
Dominate Billionaire

Maks Rostitlav is a son in law who is always humiliated and despised by his wife's family because he lives in proverty. His job as a street sweeper makes him always underestimated. One day, an old man come looking for him to give the news that Maks will to be a heir of the rich family. Since then, he becomes very rich and everyone who has ever looked down on him has come to respect him.

lucifer_nov · 都市
8 Chs


Maks rushed into the room where his wife was being treated. Siena was already sitting on the patient bed holding her baby. She was ready to return home.

Siena stared at the open door. In the doorway her husband stood.

Maks felt sorry for his wife's puffy eyes. Because, Siena all night wept for the departure of her father, Mr.Kev. She longed to see her father's last face. However, the hospital did not allow her to go home before all delivery costs were paid off. Kev's family was not there to help them. Siena was deeply saddened.

"Honey?" called Siena softly to her husband.

Maks slowly stepped towards his wife and baby. He kissed Siena's forehead and also their little daughter

"Last hour, old man came to see me. He claimed that he was your father," Siena told Maks.

Maks pulled the chair behind him to bring him closer to Siena. Then, he put his ass there.

"What did he tell you?" Maks asked. He looked at Siena's face.

"He misses you," Siena replied curtly. She looked back at Maks.

Maks was silent for a moment. He still didn't expect that the old man would come looking for him after he had sworn not to think of Maka as his son a few years ago.

"Why didn't you tell me you still have a father, Maks?" Siena asked her husband. Because, all this time, Maks admitted that he no longer had parents and he lived alone.

Maks was still silent as he stared blankly ahead. He didn't know how to explain it to Siena.

"Why, Maks? You lied to me?" Siena asked again.

Maks exhaled with a huff. "Honey, this is not the time to be discussing this. Let's go home first."

"What's wrong if you explain it right now? Why do you want to hurry home? Isn't my family waiting for me?" Siena's eyes filled with tears.

Maks is silent. He felt sorry to see his wife sad.

"Y-yes. Your mother is waiting," Maks lied to make Siena happy and excited to go home.

Siena wiped her tears that fell down her cheeks.

"When we get home, I will explain everything to you," said Mak reassuring Siena.

Finally, they returned home with their baby.


Maks and Siena reach the Kev family's house. Condolence flower boards are still lined along the gate. Siena, who was holding her baby, joined hands with her husband to enter the house.

The door was open. It appears in the main room all the Kev family have gathered. Maks and Siena stepped in to enter. All eyes in the room pointing of both.

"Finally, you won't have to borrow money from your mother in law to bring your wife home!" Mrs.Kev spoke to Maks. She glanced sarcastically at Maks and Siena.

"Mom, my husband is still capable of payingit." Siena replied to her mother's words.

Aunt Brew and everyone present laughed at Siena's words.

"Hey, Siena! Don't you know what your husband did yesterday after your Dad left? He bravely went to my mother to borrow money! He said he would use the money to pay for your birth," explained Hera. Siena's cocky second sister.

Siena was silent. She didn't know that Maks was looking for money by borrowing from her mother.

However, with courage she answered the words of her second sister who acted very arrogantly. "So what? My husband only intends to borrow. Not stealing!"

"The problem that he borrowed it when we were all still mourning dad's passing!" said Flo- the eldest sister from Siena.

"If Dad knew what you were up to that didn't help us, he'd be furious with you!" Siena firmly.

"Enough! I don't want to hear the fuss today." Mrs. Kev ended the argument between the three daughters. Then, her eyes turned to her youngest daughter. "Siena! Today is the day of reading the inheritance that your father gave to the three of you. If you want to get it, you must join us here waiting for the lawyer to come."

Siena smiled brightly and gave honest look to her mother. "Mom, don't you want to see your granddaugther?" She glanced at the baby in her arms.

Mrs.Kev replied with a face without a smile. "No. I don't think of him as my granddaughter because it is the flesh and blood of a man who comes from a poor family!" Her eyes glanced briefly at Maks.

Siena's heart seemed to be stabbed by a thousand daggers. Her tears instantly fell down her cheeks. She did not think that his own biological mother could not think of her granddaughter. She lowered her head as she looked sadly at the baby in her arms.

Siena was not only offended by Mrs.Kev's words. Maks feels that way too. However, he did not dare to go against his mother in law's words.

Maksput his arm around Siena to lead her into their room. All the family is whispering them as the poorest son and daughter in law in the Kev family.

Siena put the baby on the bed. Then, he hugged Maks tightly.

"Dad is gone. They will run rampant to insult us," said Siena in tears while still hugging Maks.

Maks stroked his wife's head gently. He knew that his life with his wife in this house without his father in law would not be what it used to be. Because, all the Kev family no one likes him except Mr.Kev.

"Don't be sad. I am always beside you. Now, you have to join them there. Soon, our father's lawyer will arrive," said Mak reassuring his wife.

The man let go of his wife's embrace and wiped Siena's tears.

"You think I should join them?" Siena asked her husband.

Maks nodded his head. "Yes. Your father must have told you to join in the division of the treasure. You must be there."

Siena stared for a moment at her baby who was still fast asleep. Then, she looked at her husband. "Okay." Siena stepped out of the room to join the Kev family in the living room.

A man wearing glasses and well groomed had joined them there as well. He is Sony, Mr.Kev's lawyer and confidant who will pass on the will of inheritance.

"Hm." Sony cleared his throat for a moment when he sat in front of the Kev family.

"I will to tell you all something. Here I will convey the will from Mr.Kev which he has kept for a long time. The will is about inheritance," explained Sony.

The man adjusted his glasses while looking at a piece of paper to read. "Here is written a will from Mr.Kev that the ones who get the most inheritance are Flo and Hera. The eldest daughter and second daughter..."

Sony continued to read the will and the parts obtained by Flo and Hera.

Meanwhile, Siena was dumbfounded. She did not hear her name got a share of the property from his father.

"Finally, for his youngest daughter, Siena Kev, she only gets a share of living in this house," concluded Sony. After that he kept the letter back.