
Devil Days (Part 2)

As Lucifer MorningStar😈 and Jinx Monsoon hit it off in one of the private guest room's and boy oh boy was it intense, sadly I can't go into much details right now but I mean you guys can imagine how it all went down right, I'll give you a hint, a lot of doggy styles and reverse cow girl if you know what I mean😜…moving on, Katherine went on to the washroom to clean 🧼 off the 🩸blood and luckily for her she found a first aid ⛑ kit and managed to bandage 🩹 herself up, while there she could 👂hear muffled noises coming from one of the stalls and banging too, she decided to open it up to see if the person in there needed any kind of help or what ever, she walks slowly and gently towards the stall and opened the door 🚪 slightly, to her absolute horror, it was a man being drained of all of his blood 🩸 from the neck and still trying to resist the urge, it was Damian Hellsink, he was the one draining the poor man to death, his bulging black veins creeping out from under his skin spreading through his blood 🩸 shot 👀 eyes and disappearing back into his body as he keeps on draining the lifeless body on the ground, Katherine immediately took 3 steps backwards in an attempt to flew but to her dismay, Damian jumped on her fiercely and bit into her adoring neck and got bashed in the head by Katherine who run from there after realizing this horrific truth about the Hellsink family. Katherine ran and ran and even bumped into a couple of the quest there while trying to escape the scene she just witnessed, but little did she know that that potion 🧪 she digested earlier was the reason she survived the vampire bit and didn't pass out immediately and would also guide her from danger but not save her from it…)

(Bumping into people)

Katherine: am sorry excuse me I have to go…

(She finally got out of the mansion and sped her way through the Twilight forest 🌳 all the way back home 🏡 to Olga her friend and confidant…)

Finally reaches Olga's home…

Katherine: Olga!!!! are you there???

Olga: Katherine what happened to you, are you alright…

Katherine: no am not best friend, he's a monster, he's a monster…(start's crying 😭)

Olga: calm down and tell me everything..,

Katherine: I saw him drinking blood 🩸 from a man and he jumped on me and bit me too but I was able to hit him with all my strength and escaped and ….

Olga: wait he bit you, let me see hunny…, oh God that's bad…

Katherine: I just don't want to go back there…

Olga: hunny I think he is a vampire 🧛‍♂️ dear and he needs to feed on human blood 🩸 in order to survive so…

Katherine: I don't care what he is we need to report him to the local sheriff or else he'll kill all of us, wait does that mean I'll become a monster like the Hellsink's too

Olga: maybe I don't know hunny but I knew that surname sounded familiar, my mom has a whole archive explaining the lore behind vampires and werewolves and it just so happens to mention the Hellsink brothers but wait where is Jinx didn't she come with you…

Katherine: what!! she came looking for me here…

Olga: yeah she said your father Mr. Dracula Verses was after your whereabouts, I told her you would be at the Hellsink Mansion tonight and so she came there looking for you…

Katherine: oh no I must go back and save her from running into that monster, I'll be back Olga, don't go no where okay…

Olga: but Katherine you…

(Katherine stormed off running back to the Hellsink Mansion to rescue her sister Jink and prier to this happening, Jinx had already left the warming arms of Lucifer MorningStar and had gone outside to continue looking for Katherine, on her way she realizes that everyone had left the party 🎉 and some how runs into 🩸Damian Hellsink who apparently just work up from the blow that Katherine gave him and is still not quite satisfied with just the taste of a dying corpse…)

Jinx: um hi sorry to ask you but is there by any chance that you've seen my sister around here anywhere, her name is Katherine Monsoon…

🩸Damian: that bitch….what's it to you…

Jinx: um she's my sister so…

🩸Damian: oh you must be Jinx then, she's told me all about you…

Jinx: really…

🩸Damian: yeah, come with me, I know where she is hunny bun…

Jinx: oh why thank you sir, I didn't quite catch your name…

🩸Damian: call me Damian Hellsink darling…

(Moments later Katherine had finally arrived at the mansion again only this time she was holding a stake in her hands, one where she carved on her way here from the forest 🌳 couple of hours ago. Katherine enters with fear and strength in hands while screaming out Jinx's name, as she walks through the dark alluring hallways of the mansion, a humming sound could be heard coming from one of the quest room's and immediately Katherine recognized the voice of whom it belonged to. She opens up the door 🚪 leading to the voice and is met by a huge room filled with way more fancy stuff and a piano 🎹 right in center with our victim and predator siting on it while red liquid spew from his mouth 👄 as a body of what seems to be who we're looking for lays on the ground motionless…)

Katherine: what have you done with her you monster!!!…

🩸Damian: who me, I haven't done anything to her, yet…

Katherine: if you touch her one more time I swear I'll kill you…

🩸Damian: well isn't that funny, you don't hear that everyday, do you know what's the tastiest liquor 🍹 in the world 🌎 is…

Katherine: ….😡…

🩸Damian: adding fine red wine 🍷 to the blood 🩸 of your latest victim runaway and that, is you…(fangs pull out ready to strike again)

(Damian jumps up on Katherine again in an attempt to drain her of her blood 🩸 too as he did to poor Jinx just now, Katherine dodges right in time sending Damian flying through the table behind Katherine. Katherine immediately run's to jinx seeing that she's unconscious on the floor but still alive at least, she tries to grab her and leave the Mansion before Damian wakes up but is stopped by Damian as he grab's her ankle and pull's her back sending her tumbling to the floor with jinx in hand. Katherine attempt's to stab Damian with the stake she prepared earlier but misses inches away from his heart ❤️. Damian sees this and pulls out the stake from his chest and finally goes rampage on Katherine…)

Back to Olga at the cottage…

Olga: I wonder what's taking her so long, maybe she's in danger, I have to go save both of them…

Bulgaria La fare: what is wrong daughter of mine you seem intense…

Olga: mother I…

Bulgaria La fare: what is it my child…

Olga: mother I have to go somewhere to save my friend's I think there in danger…

Bulgaria La fare: well then if you feel that way my child, go and remember, many things can fuel a witches 🧙‍♀️power, anger, happiness and even sadness, so don't hold back on anyone got it…

Olga: thank you mother…

Bulgaria La fare: you take care now…

(Olga matches straight to the Mansion to find her friends and hopefully save them. Upon arrival, she sensed a strange and strong presence around it but shrugged it off and proceeded to enter the the dark hall's of the Hellsink Mansion, finally coming face to face with Damian Hellsink…)

Olga: give me back my friends demon or face my wrath 😡and power✨…

🩸Damian: oh a little witch I see, well then, welcome to the party, your happy to join me anytime…

Olga: I will say this once again, where are Katherine and Jinx Monsoon you monster from 🔥Hell🔥…

🩸Damian: you want am, come and get it witch…

(At that very moment Jinx was able to wake up in time and grab Katherine to get away from Damian in time for Olga to do this…)

✨Olga: ✨Negative Hex Magik Spell✨

✨From the pit's of samba✨

✨The demons rule✨

✨Coursing through you now✨

✨Is Hell's fuel✨

✨I make it my pack to bind thee✨

✨Fire and Ember-Might✨

✨Send this fool who defies me to✨

✨The Eender-Mites✨

(And just like that Damian Hellsink got sucked into a Dimensional Vortex of Hyperspace and was never to be seen again also we thought…)

Jinx: Olga are you okay, am so glad you came to our rescue when you did…

Olga: always, now let's get you two back home and treated up okay…

To be continued…