
Dominating Realities as Lord of Mysteries

Maximilian Hendrix a man with questionable morals commits suicide after the death of his entire family. He then gets an offer from a very powerful being which he accepts that leads to his reincarnation into the world of Lord of the Mysteries along with his sister. With the power in hand from the seemingly omnipotent being, Maximilian starts on an adventure in the new life with his sister. First World: Lord of the Mysteries (Currently here) Second World: Fate/stay night Third World: Bleach (maybe) ---------------------------------------------- This novel is extreme wish fulfillment in nature with probably a Pokémon harem and incest so if that kind of thing is not to your liking then don't read it. Also, mc is evil so don't expect him to seek justice or something. The updates will be irregular because I am just writing this for fun. Don't expect this to be plot heavy. The cover is not mine.

ImmortalVirgin_0980 · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Ah shit here we go again (1)

Tuesday, 10th July, Year 1349

So here I am waiting in Kakal Cafe at 9.30 am for Fors and Xio alone. My sister was acting more interested in potions for some reason so I didn't harp on it. Even though I didn't see her thoughts through power of Author, I can tell that she didn't so that I can court Fors freely and maybe Xio. Well we will see how that goes. I mean this will be our first meeting so I gotta make a good impression, though I feel that it wouldn't be hard with my Harem Protagonist Ring. There are still 30 minutes till the time of meeting, so let's think about some other things and plan ahead.

So how do I go about taking Sefirah Castle from Klein? Of course forceful means are the last resort because I don't want to antagonise Amanises if I can help it. So I will definitely have to do a trade if I want to get Sefirah Castle from Klein willingly. Of course I can psychologically suggest him giving Sefirah Castle to me but then it would be too suspicious, also I don't know if Sefirah Castle would take away the effect of my suggestion at the level of Sequence 0. So to be safe, even if I do suggest something it has to very subtle that even if it gets cleared he doesn't notice. And since Klein is a rookie right now, it's easier to fleece him. Should I envision a Card of Blasphemy of Fool Pathway in trade for it? But I feel that this isn't enough. Maybe gift him some characteristics for the subsequent potions? I mean I can just take away Rosago's characteristics and give it to Klein as an additional payment. Well I suppose that could be one solution if he accepts that. Also doesn't Klein believe he is a transmigrator and he can go back to Earth, if I break that illusion of his and tell him that his former family and friends are dead. Maybe he will be more conducive to giving Sefirah Castle to me. Hmm these plans still have some flaws but I guess it's a good start.

Oh? Fors and Xio are here. They are just watching from across the street to first scope me out? I can only shake my head at their naiveté but I can't blame them. I mean why would they think that I am a demigod with God like powers, after all if I had bad intentions towards them I could just do it. So in their opinion if I have bad intentions, at most my power should be Low Sequence Beyonder level. Of course I am not using my Glasses for this because, if I get reliant on these Glasses for things like interacting with people like this. That would make me too reliant on it rather than my own brain, and my intelligence will degrade. At least that's what I think, depending on items is fine sometimes but personal development is important too.

After around 10 minutes later, Fors started to come at this Cafe. Xio is outside on the lookout, it looks like they think that I am harmless gentleman. After all I am only 178 cm tall, not the tallest out there but I am satisfied with it. Also I have lean physique that doesn't suggest I am strong but it looks just right to me.

As soon as Fors walks inside the shop, I stand up to invite her. She is about 1.65 meters in height. She has slightly curly brown hair and pale blue eyes. She looks like in her early 20s, which she is. She is wearing a typical common Loen styled dress with a red colored shawl and a bracelet. She has that comfortable aura of laziness that I myself have sometimes. Now that I think about it, isn't Lady Sissi really similar to Fors maybe she is also the type of author that likes to self insert in her main character. "Miss Fors?" I call to her in a questioning voice.

At my query she turns towards me nods and then stand there in front of reception stunned with her face red and heavy breathing? Wait a minute, isn't this ring too effective? I quickly head towards her and face gets more red with it and then take her hand like a gentleman and kiss the back of it. "Will you accompany me for a cup of coffee?" I ask her.

"Y-yes." She stutters with a red face. Tch this ring is too effective, will I even be able to have a proper conversation with her this way? So I loosen my ring and the effect of charm should lessen this way. I then take her to my table while hearing the commentary from Cafe manager lady "Ah young people nowadays" while shaking her head.

After having her sit and me sitting in front of her and ordering a cup of coffee for her, I say "Miss Fors I have to say that you look even more beautiful than what I imagined Lady Sissi to be. And I am quite glad that you asked me for help for the research of your next novel." I first give an acceptable greeting and then brought to her mind the main purpose of our visit. Otherwise she will just keep staring at my face. Also this is making Xio vigilant which is not good at all, at least 3rd person impression wise.

My statement wakes her out of her stunned state, her breath is back to normal but her face is still red. "Pardon me for any faux pas of mine but I am going to be honest with you. It's because I was stunned by how handsome and charming you look Mr Maximilian." She replies to me. I was just speechless at her response, I really overdid it with the ring. But oh well it does make seducing easier so I am not going to complain.

"Haha please Miss Fors, just call me Max." I say to her. "Also thank you for the compliment, even men like compliments like this from a beautiful young lady like you."

She just blushes at this. And then looks away to clear her head. Xio hasn't moved from her spot, so that's good.

"Alright Max, then you call me Fors." She says with a red face. "Also I wanted to ask you about those full moon ravings you mentioned in the letter. Can you tell me more about this legend? And which family was affected by it."

"Why do you want to know about this Fors?" I ask her.

"I just found it an in-interesting concept." She stutters with a red face.

"Oh why would you want to know about Abraham Family? Are you an Apprentice Pathway Beyonder by any chance?" I ask in a joking tone.

But at that moment, Fors face turned white and she panicked.


So that was the chapter. I already have an idea, how to convince Klein but I wanted to ask if you liked my description of his thought process and planning for it?

Also I feel that I should take Sefirah Castle from Klein sooner because Klein becomes more cautious in the story later on after he suffers setbacks in Tingen.

If you have any suggestions for the story please comment.

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