
Chapter 40

Gideon resumed his path. Something soft cushioned his heel, and he paused to look down, surprised when he saw a worn carpet runner striping the center of the wooden floor. He nudged the corner, but no dust floated free when it was disturbed.

Somebody had cleaned it recently. This was a thoroughfare that was used.

His gaze ran along its length, watching it disappear around a bend in the hall.

It led somewhere. If he was lucky, it would lead him straight to the thick of things.

He’d settle for stairs.

And a single, breathing human.

* * * *

A beacon in the form of a single, beautiful candle brought Jesse and Jonah into the foyer. Jesse’s knees felt weak with relief. It helped to know that there were more candles in the kitchen drawers and in the dining room. But besides the single light, the space was empty.


“Jesse?” Her voice drifted from the general direction of the library. “We’re in here. Most of us.”