
Hopeless…(Part 1)

For your information ℹ️ human reader, the stickers that are placed in this sad pathetic excuse for a story, has meanings to it, for example, if you see fire on let's say Noah's name, that would imply that they are either not themselves anymore or are in a state of power or in the case, no stickers like Noah and stickers like 🔥Noah Supreme, the fire 🔥 also suggests that the power is from 🔥Hell🔥 too, further more, not only do they give the story some much needed expression since the writer can't upload any photographs for what's going on in the story, they also help distinguish between character's, you might ask why Lucifer a Devil 😈 doesn't have anything on his name and that is because he has decided to be in his neutral form or state which means he's normal sort of until you see fire 🔥or a Devil 😈face attached to his name… moving on.........

A huge interview is underway for Miss Lucinda Ferahmoven at the office with a very interesting and very popular Actress who has stared in many awesome movies🎥 such as you will find out later in the chapter so hold your horses reader…

Lucinda: I can't believe I'm finally gonna get the chance to meet her in person…

🔥Noah Supreme: aha

Lucinda: you know this is the only time we will get to…

Lucifer: yes, who's dying today

Lucinda: and of course your here to ruin everything…

Lucifer: absolutely and completely yes…

Lucinda: huh😔…

Lucifer: so what's the sentence today…

Lucinda: is that it…

Lucifer: what!!🤨

Lucinda: your not even gonna ask me about yesterday and why I was at your house…

Lucifer: oh yeah I totally forgot you were there, yeah what were you doing on my couch 🛋 anyways…

Lucinda: you, are utterly, the stupidest, most self centered pathetic excuse for anthropomorphic personification on this or any other planet Lucifer😡…

Lucifer and Noah: WTF😳!!!!!!

(Lucinda walk's away…)

Lucifer: what's gotten into her today…

🔥Noah Supreme: I certainly hope it's not your dick…

Lucifer: what!!! why would my penis get into her…

🔥Noah Supreme: certainly not mine, if it were she wouldn't scream at all because of the size…

Lucifer: oh, now do I hear a tiny baby carrot crying…

🔥Noah Supreme: call me that again and I won't be able to ensure your safety around me…

Lucifer: mess with me again and you might not see heaven…

🔥Noah Supreme: because you think your the Devil😈, your nothing like me fool…

Lucifer: why you little👿…

Lucinda: woah guy's, that's enough, what happened to you Noah, you used to worship him…

🔥Noah Supreme: but then I saw the green slimy symbyote at the end of the tunnel and embraced it like how Eddy Brock embraced Venom from the movie…

Lucinda: ohk, thats oddly specific…

Lucifer: can you just tell me what's going on today and why so many people are moving their asses around arranging the place, is Barak Obama coming over…

Lucinda: yes and nooo, we're receiving a very important Hollywood Actress over this afternoon and noo!!! do not think about fucking her like you did our last Hollywood 🌟star…

⏳Flash back to 3weeks ago…

Lucinda: thank you so much for joining us Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlet Witch🧙‍♀️ everyone…

Elizabeth Olsen: thank you for having me, it was my pleasure (instantly set's eyes 👀 on Lucifer) um sorry but is there anyway I can use the mens bathroom 🚽 I mean the bathroom 🚽…

Lucinda: of course no problem, just right across your left..

Elizabeth Olsen: why fuck you I mean thank you😁…

Lucinda: ohk🤨….

⏱A few minutes later🕝…

Lucinda: maybe she got lost…

(Instantly finds Lucifer and her banging together…)

Lucifer: oh yeah, I'll spread you like an avocado 🥑 toast being made by your father because he thinks he knows how to do everything right but you do too and he won't acknowledge that about you and rather scold you…

Lucinda: Lucifer!!!…

Lucifer: what!!!….it's true…

⏳End of flash back⌛️…

Lucifer: what!!… I would never…

Lucinda: yeah right, hopeless…

Back at the airport station…

Air Crew: your all set Miss…

Actress: why thank😊you (she finally gets off the plane ✈️ and out off the airport to enter into her private escort vehicle 🚗 but bumps into our dear mother's choice award 🥇 winner MoM…) oh am so sorry, I didn't see you there…

MoM: oh why hello there, your human earthly sack for flesh looks very stunning as compared to my prostitute of an earthly human sack outfit…

Actress: oh, thank you, I guess…

MoM: your form is just what I need to complete my plan to win my sons over don't you think, human…

Actress: maybe I don't know…

MoM: yes, let's try it…

Actress: Am sorry🤨…

💐MoM✨: …Mana Zone Magik Spell…

✨As once you we're✨

✨As pretty and fair✨

✨Switch Switch Switch✨

✨Is your Skin✨

✨And wear it on mine ✨

✨Like it was the Joker's 🃏 Grin✨…

Actress: ohk so this is getting weird and very strange so am gonna go now…

(The minute she sat into her 🚙 car, it was no longer her body anymore, MoM had already taken over…)

Actress: what a weird and strange name this is….what is this, Gal Gadot from DC universe, I thought this was Marvel for some reason…

💐Gal Gadot🌺: anyways, she's hot so…

Shofar: where to miss Gadot???…

🌸Gal Gadot🌼: you shall address me as MoM, (instantly sees her to do work schedule laid out beside her for the day today) um take me to LUX Co. before you take me to The Daily News 📰 Cooperation building, I've heard that's where the famous Lucifer works and also for my close up shot of my beauty…

Shofar: you mean the interview…

🌺Gal Gadot🌹: precisely human…

Back at The Daily News 📰 Co.

Lucinda: you know what, come to think of it, you've never showed me your office before, so do you even have one…

Lucifer: of course I have one, as big as my Throne in 🔥Hell🔥

Lucinda: yeah right…

Lucifer: ohk lets go then…

Lucinda: I thought you'd never ask…

Moments Later…

Lucifer: welcome to Lux Co.

Lucinda: this is actually pretty bigger than I imagined though…

Lucifer: yes, let me introduce you to the few humans here that are worth seeing, this is Norman, tell us something about yourself Norman…

Norman: um I work here….

😈Lucifer🔥: ✨ohk, now tell me something dark about yourself Norman✨…

Norman: I…I really love my sister Marie and I worship her with all of my running bleeding nostrils…

Lucinda: ohk, we did not need to know that…

Norman: I love you Marie…(bleeding nose)

😈Lucifer🔥: ✨and this is Donald, come on Donald, tell us something incredibly creepy about you✨…

Donald: I love food 🍲 so much, one time I stole hotdogs from the son of Kevin Heart❤️

Lucifer: ohk…

(As Lucifer keeps on hypnotizing the workers of Lux Co. to reveal their creepy side, MoM or should I call Gal Gadot the actress magically arrives at Lux Co. and surprisingly notices Amenadiel going in too…)

Gal Gadot: what a perfectly perfect plan of mine…

(As MoM stands outside the building of Lux Co. she instantly remembers to cast her spell over the building…)

💐Gal Gadot⚡️: …Mana Zone Magik Spell…

✨Hekatea Hekatea Hekatea, Sister of Mane✨

✨Dark Energies in your name✨

✨Give me the control I once claimed✨

Let the game's begin…

(As the plans of MoM slowly unfold from the rubble to the surface of Lucifer eyes, things suddenly took a dark turn, she enters and order's for a Queen worthy Chair 🪑 to sit on, and finally the tires 🛞 of her plan rolls over…)

📼 🎥….

🧌Trollingamor: Roarrrr‼️‼️‼️Everybody down!!‼️‼️

🧌Trolldactor: you heard him, get down on your knees…

🧌Trollestor: yeah what he said…

(A set of sewer trolls 🧌 invade Lux Co. and no they are not internet trolls but real monster trolls who intend to capture it's population including Lucifer and Amenadiel…)

Amenadiel: are those mascots those criminals are wearing…

Lucifer: yeah, I mean they look so realistic, what are you doing here brother…

Amenadiel: I came to discuss about MoM but…

Lucifer: clearly we've got even bigger problems to discuss about right now…

Amenadiel: what do we do…

Lucifer: we'll that's an understatement brother, the question is, who do we take to 🔥Hell🔥 first…

Amenadiel: right…

Lucifer: don't worry mis holy, your guardian Devil is here…

Lucinda: right, go do your thing, I'll try to call the cops and try not to die ok…

Amenadiel: ok trolls, your trolling end's now…

🧌Trollingamor: Apparently these tiny human's don't know when to give up my brothers…

🧌Trolldactor: let's tech them a lesson they'll never forget…

Lucifer: you messed with the wrong neighborhood devil😈…

🌺Gal Gadot💫: oh no my son's, I can't have you ruining my good works now… (she instantly increases the control of the Hex that has placed upon the building to prevent her son's from getting in the way just by blinking…, Amenadiel knowing fully well that he has become powerless still tries to look powerful in front of Lucifer and these 6ft tall Trolls 🧌, Lucifer on the other hand knows not to expose himself to all of these people, he dodge's a blow from one of the trolls 🧌 and proceeds to grab the huge arm of said troll and attempt's to lift it up and smash it to the ground but pathetically fails and gets lifted up by the troll instead and thrown across the room straight through the hard concrete wall of the nearest adjacent office. Amenadiel on other hand tries to think smart about the whole situation and actually comes up with an idea, toll's are massively heavy for their height and so if one slightly pushes one off their balance they are most evidently to tumble and fall and so he did, Lucifer finally gets up pissed off and enraged with hell power but find's Amenadiel pathetically trying to make the trolls fall on their knees, he brushes this off as identity protection from being exposed as an Angel with massive super strength and joins the fight yet again. As the day slowly withers away Lucifer starts to wonder if there's any hope of ever defeating this creatures…)

Lucifer: what are they made off anyway, hate comments…

Amenadiel: I don't know brother but I suspect them to be under some magic protection or invulnerability of some kind…

Lucifer: I feel so useless…

Amenadiel: huh tell me about it…

(The raging beasts grab a huge pile of debris and launch 🚀 them at the civilians hiding behind tables and chairs, Lucifer notices and moves to their location in time and uses his back bone as a shield 🛡 and block's the debris but gets knocked out unconscious while Amenadiel run's to him…)

Amenadiel: Luci!!! Luci!!!, are you okay…

Lucifer: I…I feel hopeless, am useless…

To be continued…