
I am a God, No I am God…

Lucifer: urh…that was an amazing last night wasn't it Jennifer, I certainly had the best time of my life in this bed with you wouldn't you say😁…

Amenadiel: I certainly did not brother😌…

Lucifer: Ahhhhhhhhhhh‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ what the fucking fuck is wrong with you huh, please tell me we didn't…I didn't…

Amenadiel: of course not, maybe…

Lucifer: holy shit balls…those hard as Rock cheeks you have for an Ass…oh no‼️…nooo‼️…nooo‼️

Amenadiel: oh come on, relax brother, nothing of that unholiness happened last night and yes you did bang a lady called Jennifer last night as unholy as it sounds and looks to me…

Lucifer: thats some sick twisted humor you have there brother, you might wanna have that checked out before you become me…

Amenadiel: I find that very disconcerting…

Lucifer: I think your time here on earth is beginning to rub off on you brother…

Amenadiel: well I very much decline…

Lucifer: then I decline your decline…

Amenadiel: you can't do that brother Lucifer …

Lucifer: am pretty sure those are two dangerous words you placed together to call me by, even the reader is like wow that feels weird say out loud…

Amenadiel: am afraid I don't get you brother…

Lucifer: you know what Amenadiel, I think it's time you started walking a mile in another being's shoes

Amenadiel: you can't do that in a one day Luci…

Lucifer: oh but am afraid I can brother, you see am the one who turned a regular demon into a raging sex pot killer in about 2 hours of directions to your local club…, I believe if I can do that for dear old Mazakine I certainly can for you as well…

Amenadiel: yhh, right😒…

Lucifer: perfect, let's turn you into a mortal…

⏰4 hours later…

Amenadiel: so is this how you spend your time here on earth big brother…

Lucifer: well no, but I usually do go to my human job…

Amenadiel: is that right, then why didn't then?

⏰2 hours earlier at work

Lucifer: Yes miss holy I am taking a day off to spend with my urh brother…

Lucinda: oh you have brother Lucifer…

Lucifer: yes actually…

Lucinda: but regardless of what ever reason you have you can't just give yourself a day off like that…

Lucifer: oh no, you see you don't understand, but urh, I already did…

Noah: oh hey guy's, Lucifer, what's going on…

Lucifer: I've given myself time off today…

Noah: oh cool, why???

Lucifer: ohk so am off, see you guys tomorrow…(and he leaves)

Noah: so why again…

Lucinda: he said his brother is in town or whatever…

Noah: oh good, so um I wanted to show you something Lucinda…

Lucinda: oh ok what is it??

Noah: it's um…(she'll probably not believe me without more evidence on this truth) you know what I urh I have somewhere to be and urh I'll text you the deeds, ok cool bye…

Lucinda: what is wrong with everyone today…

⏰Back to present time…

Lucifer: after all this we need to get you a partner…

Amenadiel: am sorry what??

Lucifer: yhh, some one here on earth you can vibe with while am not around to boss you…

Amenadiel: am sorry Luci but I think your missing the bigger picture here, am not here on this earth to vibe with anyone…am here to make sure you head back to where you belong…

Noah: so this must be the so called brother of his, hmm🤔 he looks hot though, I guess it does run in their family but what are they talking about over there, need to get a closer look…

Lucifer: am sorry brother but I think your the one that's missing the picture here, I'm not going anywhere if that makes sense to you, hah😄 what did you think this is, some kind of family brother to brother time bonding, I think you need to check if your bible is still on page 📄 Lucifer 1 verse 1, "Am not going back to that 🔥Hell hole🔥"

Amenadiel: well then I think you need to add page 📄 Amenadiel 1 verse 2," Not on my watch…"

Noah: Hell hole or Hell Whore, maybe their talking about Mazakine being a Whore or from Hell, or they probably banged her, I mean understand…I would to…

Lucifer: I don't think I like your tone brother…

Amenadiel: neither do I…(Amenadiel says this and whips out his wings while whipping out his Sword⚔️, as he does this, all of time stops leaving only divine immortals like Angels and as well as demons the only capable beings to withstand this power, Lucifer also whips out his reddish wings ready for action which at this point has turned red because of the intensity of the situation going on here, if he were calm or happy it would be white and if he was acting all Evil it would be devilish wings but he's not evil you are, eating pizza🍕 all day everyday instead of cooking🥘 something to eat, yes you reader am talking to you…now moving on…)

Mazakin: hey you guys what do think y'all crazy Asses are doing up there huh…

Lucifer and Amenadiel: stay out of this Mazz!!!…

Mazakine: wow now I know you guy's did not just call me that, ohk time out bitches…(Mazakine whips out a pair of Demon chains ⛓ and throw's both of them at the two enraged Angel's by their wings and pull's on it like a carriage ride straight out of town, while passing by Noah's frozen body she notices that his body glitches in and out of his frozen state but just passes by him and heads to Death Mountains🏔 and leaves them there to settle their differences before coming back home while being tied up and I know what you're thinking, how come God's Strongest Angel is being tied up by a pair of chains right, well I'll have you know that these are Hell chains or Demon chains which can pull down the gate's of heaven itself because it was forged with the holy blood of Angel's)

Amenadiel: where did you ever go wrong brother, you were always this peaceful, smart and very gorgeous Angel above all, but…

Lucifer: but then I grew up some more and realized that everything I've been made to know was a lie, Dad wasn't who he said he was, MoM wasn't even there to stand up for me and you guys just stood there watching as your almighty Father in Heaven threw me out of heaven to Hell without a care in the world.

Amenadiel: that's not true brother, you did a bad thing and needed to be punished for it…

Lucifer: what did I ever do wrong brother!!! huh, tell me…

Amenadiel: I…

Lucifer: I tried to explain myself but nobody would listen to me up there, so I did what I thought was best…

Amenadiel: no what you did was question and criticize Dad and that was not ok

Lucifer: really now…

Amenadiel: yes brother...

Lucifer: Have you ever stopped dead in your pants and wondered maybe I was right, maybe I was telling the truth for once, we both no one thing and one thing only about me brother and that is, I don't lie…

(As Lucifer says this Amenadiel's eyes begin to widen and that's when it hit's him, maybe Lucifer was right, maybe he didn't fuck Eve all those years ago and left Adam wife-less for a millennium…, back in town, the people went back to normal and Noah spots Mazakine passing by and approaches her since realizing that both Lucifer and his brother are no longer standing in front of him anymore…)

Noah: um hey Mazakine…

Mazakine: yhh what do you want meat head??

Noah: um by any chance have you seen Lucifer around anywhere…

Mazakine: um no why do ask…

Noah: oh nothing it's just that Lucinda has been trying to reach him but he's not picking up his calls…

Mazakine: that girl is a real hard one isn't she, I might have to give her an invite to one of my late night orgy parties one of these days…

Noah: oh…

Mazakine: ok nice talk see you around human

Noah: something am sure your not Mazakine no last name…

(Mazakine reaches Lucifer's penthouse where she lives and heads for her private room while Noah lingers on behind her and sneaking into the house without getting caught trying to find more evidence against to support his theories…)

Noah: i gotta find something in here that can prove me right other than those Wikipedia articles I read online about supernatural beings like vampires and werewolves being real…(just then a voice call's out to him in his thoughts💭 saying…) "precious, find me the apple🍎…"

Noah: what was that, who was that, what apple…(unexpectedly, Noah turns around to see Mazakine standing right in front of him…)

Mazakine: hey who is it, who's there???

Noah: oh God she's blindfolded, thank God, um it's me Lucifer MorningStar, your boss

Mazakine: oh ok you're back from the mountain then…

Noah: mountain????… urh yes I am back

Mazakine: great, no need to thank me, glad I could stop your Asses before you destroyed as all…

Noah: destroy as all???…

Mazakine: ohk am gonna have myself a nice needed pounding…

Noah: yh um by any chance do you know where the apple is??…

Mazakine: what apple???…

Noah: um you know thee apple🍎 thing…

Mazakine: you mean the forbidden one…

Noah: yhh yes that one, where is it I seem to have forgotten it's location around here…

Mazakine: it's been where it has always been, down at the 🔥Hell Carrier🔥down the basement…

Noah: cool thanks…

Mazakine: whatever…

(As Noah tried his best to do a Lucifer impersonation he found himself down at the basement looking into the corridors of 🔥Hell Carrier🔥, he gets inside and is amazed by all that is in front of him which is absolutely nothing but knives upon knives upon knives)

Noah: is that it, there has to be more to it than this…

(As Noah accidentally touches a knife on a shelf it automatically opens a door with a glass box in casing a half bitten Apple🍎 inside of it, that's when he realized that maybe all these knives open doors to different things in here but just as he is about to do anything else he hears Mazakine screaming and shouting out intruder and then saying…)

Mazakine: I'm gonna get you human!!!!…

Noah: oh no she found me out, I better live right away…

(Noah grab's the apple🍎 and jumps out of a nearby window which leads outside to the road but had a massive dick I mean tree in front of it and he new what had to be done…)

Mazakine: damm it, a human slipping past my radar, impossible, I'll get you next time and ripe you to shreds…

Back at Death Mountain🏔…

Amenadiel: so what are you planning on doing brother?…

Lucifer: you know what brother I've come to realize that I am a God of this new world, no, I am God of this World and am gonna mold it how I see fit for a change😈…

(Lucinda call's Lucifer…)

Lucifer: hello miss holy how can I hel…

Lucinda: hello Lucifer I need your help pretty bad‼️‼️

Lucifer: what‼️where are you miss holy??

Lucinda: am at west stre….(call cuts off)

Amenadiel: what's wrong brother??

Lucifer: suddenly miss holy is in grave danger⚠️ …

Amenadiel: who you mean Lucinda…

Lucifer: yes genius, I have to go now and save her Ass…

Amenadiel: I'll come with.

(And so they flap up their wings after the chains loosen and fly out to Lucinda's location after Amenadiel uses his Divine Locator Spell to find her and so they head off…)

Noah's 🏡Home…

Noah: what a long growling day, being chased by a potential vampire does not sound promising for my future, and all this for an Apple🍎…urh…

Lucinda's Location…

(Two gun men raid the office where Lucinda works and demand for all the women to assemble in front of them while the male's stay back and remain on the ground but making a dramatic entrance was Lucifer and Amenadiel…)

Lucifer: I believe this place is no place for a sex pot party gentlemen, I mean you could have done better than that don't you think…

Amenadiel: now face judgment for your sins against humanity and God…

Gun men: who are you guys???… MoM won't be too pleased with this…

Lucifer: oh, who is MoM, in any case you still will get your due…

Amenadiel: we're your Punishers…

(As Amenadiel say's that the whole ordeal was over in 5 seconds of stopping time and dropping them off at the nearest Police Station…)

Lucifer: Lucinda!!! Lucinda!!! are you alright

Lucinda: oh Lucifer you came I mean how did you get here so fast did you have like a flying carpet or something are you Aladdin in disguise…(while breathing heavily…)

Lucifer: even better, Flash wings, come on calm down am here for you, anyways meet my brother Amenadiel the virgin daddies boy…

Amenadiel: 🤨…

Lucinda: oh hey hi…

Amenadiel: hello, Lucinda is it…

Lucinda: yhh totally nice to meet you Lucifer has told me so much about you…

Amenadiel: really I can't imagine all of them to be good things…

Lucinda: oh don't worry they are

Amenadiel: really now…

Lucinda: yhh

(Back at Noah's house, he examines the half bitten apple but couldn't find anything special about it but still lead him biting the apple again and completely passing out to the floor in his room…, Lucifer flies up to the top of the Building and stands there contemplating on his next form of action while he is still here as the new God of this world…)

Unknown: hello Lucifer…

Lucifer: who are you and how did you get to the top of this building…

Unknown: oh come now this is no way to tend to a lover who has come to pay you a visit…

Lucifer: oh excuse me, my apologies, so which lover is this, Jennifer, Chloe, Kyle Jenner, Wonder Woman who is it??? And that doesn't still explain how you got up here though…

Unknown: oh, you don't remember me Lucifer, you don't remember our encounter in the garden of sin and passion Lucifer…, "One bit is all it takes…"

Lucifer: wait, your not suggesting the garden of Eden are you???…

Unknown: it's me Your Beloved Lover


Lucifer: 😳😳😳…

To be continued…