
Domination Of Shadows

In the enigmatic Azure Realm, Chen Xuanlong, a young master with a mysterious bloodline, descends from higher planes, awakening an ancient system. As he navigates the Mortal, Spiritual, and Sacred realms, his desires unfold beyond cultivation – driven by forbidden passions and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. With the coveted saintess as his target, "Ethereal Desires" is a captivating journey of power, love, and the untold mysteries of the realms.

Nothinglesss · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Ethereal Ascendance

As Celestial Enlightenment enveloped Chen Xuanlong, the Celestial Crossroads heralded his Ethereal Ascendance. The astral tapestry parted, revealing a celestial realm beyond mortal comprehension. The young master ascended, transcending the confines of Ethereal Shroud.

"Ding! Ethereal Ascendance Achieved. Fortune Points bestowed for ascending beyond the mortal realms of Ethereal Shroud."

The celestial realm welcomed Chen Xuanlong, its splendors unfurling like petals of cosmic flowers. Ethereal maidens, embodiments of celestial grace, greeted the young master as he embarked on a celestial odyssey, leaving the echoes of Ethereal Shroud behind.