

Shade_Overlord · SF
36 Chs

THE TEST (Part 1)

When John woke up it was the next day. He got out of his Spiritual World and quickly got dressed and went to school. He hadn't bothered checking his system to see if there had been any changes. When he got to school he immediately went to his classroom and waited for everyone else. While he was waiting he decided to check his system to see if there were any changes.

[John Rummage]


[Domain Element:(Space)]

[Title:(Little cultivator)]

[Skills:(Spiritual World)(Cultivation-3)(Gateway)(Spacial Shield)(Shambles)]

[Space energy points:(10000)]

[Domain mastery:(0%)]



Looking at his system he noticed something different about it. First of the system finally added his last name. Second his Cultivation skill had a 3 instead of a 2 near it. the next thing was the fact that he had gotten 3 days worth of cultivation in only one day which would explain why he had 10000 energy points instead of 7000. He also say that his progress to rank (E) is now at 30%. It seems professor Winsel's technique of cultivation he thought them yesterday really is useful.

Once he was done checking the changes the door to the classroom opened and in came speedy. He came to sit by John and they started a conversation. They were so immersed in their conversation they didn't notice when the class was filled and professor Winsel had entered. "Quiet down class" professor Winsel said "Today I am not going to teach instead we are going to head down to the training ground and have a test to see how powerful everyone is". The classroom fell silent. The students looked at him as he continued. "This is not going to affect your Cultivation in any way and I just need to get some records on your various abilities and also your rank and fighting potential.

Professor Winsel sent the class to the training ground and gave everyone a number from 1 to 30. John was number 15 Mia was 12 and speedy was 22. He then set up a device that looked like a projector and then called for number 1 to step forward. It was a beautiful girl with crystal blue eyes and golden hair. She stood at the center of the room and then professor Winsel turned on the device, he then selected the number 1 out of 10 numbers. Three holographic humans were created then a countdown began. When the counter reached zero the holographic images started throwing fireballs at Elizabeth and she for some reason decided not to use her domain ability. She ran faster than a normal human being towards one of the images and kicked it in the head. When she did that a little health bar appeared on its head and it had lost half it's health. She then ran to the others and did the same but and went to the first one and repeated the same actions. It was weird as it was clear she didn't know what she was doing but refused to use her ability. Eventually with the same actions she got to level 3 but that is when something drastically different happened. Unlike before the NPCs didn't attack with fireballs, they didn't attack at all and just waited. When she went to attack the same way one of the NPCs grabbed her leg and threw her back to where she started. She tried again and again but failed. Eventually she decided to use her domain abilities. She picked up a random object from the ground and threw it fast at the NPCs, when the thing was close enough to the NPC it exploded along with the NPC's head. She then ran fast to another NPC but unlike before she didn't kick it rather she touched it's head and did the same to the third, when she landed she closed both arms and just like that the NPCs' heads exploded, that was her ability. Level four was activated and there were four projections instead of three. Just like before she went and touched the heads of the projections and caused them to explode. Level 5 was her limit as 5 projections were released and had attacked her with flames from all sides.

Then number 2 came forward and the machine was reversed to level 1. He was a tall guy with curly hair and brown eyes. The count down began and he ran forward to fight the projections. He wasn't so shy about using his ability as as soon as he was near he created a blue wall in front of him and used it as a bulldozer while running. He managed to use this method till level 4 when he changed it by trapping all the projections in separate blue force fields and threw them towards each other timing perfectly when he would remove the force field resulting in the projections loosing that round. He managed to pass level five by creating a barrier contraption that shot him in the air where he created a small platform to stand on while creating a giant ball that squished the projections. level 5 and 6 were completed with the same method. Level 7 reached and the NPC count reversed to 4 NPCs. He tried to use the bulldozer method but one NPC teleported in between him and the wall and kicked him in the face ending the round.

Number 3 was then called forward. (No description from here on). He walked forward with confidence. When the countdown hit zero he ran as fast as possible and no one saw what happened. the round was over. This went on for 4 rounds but round 5 everything could be seen. He dashed forward hoping to end it when one projections fired a heat wave at a certain area and he was forced to stop immediately. It was the area he was running to. He created an ice spear and fired it at the projection but another one appeared behind him while he was attacking. He managed to duck just in time only for one to come sliding towards him, he was trapped or so they thought. His body started breaking like someone just broke an is statue. Then he reassembled himself somewhere else and the three Holographic projections that were at the area he broke down were frozen to the teeth. He then created an ice mountain near the roof of the building which he dropped down destroying all the projections.(All students are outside looking in and the fights are happening inside the building). Level 6 was his limit as when it was activated the NPCs would not let him use any skills he had shown without a counterattack. He created a blizzard by condensing the water droplets in the air to ice and spinning them rapidly in the room shredding all the projections before the projections disappeared one grabbed an ice shard and threw it managing to hit him in the leg ending the round in a double lose.

Number 4 went in next. It was Cora. When the countdown reached zero she made a pistol with her hand and a small golden ord was floating in front of her finger. She then pointed it at the projections and fired of three golden lazers at the projections. This continued until level 5 when she changed up a little. Instead of staying on the ground she teleported up and levitated in the air while increasing her firing rate very rapidly. Now she could fire a hundred bullets per second and followed this pattern until level 8. When she teleported up one NPC came with her and she kicked it down only for three more to teleport near her. She returned back to the ground only for the one she kicked to be waiting for her. She turned onto a light beam and started bouncing off the walls when she built up enough speed she beamed towards all projections one by one. With every projection she passed by their health would disappear until the fourth and last one who ducked down in time while throwing a kick of its own which Cora took head on. Since they were projections the students didn't really take any damage. And that was the end of Cora's round.