
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · ファンタジー
363 Chs

Chapter 233

Deep within the Eternal Battlefield, two terrifying clouds spread out billions of miles covering countless terrains.

One pitch black mist and a blazing red mist.

At the connection between the mists, two blurred figures could be seen. Fighting fist against first, skin against skin these two figures constantly clashed.

Each hit knocked them back millions of miles, the shockwaves spreading out destroying endless mountains, killing an innumerable amount of creatures that were by no means weak.

Their battle wasn't confined to the Eternal Battlefield either, the mist would cut holes directly creating portals to planes.

One moment they were submerged in the mist, and the next they were in the sky above a High-Level Plane.

The Planes couldn't even withstand the damage from their battle, the incredible power spread out immediately wiping out all life on the planets.

Even those antiques that have survived millions of years hidden underground were wiped out under the pressure of the fight.

But soon they returned to the Eternal Battlefield, leaving an endless void of ruined history.

The fight lasted months without end.

However it suddenly stopped. The resultant power that was the nightmare for even Rank 9 Warriors no longer spread.

Two figures floated in the air.

Surrounded by black mist, a strange skeleton figure appeared wrapped in a black cloak. Countess runes spread across the cloak each radiating endless power. Just a glance would kill even the strongest warrior.

Opposite him was a beautiful figure, her face perfectly carved beyond the mortal descriptions.

Flames poured ceaselessly out of her body clashing against the endless dark energy radiated from the skeleton in front.

But there was something strange about the Skeleton, it had a pitch black blindfold covering its eyes.

''You're already dead! Can't you just rest in peace you old bag of bones?'' The crimson figure shouted angrily.

''Dead? No this is just the beginning. Soon I will carve my name into this Eternal Battlefield!'' a maniacal laugh echoed across the battlefield.

The few creatures that heard it burst into clouds of blood in an instant.

Millions of miles away a deep rooted family with countless Rank 9 Ancestors that had survived billions of years were wiped out in an instant. Not even a pet dog surviving.

But the Skeleton paid no mind to that.

''You never realised what my true strength was. Do you think that just because you knocked me back you could defeat me?''


''I have traversed this battlefield for billions of years! I've been a villain and a hero, I've raised a family and razed countless families to the ground!''

''Now I will show you and that damn Snail what makes you unworthy to bow down to me!''

The skeleton face twisted into a smile. Slowly the decrepit and skinny bone figures lifted up, tapping the black bandage that covered Skeletons eyes.

Slowly a faint black mist permeated out, dissipating the bandage into tiny particles. When they touched the ground, planet sized pieces of land would turn into corrupted marshland.

More terrifyingly, the bandage was removed!

It revealed two pitch black eye sockets as if filled with the endless abyss. But it wasn't empty. No… far from it.

''Come out my minions!'' The Skeleton raised his arms to the sky.

Suddenly with a petrifying boom the abyss in the Skeletons' eyes began to expand. One metre, ten metres, ten thousand metres, ten billion metres! It didn't stop.

The sky spanning billions of miles turned into an endless black abyss. Then, slowly but surely, shadowy figures began to appear.

Deep red, purple, gold, orange eyes began to open across the endless black turning it into a magical star lit sight.

But the eyes weren't the end.

Soon the owners appeared.

The most horrific creatures imaginable crawled out one by one. Strange centipedes with millions of spikes spanning its body. On each spike, pure white skeletons were impaled deeply.

Four legged demons with sharp fangs, the largest reaching millions of miles long.

A giant pitch black whale flew out of the sky. It released a shocking cry as billions, no trillions of smaller whales followed behind.

The Crimson figure watched the myriad of Abyssal creatures pour out of the sky. Her eyes filled with shock.

''Are you crazy? This will make you the enemy of the world!'' She cried out loudly.

She could never forget this scene! More beast's than there are stars in the sky, stronger beasts that Families could ever hope to combat!

''Really? I have long since been the enemy of this world. If it wasn't for revenge that fueled my mind I wouldn't of stayed on this god-forsaken planet for so long!''

''You hypocritical child acting like I am the one who is in the wrong? No! I followed your stupid rules for millions of years! I protected this place for billions of years. Even your father didn't dare say a word in front of me.''

''But you. With a bit of power, dare to try to replace me? You think that the Old Snail that doesn't dare leave his branch can save you now? Ludacris!''

The Skeleton seemed to be crazy. Shouting angrily at the crimson girl in front of him.

''Hehe, I want to see how you can replace me now.''

With a final laugh, opening the portal seemed to take the rest of his energy. His body began to dissipate, turning into a familiar particle.

The billions of miles covered in black mist directly turned into a dead zone.

But the Crimson Girl had no time to think about this.

A giant black gorilla appeared in front of her. She looked like a fleck of dust in front of its colossal size.

It beat its planet sized fists against its chest causing ground millions of miles away to shake before throwing a fist towards the girl.

''These children… When will they ever learn?''

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts