
Dominating the beauties and the world.

Avel is a reincarnated guy with no system or cheat. With his Medicore wind magic affinity and previous life knowledge, he got a job as a gardener in the Duchess's mansion. His normal life is boring and hard, and he can only experience pleasure at night using his own hand. though it all changes when he turns 18, an adult. On the night when he turned 18, he suddenly heard "Ding." " activating" "The system is active." " Welcome host on your journey to dominate beauties and the world." " System is here to help you in your journey." Avel with a smirk welcomed his journey filled with debauchery and adventure. follow Avel as he conquers the beauties and gets stronger. As he dominates stronger beauties, he himself gets much stronger. " Whether it be duchess, queen, or empress, I will get them all." this novel contains- R18, BDSM, domination play, maledom,oyakodon, yandere, milf, elf and many other fantasies. No Yuri, no NTR. Note: As the plot progresses, Mc will become more cunning and manipulative. R18* = erotic content. R18** = Seggs. *As it's my first novel, Writing quality in the first 3-5 chapters is not that great, though I do consider it to be decent.

Random_Bully · ファンタジー
21 Chs

ch 4 Blackmail 1

As Avel began his plan, he first asked, " Is there a stealth potion that has a smaller duration of about 1 hour?

"Host, the more amount of stealth potion you drink, the longer the duration of stealth"

bewildered he asked, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

" Host, you didn't ask."

"•••" Avel had a blank expression on his face, not wanting to waste any time he sighed and said

"Buy the stealth potion."

[ stealth potion] 1×

[ remaining coins:- 1650]

" How much do I have to drink to get stealth for 1 hour?"

" Host 1 sip can give you stealth for 30 minutes."

Avel took the potion out from the inventory and took 2 sips, after this he put it back.

Then he took the pictures out from his mattress and put them inside his t-shirt then went towards Isolde's room.

Currently, Isolde was outside of the mansion hunting/training with other knights of the Dukedom.

On the way, he asked the system, " By the way, why do my clothes also acquire stealth, but when I touch other things, they do not acquire stealth?"

" Host, your human brain can not understand how the potion works, but the creator of the potion made sure that the items Host wears also acquire stealth "

" Who is the creator you're talking about?"

" Host, that's confidential."

"fine-fine keep your secrets to yourself."

when he reached her room, her door was locked, seeing that no one was present, He crouched and took the pictures out from his t-shirt, then slipped them inside her room through the fine slit between the door and the ground. After that, he also took out a note that he had written.

""""My dear Isolde Frost.

If you do not want these pictures to reach every household in the dukedom, then silently wait for me, I will come inside your room after 9 pm.""

He slid the note inside her room and went back to his quarters.

After he reached his quarters, he opened the system shop.

" Buy lust potion and submission collar," he said.


[lust potion:- increases lust of the target to max for 1 hour] 1×

[ submission collar:- increases obedience by 20 after wearing it, the obedience will not decrease even after removing it and will permanently remain increased by 20.

condition:- target must wear it by themselves] 1×

[remaining coins:- 350].

He then looked at some more items in the system shop

[ persuasive tongue(permanent):- people will become more likely to believe in Host's words and will be easily persuaded.

stronger target can resist the skill to a greater degree, doesn't work if the target is S class or above].cost:-300 points.

A grin appeared on his face. This is exactly the type of skill he was looking for.

Without any delay, he said, " Buy it."

" Ding"

[ persuasive tongue(permanen)t:- people will become more likely to believe in the Host's words and will be easily persuaded.

Stronger targets can resist the skill to a greater degree, doesn't work if the target is S class or above.]

[remaining coins:-50].

After this was done, he said, " System show me Isolde's status window."


[Name: Isolde Frost]

[age: 21]

[sex: female]

[mana level: 5/10( B class)]

[affinity: Ice( S), earth( A)]

[physical stats:6/10(A)]

[looks: S]

Obedience:- 5/100.


"OH, her obedience and feelings increased. Well, she did imagine me as her master. " As he said this, his little brother twitched a little.

Now, all he had to do was wait for the night.

In the evening, Isolde came back, and Avel, just like other servants, went to greet her, She got off her horse and went inside the mansion, Avel was looking at her while she was going inside, thinking about how she would react after seeing what he left in her room, there was an emotion of amusement inside of him but at the same, he can't help but be nervous.

Night, 9 pm. Avel drank a sip of the stealth potion and went towards Isolde's room. He knocked. Isolde, wearing a conservative-looking nightgown, was nervously waiting. After seeing the pictures and the note, she was startled. She got off the bed and opened the door, seeing no one outside she was confused and at the same time relieved, though a very small part of her was disappointed.

As she opened the door, Avel, who was still under the effects of the stealth potion, immediately went inside without her knowledge.

He stood near the sofa, which was situated in front of the bed and waited for the effects of the potion to degrade.

After some time, the effect ended, and suddenly, Avel appeared in front of Isolde. Seeing this, she was startled and immediately took her sword, which was on the table adjacent to the bed and took a defensive posture

" Greetings, my lady," Avel said with a calm expression. Though he was nervous from the inside, the persuasive tongue skill helped him maintain his facade.

" Were you the one who sent the letter and those p-pic-pictures?" she said the last word while she stammered with embarrassment.

" It was indeed me, my Lady," Avel said with a calm expression.

" What do you want?" Isolda said with a serious expression.

" I'm pretty sure you have already guessed it, my lady, though how about you put the sword down and sit on the bed so that we can talk?"She wanted to retort, but suddenly, she felt like talking would be much better.

" Fine, let's talk," she said as she sat down on her bed with her sword lying down beside her.

After her, Avel also sat on the sofa with one of his legs over the other with his arms crossed. He had a calm expression on his face, though inside was the opposite

" Calm down, calm down, just follow the plan," were the thoughts inside his mind.

Isolde was the first to speak. " I didn't know you were this of man Avel."

" Which type of man are you talking about, my lady?" Avel said with a smirk.

" Tsk," Isolde clicked her tongue and looked away with an angry and embarrassed expression.

" I wouldn't know if you don't tell me, my lady," Avel teased.

" YOU - don't get ahead of yourself," she retorted with the same angry and embarrassed expression on her face.

" All right, my lady, let's get back to the topic, I'm here to blackmail you," Avel said nonchalantly.

hearing this, Isolde's eyes opened wide, her cheeks got redder, and her vagina twitched a little, She immediately calmed herself down and glared at Avel.

" Glaring at me will achieve nothing, my lady," said Avel with a calm expression.

" Holy Shit I almost pissed my pants," were the thoughts going inside his mind.

After calming herself, Isolde looked at Avel with a serious expression on her face. " Tell me why shouldn't i kill you right now." Were the words that left her mouth.

" Killing me will be detrimental to you too, my lady," Avel said, his face still showing the same calmness.

" Explain"

" I have an arrangement, my lady. if I wish to or if I die copies of those pictures will reach every house in dukedom"


" Host, you should see this."

[Name: Isolde Frost]

[age: 21]

[sex: female]

[mana level : 5/10( B class)]

[affinity: Ice( S), earth( A)]

[physical stats:6/10(A)]

[looks: S]

Obedience:- 10/100.


" Her obedience increased again looks like the threat is working," he thought as his face formed a slight smirk.

Isolde observing his smirk immediately ask

" And why should I believe you are capable of it?" In a threatening voice while glaring at him.

" Well, I'm capable of getting these pictures and suddenly appearing I'm in front of you, so why wouldn't I be capable of making sure that all the citizens of the dukedom see this side of their young lady" he said the last line with a smirk.

hearing this, Isolde looked down. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. A small part of her was also looking forward to it.

" What do you want?" she asked with her head still bowed down. Though she had already guessed it roughly but she still wanted to confirm.


[ obedience:- 15/100]. Looking at the notification, excitement was bursting in Avel's brain.

" Before that, why don't you bring some drinks for us to enjoy while we discuss further?"

She wanted to retort, but seeing his serious expression, she sighed and went out of the room.

Just as she left, Avel relaxed, with a sigh he said.

" Few, that was dangerous, though given how easily it went the persuasive tongue was worth it."

After some time, she came back with two glasses of drinks She put them on the table and immediately went towards the bed and sat on it.

Avel, after seeing her sit, spoke again.

"Drinks without snacks are no good, How about you bring some snacks too, my lady" this time he said with a slight grin.

Hearing this nerves emerged on Isolde's forehead, her expression was that of rage.

she retorted, " YOU, stop playing with me" with a loud voice.

Avel said calmly, " Playing with you is fun, my lady, though seeing how angry you got this will be the last time, I promise."

Isolde looked at him with a glare and didn't say anything, then she went out again.

Just as she left the room, he immediately took out the lust potion from the inventory. It was a small flask-shaped bottle with a small amount of transparent liquid, he immediately mixed it in her drink.

then sat back on the sofa and waited for her to return.

" The real play starts from here," he thought with an evil smirk.
