
Dominion's Descent

Under the cloak of twilight, a quaint watch store in the heart of the city bore witness to a mysterious arrival. At his doorstep, the store owner found a basket cradling a silent boy with piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom. The old man, moved by the child’s solemn gaze, named him Jake and embraced him as his own. In the fleeting years that followed, Jake grew rapidly, his mind always hungry for knowledge, his questions often leaving the old watchmaker in thoughtful silence. The bond they formed was profound, filled with endless discoveries and quiet moments of shared understanding. Yet, as the shadows of Jake’s thirteenth year fell, the comforting presence of the watchmaker began to fade, thrusting Jake into a journey of self-discovery and untamed destiny. ******************************************** Join our Enchanting Discord Community! Embark on an epic adventure with fellow fans of Dominion's Descent by joining our Discord server! Dive into the depths of the multiverse and share your insights, theories, and fan art with like-minded enthusiasts. Don't miss exclusive announcements, behind-the-scenes content, and opportunities to interact with the authors themselves! Discover the magic that lies within and forge lasting friendships. So, what are you waiting for? Link: https://discord.gg/eRQhdXKUQk ******************************************** Release Schedule: 1-2 Chapters/Per Day Note: I'm currently in the midst of my last semester, and I appreciate your understanding. To provide you with the best possible reading experience, I've adjusted the release schedule.

Oblivion03 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Arrival

{Remaster In Progress, C1 Completed}

The night sky over the quiet town of Everbrook was suddenly lit up by a blazing streak of light. Unlike a typical meteor, this streak had an ethereal glow, drawing the attention of anyone who might have been awake to see it. It hurtled towards the ground, finally landing gently in front of an old watch store named "The Time Piece." In the soft moonlight, the outline of a baby could be seen, cradled by a basket and wrapped in a simple cloth, with a diamond pendant tied around his neck. His shiny blue eyes, full of curiosity and wonder, gazed up at the world.

The cobblestone street was lined with old-style houses, their darkened windows hiding the secrets of their inhabitants. The only sounds were the distant hoot of an owl and the gentle rustling of leaves in the cool night breeze. An old man with a white beard, dressed in a long, worn coat, walked down the street. His name was Elias, a watchmaker who lived alone and spent his days repairing timepieces in his quaint little shop.

Elias's footsteps echoed softly as he approached "The Time Piece." He had just finished his evening walk, a ritual that brought him peace amidst the ticking clocks of his life. As he reached the store, his eyes caught the glint of the diamond pendant. Intrigued, he bent down and discovered the baby.

"What in the world…" Elias muttered, looking around for any sign of who might have left the child there. But the street was empty. The baby's eyes met his, and in that moment, Elias felt a strange connection, as if fate had brought them together.

He hesitated, thinking about the practicality of raising a child at his age. But something about the baby's curious gaze pulled at his heartstrings. With a resigned sigh, Elias carefully lifted the basket and cradled the baby in his arms. "Well, little one, looks like it's you and me now," he said softly.

Elias decided to adopt the child as his grandson and named him Jake. Life in the watch store was simple yet filled with moments of quiet joy. Jake grew up under Elias's watchful eye, and as he did, his curiosity only deepened. He asked countless questions about the world, always seeking to understand more. Despite this, Jake remained distant from others, preferring solitude and the company of his own thoughts.

Jake's days were filled with learning. By the age of six, he no longer needed Elias to guide him. The digital world provided him with endless information, and he devoured it all. He exercised regularly, pushing his body to its limits, driven by an inexplicable need to gain strength and knowledge. It was as if something within him was preparing for a destiny he couldn't yet comprehend.

As Jake grew older, he noticed Elias's health declining. The once vibrant watchmaker became frail and tired. They still shared moments together, Elias teaching Jake the delicate art of watchmaking, but their bond remained more practical than emotional. Jake couldn't explain why he felt so detached, but he assumed it was simply part of his nature.

One cold winter evening, Jake found Elias sitting in his favorite armchair, staring out the window. "Jake, my boy," Elias said, his voice weak but steady. "There's something special about you. I've always known it. Promise me you'll find out what it is."

Jake nodded, a silent promise passing between them. A few days later, Elias didn't wake up. Jake stood by his bedside, feeling a mixture of emptiness and determination. He knew that Elias had given him all he could, and now it was up to Jake to uncover the mysteries of his own existence.

Alone once more, Jake took one last look at "The Time Piece." The diamond pendant around his neck seemed to shine brighter in the morning light, a symbol of his unknown origins and his potential. With a deep breath, he stepped out into the world, ready to seek the knowledge and power that seemed to call to him from deep within.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but Jake was resolute. His blue eyes, filled with a determined fire, looked forward to the path that lay ahead.

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