
402 As expected

This season, the Jacksonville Jaguars' comprehensive rise is closely related to Caldwell, and it is no exaggeration to say that the team manager orchestrated this feast single-handedly.

Although Caldwell seems aloof and above it all, the fact is that all the praise and glory he has received, he has won for himself.

Caldwell would say that everything boils down to Head Coach Doug Marrone.

Marrone himself started out on the offensive line, and though his player career was unremarkable, not even worth mentioning—he only stayed in the NFL for two seasons, then went to the United Kingdom to play for another two, before retiring early—once he became a coach, he showed his true talent.

As an offensive line coach or head coach, Marrone had never been able to build a team entirely according to his own plans; however, after he came to the Jacksonville Jaguars from the Buffalo Bills, under the tutelage of Good Old Man Coach Bradley, he found the space to spread his wings.