

Shade_Overlord · SF
36 Chs

0 TO 100

As the two boys stood by John's side the blonde team leader turned around with the rest of his team. "Oh I see your friends came to help but anyone who is friends with such a pathetic excuse for a student is probably as weak as the person" He said. "Oh I see what's going on. Jake can you believe this buffoon. He must be one of the newcomers that appeared after the expedition. If you were so scared of the expedition that you didn't come to school until now then you shouldn't even be looking at us." The blue haired boy said. Veins started appearing all over the blonde boys body and his face was red with anger. "How dare you talk to me like that. Do you know who I am? Get them guys." He yelled. The team started running towards them and as they got closer for some reason one student from the crowd ran in between the two teams as another came from the side and punched Brook in the face. "They aren't alone" one student shouted as he moved his hand in Brook's direction and at the same time another random student dashed out towards him. The girl who was closet to Brook spun around and kicked the student to the side. She then went to check on Brook. "Am ok Selina just got take care of those two" He said. As more random students started getting in the way Mickey the blue haired boy couldn't help but shout out "Thanks Pedro we owe you one." before dashed off towards Brook. One of the fire brothers tried to get in the way but then as he fired of a fireball it changed direction and went to hit a nearby wall. "You keep forgetting that there are more than one of us" Jake the jelled back black haired boy said as he also rushed off.

As speedy saw the scene in front of him his body was still frozen but he did notice something. His initial observation was wrong. As he looked closer he could see several injured students laying in different parts of the dinning hall. Then he could see a short student who was part of the late bloomers on the ground. 'I remember him. He introduced himself as Pedro. Why is he lying there covered in blood. Was he cought in the crossfire. Why are there so many holes in so many different students. What is going on?' Speedy's thoughts kept him from moving. He had been standing in the same position for a while. Looking around the place looked like a madhouse. The chaos was just too much.

As Pedro kept sending in random students to distract them both Selina and Brook hadn't noticed when Mickey had gotten close to them. Selina opened her palm and with her domain ability created a red whip. The whip wasn't anything special other than it was red. She swung it around and even though the swings looked wild they had hit and flung all students that came close in different directions. Then as she prepared to swing it again she felt a cold chill from her feet. Looking down her feet were frozen and the ice was creeping towards the rest of her body at a pace visible to the human eye. Selina with her quick thinking tied herself with the whip and allowed it to melt and flow down her body. As the strange liquid touched the ice it started melting the ice which had crept up to her knees. Just then an earth pillar was lifted from the ground and went fast towards her. She couldn't move and closed her eyes waiting for impact but it never came. Opening her eyes she could see the pillar had narrowly missed her and had kept moving. Following the direction of the pillar with her eyes she could see the pillar had been stopped by an earth wall that had been set up buy another random student. Mickey taking this chance had kicked Selina in the head just as her slime melted the last bit of ice on her. What bad luck. Another pillar was lifted from behind and was going towards him fast but he managed to dodge the pillar instead the pillar kept moving and just as Selina managed to pick herself up from the ground the pillar hit the back of her head dropping her to the floor again. Such bad luck.

Jake had been doing extremely well in his fight. He had been redirecting all attacks that had been thrown at him. The flame brothers hadn't landed a single hit on him and instead had hit themselves a few times. The boys had been trying so hard but the only active skill one new was fireball and the other firewall. Jake on the other hand had only been able to learn an active skill called environmental manipulation which allowed him a little control over the environment through his ability which was strings. The fight even though to the outside was a stalemate was actually one sided as the stupid brothers wouldn't stop attacking and eventually they had injured themselves to the point where they were finding it hard to stand. Once the attacks stopped Jake had gotten the upper hand. Just like Pedro, Jake moved his fingers a bit then after a while he pointed it towards the two brothers and just like that he had taken control of their bodies.

As Speedy paid close attention the only people that were actually fighting were John and the blonde boy. The others were too injured and so was John. For some reason every student in here had these mysterious holes in various parts of their bodies that were leaking blood. It was as if something had pierced different parts of they body and left those holes there.

The blonde boy seeing everything that had happened had had enough of what was going on. His team was loosing this fight. Badly. The second the boy took a step forward an invisible force lifted him up and sent him flying backwards. He managed to land on his feet as the force didn't do anything other than just lift and push. When looking around he had seen John but thought it was another annoying person who had joined the fight. He tried again and once he got to the point he was before, one step over and he was sent flying backwards again. This time when he landed he could see that it was John's doing. He started laughing hysterically as he realized that John had a domain. "Hahahahahaha why go through so much trouble and injuries just to hide your power. Hahahahahaha I will make sure that you never mess with me again." He said as he lifted his hand and pointed his palm towards John. No one saw what happened. John just dropped to his knees as holes that didn't exist before appeared all over his body. "Hahahahahaha I will show all of you what power I wield." He shouted and lifted both his hands above his head. Then he dropped his hands to the ground all while still laughing like a madman. Then instantly everyone stopped. The students who were trying not to get involved, Pedro's minions, Pedro himself, Jake, Mike, Brook, Selina, Tim and Terry the flame brothers, everyone. Then in a dramatic fashion they all dropped to the ground and the little holes that didn't exist before appeared on their bodies.

Speedy's vision was a little distorted due to the confusion of everything that had happened. What the scene really entailed was a dinning hall filled with students lying all over the place covered in blood and bearly alive. John really had developed a domain and had been using it to defend himself but when speedy entered he let his guard down thinking help had arrived. The blood on him was from being beating up by the team and the holes on his body appeared after speedy had entered.

In another part of the school Monk and professor Winsel were having a conversation when Mia ran up to them tears in her eyes out of breath and desperate. "Professor Winsel a student has gone crazy in the dining hall. He has attacked every student in there. He is laughing hysterically while they are bearly alive we need your help." Mia said with panic in her voice. Hearing this and seeing Mia's condition the three of them rushed back to the dinning hall and professor Winsel barged through the doors. "Oh dear God" Professor Winsel said silently. "Speedy" Mia screamed and ran over to a hole covered blood soaked speedy. "Professor Winsel every student in the school is at their weakest after the reset who could have possibly done this?" Monk asked looking at the scene in front of them. At that moment a tall blonde haired boy walked through the doors of the dinning hall and saw what a mess it was. "No" He shouted and rushed to his team. "Selina, Brook, Tim, Terry. Answer me who did this" The boy asked but there was no reply. They were too weak. "Come on guys answer me. It's me. It's Ryan please answer me." He said holding onto Selina. "Ryan am here to help just step back and I can help you." Professor Winsel said. He then walked forward. (ULTIMATE SKILL: UNIVERSAL RESET). Slowly everything in the entire dinning hall was reversing to normal. Although it was more so the injuries reversing than the students themselves. Slowly but surely everything was returning to normal but there was one anomaly in all of this. John wasn't returning back to normal.