

the soul of a doll truly loved still wander the reminiece of what was forgotten

Substence · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Ch.2 Travel

I suddenly jolted up looking around, but I was in a desert with dunes that are as far as the horizon. In a small broken shack, I checked my surroundings.finding a mirror in one of the corners I gasped. My- My body was humanoid! and I have moveable limbs.

I was surprised and happy. After adjusting to my new body, More importantly, I need to find the whereabouts of civilization, or if they are still alive . I was reborn with a soul, and a purpose, this is where my real life starts. Now! I walked the desolate plains of sand in search of civilization. I felt no fatigue because I was a doll before, but I did feel the blazing sun, an ultimate object that is crowded by others at a distance still shines as bright as it always has.

Back on the topic, walking is quite difficult to learn from scratch. After hours of trial and error, I got the hang of it and started adventuring further in one direction. I reached an abrupt stop. I was on a high cliff, I saw the beautiful ocean so blue and filled with life. I took a little break though I wasn't exhausted, I just wanted to look at the life and appreciate the view.

"Woahhhhh who are you? You look so pretty"

I looked back rapidly to see a young boy with eyes dilated in awe of me. I waved with a smile because I have heard of English. I can understand but I can not speak because I have the progress of a baby though. I frowned a little, the little boy looked confused

"Sorry to intrude, but what might you be doing? The edge is dangerous."

I point at the ocean as the wind blows from the sea, like a movie.

"Wow, you look like an angel. May I sit next to you if you don't mind? Do you know how to talk? Not to be rude."

I stuttered " Y-Yes, A l-little." "It's fine, let's continue looking at the ocean." We mindlessly looked out at the ocean for hours till it got darker.

"We should start heading home, do you have a home? If not, you can follow me down the cliff to my village."

He held my hand while leading me down some stairs. I saw a mini settlement of people at a bay in the ocean.

" That is my home, it's probably too small for a person like you, are you royalty by any chance?" I nodded no "you just seem like it since you're wearing those fancy clothes. Anyways, let's keep walking." These doll clothes aren't half bad.