
Doing What I Want, Where I Want

A man was scrolling through some forums for some fanfics, he found them and something more.

EmeraldDog · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Flashback of a kitten

12 years ago

On the outskirts of the Aleris Kingdom was a small village where a small girl with cat-like features was playing with other children of her age, her name was Amilia, and right now she was beating a boy who annoyed her, so she proceeded to beat the ever-loving shit out of him.

Before she could do anymore to the broken and bruised boy, she heard footsteps approaching her, quickly knocking him out and climbing up the nearest tree to observe the approaching person.

The people were a hunting party of furless, the parties would normally go outside of their borders and hunt for food but sometimes they would hunt for the furred, just like me, and the boy that is lying beaten on the ground right now.

The parties would take us back to their camps in chains and put them in cages so that we won't go anywhere, then after bringing us back to the capital they would collar us up and pierce different body parts to tag us.

"Look at what we have here" one of the hunters said while looking towards the downed boy, the hunter's friends started to laugh about 'getting easy money'.

I slowly started to move away from them until I miss placed my foot, stepping right off of the branch I was on. I quickly flipped around and landed on my feet and hands as any good Kattris would, but after hitting the ground the hunters noticed me.

"Well looky here we had a peeper, not only that but a Kattris and a young one at that, now she'll fetch a high price on the market" the biggest of them all said while slowly making his way closer towards me.

Grabbing the ribbon holding my hair up, I tied it around both of my hands, leaving a part of it to link my hands together, looking up from myself the man was now only a few feet away but before he could move any closer, I jumped over him while extending my arms catching his neck, swiftly turning my self in the air I tightened the ribbon around his neck and as fast as I could, I pulled and a stratifying snap was heard.

The man lifelessly fell to the ground with a thud, his friend's faces had shocked and scared faces spread among them, I spotted my next target was small and had his bow already drawn but before he could nock an arrow I was already gouging his eyes out before I could finish him off I was interrupted by his other friend.

He kicked me off but I was able to take out a chunk of his calf with me, he started to scream but I shut him up by slashing his throat out covering me in blood, the blind hunter was able to get up and started to run, but he ran headfirst into a tree knocking himself out after I retied my ribbon, I suddenly had an idea.

A few minutes I had killed the blind man knocked himself out, I had tied him up by his feet from the chains that they had brought with them, he started to wake up from his little nap.

"Hello mister" I said in the sweetest voice possible, he seemed startled at first but not that long after he starts to struggle but a quick jab to his chest stopped his struggles

"W-where the hell am I?" the man said, dazed from the hit he had just received.

"You don't need to know that, OK mister" Keeping up the cute girl act, I started to ask a few questions.

"Mister, can you tell me where your camp is? pretty please"

"Only if you free me then I can show you the way" he said gaining more confidence, and we couldn't have that, so I dug my nails into his stomach causing him to start screaming out in pain.

"shh, it's OK, all you need to do is tell me where your camp is and you are free" I proposed to him, he quickly answered me telling me that their camp was West of here near a small cliff.

I kindly freed his soul from his body by slitting his throat and started to head towards the West.

After a few hours of walking, I finally found an abandoned camp. Looking around I wasn't able to find any more people to play with but there were a few supplies to take back to my home, even though my 'home' is a small dugout hole that took me months to properly make stable, big enough to fit me or have any room for my supplies but I was able to do it.

After finally getting back to the village, the boy who I was playing with before came back but this time he had friends, how fun.

"There she is" one of the boys said pointing towards me. I took the supplies off of my back placing them gently on the ground.

They started to move closer to me, but before they could come any closer they were called back by one of the nuns working as a caretaker for the orphanage. The boy groaned in defiance but listened anyway and soon I was left by myself once again.

7 years later

It's been several years since the hunters had first started to come here, but I was usually able to kill them before they could take anyone, but some of them were able to take a few of us, and they were mostly kids.

I'm turning 14 in a few days, and once I am 14, I'm going to have my status registered, my status is something I have wondered about for a while, I have always been stronger and faster than everyone around me, but it always alienated me from anyone

My strength only increased as I got older, alienating me even more from them until I left and made my new home which just became better over time.

The days passed by and soon enough, it was my birthday so I can finally see my status.

Walking towards the town hall where the status reader was, I approached the door and opened it.

"Hello, I'm here to have my status read," I said towards the receptionist sitting behind a well-furnished wooden table. She asked for my name but after I told her, her eyes widened slightly, and after looking through some papers she led me to an open room with a crystal sphere spinning around while a man in robes hovering his fingers over the top of the ball in a possessive way, which kinda freaked me out.

He started to ask a few questions but didn't really pay attention until we actually got to the status reading. He told me to put my hands on the ball and wait a few seconds. Once it was done I stepped back as the ball projected a small screen above it.

Level: 19

Name: Amilia

Race: Kattris

Age: 14

Health points: 340

Magic points: 50

Stamina points: 800

Strength: 19

Agility: 24

Mind: 16

Luck: 30

I was extremely happy with my status, 7-9 is the normal level for someone of my age, but because of my constant killing sprees. The man's reaction was as expected, shocked and slightly scared of how strong I was.

I left before he could ask any questions about my status. Leaving the building I walked back to my hole, sort of hoping that something interesting would happen on the way.

Something interesting did happen just as I was about to reach my home, I was approached by a guard who said something about wanting me to join the guild, and getting some actual training from a trainer. I decided to take him up on the offer and finally receive some training, it's not like I haven't tried to get a trainer, it's just that everyone thinks that I can't fight properly because of how young I am, even when I say that I have killed people they just laugh and if the other kids who've seen me kill others, they just laugh harder, it infuriates me.

Following the man towards the guildhall, where a few older kids are signing up to join the guild, I start getting excited over the prospect of training, after all, training makes me stronger and the stronger I am, the freer I am to do what I want.

I had to wait and sign some registration forms about joining and after a few questions between the person who brought me here, I found out that I was brought here after they found out about my status.

After signing the contracts, which were basically saying that once I joined I couldn't leave unless I was kicked out or resigned after a ton of paperwork, but it wasn't that bad. Soon I made it back to my room in the barracks, which I shared with another girl whose name I didn't know.

Eventually, a person came into each room and said that it was time for training, finally, I can get stronger. Speed walking, almost running, to the courtyard I was given a sight of several new recruits lined up. Lining up with them the man at the front started to talk about protecting our kingdom and other stuff I wasn't really paying attention to him, instead, it was more focused on how strong they could make me.

When he was done we were led to a room full of all sorts of weird items and weapons. This room was apparently the training room, and we were told that we had to take a few tests that would tell them how strong we were and what we need to improve on.

All I can say about this is that it's gonna be fun.

2 years later

It's been 2 years since I joined the guild, and I've started to see the guild as more of a military than a collection of strong individuals, not only that but the actual military comes here every 6 months to pick out a few younger guild members to take back to the capitol.

The military's going to be here tomorrow, I don't want to go simply because I won't be able to hunt others for levels as I do here.

Walking back to my room, I was met with one of the other guild members, his name was Jacob and he was an Oxi if his horns say anything about it. He would always try to bully me and ask me out on dates, which I would always reject immediately which would make him angry and try to force me to accept, but he was usually either stop by me or my roommate.

Before he could say anything, I punched him in the face and sent him flying down the hallway and out of the window at the end.

After dealing with him like I always have, I turned to my door and opened it. I saw what I always saw after I trained, A small girl no older than 14 sat on her feet with her hands clapped together praying to a small shrine to the gods.

"You know that just praying isn't going to get you to the capitol" she jumped up and turned around showing me her beautiful green eyes, Her name was Syndrelica, an old Kattris name meaning White Drelica, the drelica is a flower native to the Aleris Kingdom normally only found close to the peaks of mountains where the Albino Kattris's used to live before most of them were wiped out.

She was a rare breed of Kattris, an Albino Kattris, they were one of the rarest species on the planet, unlike normal Kattris's which specialize in Fast and silent movements catch into the enemy off guard and finishing them off. The Albino Kattris can't do what normal Kattris's can instead they have an enormous amount of magi and a talent for support and healing magic that almost all of the species can't match and only a few could ever pass.

Even with all of that backing her up she still acts like a child, she also is very religious to the point where I snapped at her saying 'why do you believe in a bunch of made-up people, people who were meant to keep us safe, where were they when the demons attacked the world, where were they when the furless started to enslave us and make us their toys! why do you believe in them if they can't do what people say they can!' The scene played out in my head just like before, her answer being the same thing that shut me up. 'It doesn't matter if I believe in them, all that does matter is that I can believe in something greater than myself' I never really understood those words, not even now, but I think she got her point across.

"I know, but I think I can do it this time with that new defence spell I learnt" her words brought me out of my inner thoughts, paying attention I remembered the spell she was talking about, I had to use my strongest attack to just barely break it, there was no way she wasn't going to the capitol.

It was getting dark so after some small talk, we both went to bed.


Waking up to the sound of a ringing bell, which I have started to call the wakey wakey bell because it wakes up everyone in the guild and the people in the surrounding houses.

Getting changed and leaving the room with Syndra, the nickname I gave Syndrelica, we started to walk to the training room where the military will be waiting for us.

Once we made it there we walked in and lined up with the rest of the younger guild members. In front of everyone was an officer in full plate armour with only his face showing, he had gills on his cheeks but that's all I could see, I know he is apart of the Aquareas species but I don't know what type he is.

He started talking but I didn't pay attention to it, I've heard it multiple times already instead, focusing on the status reader that was imported here from the capital, unlike the one in the town hall this one is bigger and more decorated.

After a mind-numbing 15 minutes of non-stop talking, we went one by one to the status reader to have our status marked down to see if we are candidates for the military.

Soon it was my go, I was excited the last time I did this all of my stats were above the 40 marks and was asked if I would like to go to the capital but I said no, deciding to stay with Syndra.

Placing my hands on the familiar sphere my status screen appeared, reading through it I was shocked but at the same time happy.

Level: 43

Name: Amilia

Race: Savage Kattris

Age: 16

Health points: 2900

Magic points: 600

Stamina points: 4650

Strength: 86

Agility: 124

Mind: 54

Luck: 93

My race changed to the savage variant of the Kattris species. Every species has the savage variant and only about 1 in 500,000 can be born one and only about 1 in every 2,000,000 that naturally evolves into a savage.

Savages are stronger versions of a normal species but they each have different increases in stats like a Kattris, we have increased physical stats or the Aquareas with their increase in water magic, but they all have a different appearance after they are born or evolve into a savage. Kattris usually have an increase in the fur around certain areas.

After grabbing the paper that had my stats written down, I was already moving towards the back where the others already had their status recorded down. I waited for Syndra in the back and after a few minutes, she came back with her paper in hand.

"Hey Syndra, how did you do this time?" I asked, wondering if she had high enough stats to be taken to the capital.

She greeted me with a smile and showed me the paper that had her status.

Level: 36

Name: Syndralica

Race: Albino Kattris

Age: 15

Health points: 1700

Magic points: 8360

Stamina points: 650

Strength: 29

Agility: 35

Mind: 98

Luck: 47

I was proud of her she should be able to get to the capital with the stats like hers. If she wanted me to, I would go with her. I don't know if she could actually survive by herself because of how clumsy she is.

Eventually, everyone had their status and it was time for the military to choose the candidates. We were told to go back to our rooms and wait for the results.

After what seemed like hours before someone came in and asked if we were Amilia and Syndralica, we said that we were and the soldier told us to follow him.

Following the soldier back to the training room, we saw a few other guild members standing in front of the other soldiers.

"You have all passed the first phase of this exam, at this point, you may leave" he waited for a few seconds and only one of us left the room. "Alright now for the phase, we will have each candidate battle each other, but if you're a support then you just need to show a strong enough support spell and you will pass"

Sounds easy enough, but could be harder if anyone here except the officer, maybe.

The first fight was me and some crab-like Aquareas that walked confidently towards the centre of the room, I started to walk towards him, that walk soon turned into an all-out sprint, and before he could do anything I had already swiped his legs out from under him, tripping him onto his back, he tried to get back up but I was already on top of him, pounding away at him relentlessly even when he was unconscious, I just kept on pounding away, it wasn't until Syndra grabbed onto one of my hands that I stopped.

"Please stop" are the only words she said, I listened anyway this should be enough to get me to the capital with Syndra.

I moved to a wall and sat down ignoring the other fights only paying attention to Syndra. After all of the fights, it was time for the supports to show of their spells.

After a few of the other supports went, it was finally Syndra's turn. She asked for someone to help her, and one of the fighters, an Oxi.

"Mirror Shield" she cast the spell in a calm voice, her skin shone like a reflective surface, she told him to attack with his full strength, he was hesitant at first but was assured that she would be okay.

He punched as hard as he could but once the punch landed she wasn't phased at all, instead, he took the hit. Mirror Shield is a unique type of spell, it reflects all damage done back to the attacker, and the only way to break it is to destroy it in one attack, something that I can just barely do.

The Officer looked impressed, I'm not surprised, that spell is really strong, kinda wish I could do it but the magic required for it is about a 10th of Syndra's reserves.

We waited for a few more minutes while they choose who will be taken back to the capital. They started to call out names, about 4 people's names were said before Syndra's, and after her name was called the officer sighed and called out my name.

I was relieved that I was picked, even if I knew I would make it, it was still a bit stressful after what I did to my opponent during my beatdown. He started to congratulate us on a good job. I didn't care much about anything he said, so I just focused on Syndra and her reaction.

She reacted just like I thought it would, happy and excited, I was happy for her, then I thought about what I'm going to do once I reach the capital, but before I get a job there, they normally make the recruits train for a few years, then they can do their job.

The officer turned and started to walk away with the others, it seems like it's time to go to the capital for some more training.

3 years later

It's been three boring years, I've been doing nothing in the last few years, except training but once the training was finished I couldn't hunt anything so I couldn't get any more levels. I was put on guard duty for my first job, yay, I don't even get to see Syndra because of how far away the wall is.

I just want something to happen, all that has happened so far is some dumbass calling me a savage bitch, I don't think he'll be having kids after what I did to him, so what if I had some extra fur.

Deciding to look over the side of the wall trying to see if I could find anything out there. After looking around I saw a furless with green hair slowly walking closer to the wall, finally something to kill, who knows maybe I might level up.

Nocking an arrow and let it fly towards him, I waited for the arrow to hit and once it did I was very confused.

"What the hell was that!? Who are you and what are you? and how did you do that? and---" "Can you please, just shut up!" he shouted back, before I knew it I was interrupted by him and spoke Alereas, the basic language in the kingdom, but no furless should know it.

"Can we talk like civilised people?" after he said those words some of the guards started surrounding me.

"What are you doing in our territory, furless?" I asked, trying to get something out of him.

"Lady, what are you going on about?" He asked, nearly making me shoot another arrow at him, who doesn't know what's going on. I went on an entire monologue, which I am now afraid of what I just said.

He vanished a second later, I heard movement behind me and turned around only to watch one of the guards being sent flying at speeds I didn't know were possible, I was amazed, he is so strong he has to teach me.

"Teach me," I said forcefully, trying to get my point across to him.

"No, I'm way too lazy to even bother training someone" he didn't even consider it, alright time to actually try.

I clasped my hands together and bowed slightly "Please, I'll do anything" perfect.

"Even if I put a collar and leash on you" not perfect, but even if I lose my freedom I'll get so much power in return, what if he doesn't train me though and just makes me his pet but if he does train me than all of that power, I didn't hesitate for my answer.

"Yes, even that"

He looked like he was debating something but he didn't take long to decide though.

A beautifully decorated golden collar with a leash attached to the front of it leading to his hand, did he just create the collar out of nothing, is he a god. The guard surrounding us were just as shocked by this action but the man didn't even look fazed, he created something like it was just a bothersome task, he's amazing.

"Let's go mittens," he said tugging slightly on the leash, he also looked extremely pleased with himself, for some reason.