
episode 15 part 1

(The opening shows The pharaoh coming out of an egyptian slab)

(A sword is shown spinning and then Kanisha is shown with Kamia behind her)

(A ring is shown glowing, then Clara is shown with Yami Clara beside her)

(The screen shows Kanisha, The Pharaoh, and Clara in the middle of city seeing a bunch of screens on buildings showing Kaiba with an evil look in his eye)

(Joey is shown taking a card out of his deck, while Serenity behind him with bandages covering her eyes)

(The millennium necklace is shown and then Ishizu is revealed)

(The rare hunters are shown)

(The Egyptian gods are revealed)

(Kanisha and Joey facing each other in a duel)

(Kanisha is shown with Kali the guardian of fire)

(The pharaoh is shown with Dark Magician)

(Yami Clara is shown with Dark Magician Girl)

(Kaiba is shown with Blue-eyes Dragon)

(The screen shows Marik on a throne with a cloak on with the millennium rod)

(Kanisha is shown with crystal wings)

(Friends are shown supporting)

(The opening ends with Clara, Kanisha, and The pharaoh side by side)

(The screen shows the pharaoh and Kanisha come out of the box)

The pharaoh: Where are we?

Kanisha: I wonder that too

(A computer is shown)

Computer's voice: Duelist profile: Yugi Muto. Dueling level: 5 stars. Rarest card: Dark magician

Kanisha: How were they able to hack into battle city?

(Another computer is shown)

Computer's voice: Duelist profile: Kanisha Sukiyaki. DUeling level 5 stars. Rarest card: unknown

Kanisha: It seems it is accurate, but that was creepy

(From the computer dark magician appears with brown skin and a red outfit, but pretty much the same staff)

The dark magician: I've been meaning to meet you, you are not worthy of having me in your deck

Kanisha: How dare you, wait why I'm feeling insulted?

(A shadow appears from the other computer and faces Kanisha)

Kanisha: Okay, this place is starting to make me worry

The dark magician: Prepare to meet the true master of the dark magician

Kanisha: Okay, I've had enough, whoever is organizing this appear already

(A chuckle is heard)

(Arkana appears)

Arkana: I am an Illusionist known as Arkana and I will be dueling you, Yugi.

(Beside Arkana is a woman who has a red/black suit)

The woman: My name is Arkama and you will be dueling me, Kanisha

(The screen shows Kanisha and Arkama in a different room)

(The pharaoh is facing Arkana)

Arkana: Let's make a deal, the winner will take the loser's dark magician

The pharaoh: Fine, I agree, you must know that when a duelist builds his deck, his chooses his favorites from many different types. But sometimes a card can choose a duelist. The two are connected, and the duelist can tap into the card's true power because each is bound by the heart of the cards (Gets out his deck and shuffles) and the dark magician has chosen me and (picks out the dark magician) he has never let me down and I place my complete trust in my dark magician.

Arkana: So, it's true. The great Yugi Muto never backs down from a challenge. Very impressive.

(The light turns on revealing the dueling ring)

Arkana: We'll duel according to Battle City Tournament rules. Not even Kaiba knows we're here.

(The pharaoh and Arkana shuffles their decks)

The pharaoh: Don't try any sleight of hand, Arkana.

Arkana: Card tricks are strictly for amateurs, Yugi Muto.

(The Phaoroh and Arkana give each other their decks)

Arkana: Oh, but before we start our duel I have something to make this interesting

(The pharaoh sees shackles appear that attach to his leg and Arkana)

Arkana: Don't worry both of us are locked in, so neither one of us can escape. See there's another twist, our cherished cards aren't the only things on the line. We also play for what's inside your mind.

(Saws appear as well at the bottom)

The pharaoh (looks worried) (thought): This isn't good

Arkana: Let me explain the rules, you see those numbers

The Pharaoh (looks at the numbers): Those are life points, the closer the life points get zero, the closer the saw comes.

Arkana: And you won't have a leg to stand on CD (laughs)

The pharaoh (thought): Okay, that joke was pathetic.

Arkana: Very good, now if you look down you will see a key box

(A key box appears)

Arkana: These numbers are your opponent's life points, once your opponent's life points go to zero, the key box opens and you get a key and can also escape.

The pharaoh: You're insane

Arkana: Think of it as a Hope chest because that chest is the only hope you got (laughs)

The pharaoh: What are you some type of madman?

Arkana: I'm no mad man, I'm just undefeated

The pharaoh: Not for long Arkane, let's duel

(Arkana and The Pharaoh activate their duel disks)

(The screen shows Arkana's cards and his dark magician is in the front)

Arkana (looks at his cards): There it is

The pharaoh: Now, I will start this duel by putting (puts a card on the duel disk face down) one face down and by summoning Alpha the magnet warrior in defense mode

(Alpha the magnet warrior appears)

Arkana: Prepare yourself, because I summon Legion the fiend warrior also in defense mode.

Arkana (thought) (while smiling): Once I summon another creature to sacrifice I'll have my weapon

The pharaoh: You won't be smiling for long (looks at his cards) since I don't trust your hand, I'll play this magic card: Card of destruction

Arkana (looking shocked): Not that!

The pharaoh: I knew that you were acting tricky, so now we both have discard our hand and start over with a clean slate

Arkana: You will pay for that (puts his cards up and picks new ones)

The pharaoh (picks new cards too): I wouldn't count on that Arkane, reveal the face down card: Brain control this card let's me take control of any of your cards

(The brain control sends Legion the fiend warrior on the pharaoh's side)

The pharaoh: Now, I sacrifice Legion the fiend warrior and Alpha the magnet warrior to summon my ultimate monster: the Dark magician

(The dark magician is revealed)

Arkana (thought) (looking worried): I'm wide open for an attack by his Dark Magician

The pharaoh: Dark magician shows him some real magic by attacking his life points.

(Arkana's life points go to 1500)

The pharaoh: See what happens if you only use trickery to win.

Arkana: That was just the opening act before this duel is over, I'll show you a magic show

(The episode ends)