
How It All Began…

Lucifer: No!!!! Lucinda!!!!!

Jinx: I've never heard you call out her name before, you mostly do this when she's in danger Lucifer, Lucifer!!, Lucifer!!!

Lucifer: what!!!!!

Jinx: calm down we need to think carefully Lucifer…

Lucifer: it should have been me!!, it should have been me!!!, it should have been me!!!!!!..

(As Lucifer says this he finally punches a whole in the ground where the creatures stood and took off making the entire ground crumble and break into a million pieces almost collapsing in on itself both him and Jinx in the process with his super strength…)

Jinx: woah Lucifer calm down you could have killed us just now…

Lucifer: I don't care😡

Jinx: aha and who would have rescued her if you were dead hah…answer me Lucifer…


Jinx: now let's think about this carefully in the clearest of minds Lucifer, who are they and where do you think they would take her…

Lucifer: I don't bloody know!!!! Alright!!!!

Jinx: this isn't going anywhere, I need you to think, think Lucifer think

Lucifer: you know I don't like thinking when am with you!

Jinx: hopeless, okay you know what um how is it that your able to summon Amenadiel to you hah…

Lucifer: (really pissed off) I just, I just put my bloody hands together and pray…

Jinx: hah, pray, just like that, that's all

Lucifer: why what were you expecting then…

Jinx: I don't know, he's a fucking Angel of God I was wondering something on the line's of "I summon thee oh great Asscheeks or Mighty pussy of Aladdin or some shit…

Lucifer: how does that matter right now!!!

Jinx: what Am getting at here is what if we call Amenadiel to help out I mean he did just arrive from heaven right, maybe he has new heaven type shit info to give us…


Jinx: let me try…"Ugh I don't really know what to do here or how to do this but I call upon Amenadiel thee Angel of Cuteness I think"

He is the cute one right???


"Who summons's the Great and Powerful Prayer Warrior of Our Dear Father in Heav…"

Amenadiel: oh it's just you…

Lucifer: brother you have to help me get her back…

Amenadiel: woah calm down brother, take your time, wat happened here…

Lucifer: they took her brother!! Those pure putrid clinical deformed anatomy of…

Amenadiel: okay that is a little bit extreme brother…

Jinx: ugh a couple of creatures attacked us and stole away Lucinda…

Amenadiel: what were they…

Jinx: a Rhinoceros and two Serpents although they did behave like brother and sister…

Amenadiel: What!!! are you absolutely sure Jinx…

Jinx: yeah of course am sure, why what about it

Amenadiel: maybe it couldn't be what I was thinking, okay let's put our heads together and think…

Lucifer: Lucinda! Am coming for you…

Jinx: come to think about it, they did look like beast from Hell I mean they did talk so…

Amenadiel: okay you know what I'll just fly up and scope the almost empty void of space including the planet's until I find their location alright

Jinx: great well I am a very mastered Vampire so I'll scope earth for them too…

Amenadiel: you can do that…

Jinx: yeah I've had 665 year's to do that so…

Amenadiel: wow, that's impressive

Lucifer: okay less flirting more finding…

Amenadiel: oh come on Lucifer…

Lucifer: Do it now!

Jinx: okay I'll just go then…

Amenadiel: wait where's Mazakine in all this…

Lucifer: I haven't seen her since that day…

Amenadiel: seems a little weird don't you think

Lucifer: she's the least of my problems right now…

Amenadiel: okay am off too, jinx get to it, I'll scope not so empty space…

Jinx: am on it then…

(With the force of Isaac Newton and the velocity of Abraham Lincoln Jinx shoots forward towards the end's of the earth with such great powers that even made the Flash jealous, dodging buildings and obstacles like she was in an Ai simulator, within an 1 hour she had scoped halfway around the earth leaving her an 1 hour more to finish the rest while Jinx was busy jogging her leg's off Amenadiel also had some big shoes to fill after he returned be from Heaven, Amenadiel flew high up above the atmosphere reaching into the solar system with the ease of 45 minutes tops, as he got into the not so empty void of space…

Amenadiel: haaahh I have no idea why humans call this empty space when there's clearly rocks here, anyways…

Amenadiel sigh's and takes in a calming breath in and finally as he is about to let out the rest he opens his angelic eyes and with that action set his Angelic Mana gets released into the not so emptiness of space like a shock wave from Echo!! Echo!! from Ben10, emanating from his wings and body. Within a few minutes the waves retrieve back to him leaving him to say…

Amenadiel: nothing…

Lucifer on the other hand is going ballistic at the moment and could pop at any given moment in time, as he torches himself some more for not being there for Lucinda when she needed him the most Amenadiel swoop's in from up above to deliver his findings…

Amenadiel: Lu…

Jinx: am back…

Amenadiel: wow, now that was quick, what you…

Lucifer: what you find??

Jinx: geese come down man, I couldn't find anything Lucifer…

Lucifer: what!!! What about you brother??

Amenadiel: sadly, me too brother…

Lucifer: how how how is this possible, there not in space nor on earth then where is she…

Jinx: It's like she vanished off the face of the earth…

Amenadiel: that's it, if she's not in space nor earth and I can't feel her then she's probably somewhere only Fully fledged Mana being's can go to…

Lucifer: where Hell🔥

Amenadiel: or The Novoid…

Lucifer: that can't be right, if she was in Hell 🔥I would have felt a new soul go there…

Jinx: yeah but they didn't take her while she was dead

Lucifer: that still won't work…

Amenadiel: are you sure brother…

Lucifer: wait a minute brother…

Amenadiel: what is it Luci???

Lucifer: I know someone who still has a date with Sin…

Amenadiel: hah???

Jinx: hah???

Lucifer: get over here!!!

Amenadiel: wait don't mean…

Lucifer: Samyaza!!!!


Samyaza: who dares summon me at earths thinnest call…

Lucifer: cut the crap brother…

Samyaza: oh it is you Samael

Lucifer: what ever brother, I know you still owe me one more grant and I need it now brother…

Samyaza: I don't think I want to do that right now brother…

Lucifer: if you don't heed to my becon call then…

Samyaza: okay fine you don't need to get all grumpy about it brother, what do you need…

Lucifer: a new Ass lift, cut the bull shit and tell me where she is I know you see all and hear all

Samyaza: she's static at Torture Dormain…

Jinx: where's that???

Amenadiel: of course…

Samyaza: is there anything else you need me to…

Lucifer: get your high horse out of here, looking like a rejected liver…

Amenadiel: woah brother you didn't have to be so harsh…

🧛‍♀️Jinx: that is Lucifer for ya…

👿Lucifer: enough sexing, we've got a bone to break at Torture Dormain…

The Scene of Torture Dormain…

Lucinda: please just let me go, I promise you I won't notify the cop's just let me go please…

Chaos: Silence!!!! human

War: come now you don't have to be so chaotic Ahahahahah!!!!!

Sin: it's time, the sands of the future move steadily and impatient…

Lucinda: what are you talking about…

Mazalith: oh it will all be over soon my dear…

Lucinda: Mazakine oh thank goodness your hear, and what's up with the whole dear thing situation, never mind can you loosen these cuffs there starting to hurt pretty bad

Noah Supreme: right, then we best get to work shall we…

Lucinda: Noah, what are you doing here…

Noah Supreme: oh I'm not Noah anymore, I'm Supreme…

Lucinda: who??? Please enough of the game's and the prank okay I got it can we please leave now…

Mazalith: I believe someone has been lied to all this while…

Lucinda: again what are you talking about whose been lord to…

Noah Supreme: you poor unfortunate soul…

Lucinda: what!??

Noah Supreme: but don't worry my dear, everything will make sense in just a moment…

Mazalith: I am not Mazakine anymore, I am Lilith inside her rotten body…

Noah Supreme: and I am He who remains also inside your dear friends manly parts for the meantime…

Lucinda: what are you trying to say…

As Lucinda says this the historical inappropriate animals that were Rhino and the two Serpent's magical mutate into beings of unfathomable power…

Rhino now known as Chaos…

Serpent 1 now known as Sin…

Serpent 2 known as War…

Mazalith: yes!!!

Lucinda: wait so what you trying to tell me here is that all of this is real and those things are real too and not some creative Ai simulation…

Noah Supreme: it's time you learned the truth poor human, "!!!Where it all Began!!!"

To be continued….