master of flame's he quickly back flips and with his arms in a fist stretched out he let's out a very powerful flame thrower attack that ends up passing through Nightmares body but doing no damage to him at all…
Nightmare: why you idiot, fire has no effect on me…
Lucifer: I wasn't aiming for you freak, say bye bye dweve!…
The curtains in goth in flames and burn away the patches that were keeping the sunlight out of the room and that's where the Nightmares came to an end…
Nightmares: Arhhh!!!! I'll be back you!!! You can't get rid of your fears!!!…(Ashy-fied not a word but just go with it alright…)
Lucifer: oh my dad, Lucinda!! Are you alright…
Lucinda: (immediately Lucinda's aura and life force returns back to body giving her life again)
I ugh, I'm okay…
Lucifer: good cause I have somewhere ugh else to be so I'll just take you home then…
Lucifer grabs the almost unconscious Lucinda who unconsciously holds on to Lucifer's necklace and bust out his wings and off they go, on the way he wines up multitasking and grab's jinx as well who was also unconscious too and they all make it out fine. Lucifer lands both of them safely onto the ground as Lucinda still hold's on tight to Lucifer's pentagram necklace. As Lucifer puts away his wings from the naked eye.
He gets knocked!!! back by a huge wooden log that sends him flying through a wooden shop breaking it into pieces while Jinx and Lucinda catch their breaths and finally realize what's going on with Lucinda holding onto Lucifer's pendent…
Rhino: Roar!!!!
and : what in the world is going on here…
To be continued…..