
Dominate Seventh miss is a Sweet talker

" I love you" "Prove it. give me all you money" "its yours" "I was just kidding" Tangning didnt know what to think. She had married him because he saved her life, so why was she mad when other woman firted with Nai? _______________________________________________~If you guys have any suggestions please let me know in the comments! I have a lot to learn and would love to hear your opinions. this is my first book so please be gentle :D ×D

Makaytlin · 若者
17 Chs

Meng Yiran and Xiao Bai

Yiran looked around the room and sneered. "No matter what you say to me my Meng family is more powerful than your lowly Generals. The Tang family will know what it's like to live on the street and beg for food. I'll make sure of it. And you can all thank that slut tangning. How dare she threaten my Shaoxiang." After she said this Yiran walked out of the house. " I want the guards switched at every post not one of the originals are to stay except you, Uncle Lu." Grandpa Tang said to his right hand man. Uncle Lu served with grandpa Tang while in the military and his wife worked for the Tang family as well. "Grandpa. I want to learn medicine." Ning looked at everyone with a determined look on her face., "You can't say no...While I was out the other day I met a Master and he was willing to take me under his wing when he saw how I loved the medical books he had. He even gave one to me as proof." As she said this she reached under her pillow and grabbed the medical book she had taken from the space. She gave the book to grandpa Tang. "Where did you meet this master?" Grandpa tang was fascinated with the book. his wife was the medical maid during the last war so he knew a bit about medical terminology so he knew the book was real. " When I went out for tea with my friends he had a small stall and was helping the poor" She figured it was best to say he had a stall and not a hospital because then they wouldnt ask to meet her made up master. " He told me he would be in jingling forrest in the outer realm." Jingling forest was a forresnt for spirit beasts. they only dwelled in the middle and center region so many Masters had houses in the outer regions. there were also some beast tamer schools as well. The tang family was known for having the best fire element wielders almost everyone in their family was a fire element wielder. She and her mom being the exception. Her mother was an Air wielder along with an Earth wielder. Her father was fire and water, despite being opposites they were commonly paired if you were lucky enough to be a duel wielder. Although at first people thought that if two people with 2 elements had a child and that child would have all 4 that's not how it works.the child would only get the two strongest elements. therefore if parents like ningnings had a child that child would most likely get the fire and Air elements but Ningning was different. She not only had the 4 common elements but she also had the soul flame. Grandpa Tang looked at ningning and sighed..."How...how will you get there? What will happen if you go there? Will he be able to take care of you?" Grandpa Tang was worried. He just got her back from the brink of death and now she wanted to go away again? He didnt want to let her go and was about to suggest she stay home and never leave when her mother walked in. "I trust her. If she says shell be careful and alright I dont see why she cannot go...but on one condition" Grandpa Tang looked at his daughter in law with love. She never spoke out of turn and was lovely to speak with. She was well educated and loved by everyone. She also never took another lover even after his son had disappeared. "If you agree as her grandfather who am I to disagree. Alright I'll let her go. but what's your condition?" she looked at her daughter and said, " She must take a maid." Having a maid for young ladies in prominent family's was common but because ningning had at least one brother accompany her when she wanted to go out they had never gotten her one. Tangning thought about it and figured it would be best anyways. She will pay them herself and they shall be loyal to her alone. "Fine mother but I have a condition of my own...I want to pay her." She looked around the room and saw that everyone was nodding they all had at least one maid that wasnt paid for from the family so they thought it was reasonable.

Her mother agreed and sent her maid to pick out some ladies from the slave merchant. She had planned to get one anyways. As the ladies filed into the room one after another Tangning used her soul flame to look into their innate powers. Of the dozen or so girls in here only 5 had a decent power range. So she kicked all but those 5 out. She then asked them to show her their elements. Two girls were water, one was Earth, another was fire and air and the last...she couldnt make her element appear. Ning looked at this last girl and asked little tree " what's wrong with her?" little tree looked at the girl who was about 15 or 16 and said " She seems to have been poisoned as well..." Little tree didnt know what was going on because poison was a womans weapon but this girl doesnt look like she could have offended anyone she wasnt the prettiest and had an ugly scar across one of her eyes. "I'll take you" Ning pointed to the last girl. Her grandfather was about to protest but was stopped by ning, "I am paying her with my own money therefore she is mine to pick. please grandfather let it be" Grandpa Tang looked at ningning stunned by the authoritative tone Tangning had. "Alright. If she is who you want then fine." He turned to look at the girl. "From now on you work for the young miss. You dont have to answer to anyone but her. She will pay you and the Tang family will feed you. But, under any dangerous situation you are to put her life above yours understand" The little girl stood resolutely and nodded. After they all left the girl walked over to Tangning "Will mistress please give me a name." All the maids and servants were taken from orphanages or sold by their families so they didnt have names. this made it easier to raise them and train them to be loyal as they had no families. Ningning looked at the girl. She was very pale and about the same height. She had dark brown hair and beautiful Blue eyes. too bad one of her eyes was accompanied with a scar. "What do thing of Xiao Bai?" Ning looked to her for a reaction. the little girl smiled and giggled a bit " I love it...Little White...it suits me miss" Xiao Bai smiled and ningning was stunned. With some makeup and medical plaster this girl could look breathtakingly beautiful. Ningning looked at her and said. " No matter what happens in the future as long as you are loyal and keep anything you see me do a secret tou will live a life better than that of a young miss" Xiao Bai was stunned. She had only wanted a place to live and something to eat but now her new miss said she would be able to live a life better than a young miss? Despite not really believing her she nodded her head.

Ningning and Xiao Bai took off three days later. They left in a small carriage with Xiao Bai driving. They had food and clothes along with some banknotes. "BE SAFE CHILD! " grandpa Tang aas worried. "Uncle Lu..." " yes sir" Uncle Lu then singled three of Grandpa Tangs hidden guards to follow the carriage. Ningning could since them bit felt no ill will. They followed her for five days till she reached the foot of the mountain which held jingling Forrest. The two girls then settled into a hotel for the night and the guards stayed all night.

Ningning and Xiao Bai took their showers and headed up the mountain. They left their cart at the hotel. they only brought a few outfits and some food but left everything else. Ningning left some money with the owner of the hotel so noone took their room. As they started up the mountain with Xiao Bai dragging Ningning in a makeshift stretcher she asked ,"Miss where does your master live? Which way should I go?" Ningning had her eyes closed and appeared to be asleep so Xiao Bai just walked on. when it got dark she had lit a fire and eaten some of the dried meat that they had. Tangning finally opened her eyes. She looked around and smiled. The orbs in the air were scarce because there were a lot of people nearby but it was enough to level up on her earth element. She could feel the thrum of the forrest as if it were alive. Like a heartbeat. She looked at Xiao Bai and said , "for your earlier question I dont actually have a Master I just needed to get away from my family." she waited for Xiao Bai to ask questions but she didnt. she just looked up after ningning didnt continue and said " You are my Mistress. You pay me and I shall follow you. No matter your reason for coming up here I shall follow you through as well." Ningning smiled. "Do you want to be able to cultivate?" Xiao Bais eyes widened. She was afraid to admit how much she missed cultivating. She had been poisoned when she was 10 by her half sister. That's also how shed gotten the scar. She didnt think she had her powers anymore...when she was poisoned the girl who poisoned her said she would never be able to cultivate again. "I would love to miss but it's not pos-" "If you do as I say you'll be able to cultivate."