
Does He Love Me??

15 Chs

Little Did I Know

I walked outside and felt terrible but I took my money and went to my mother's house. When she saw me she said "Oh you're back. Go back to wherever you came from." "Mom, I have money for you." "What do you mean?" "I know you dont love me and all that but I brought you money and brought you a small house for you to live in." "Well thank you." When my mother said that, I knew we were slowly gaining our love back for eachother. She felt so soft and I had to hug her. When I hugged her, she hugged me tightly back. I gave her the money and I take her to her new house. "Mom, I have to go back to my new place now." "Where are you staying?" "I'm staying at a house so I could make money." I wasnt ready to tell my mother how I got into this predicament but it still helped. I said my bye and left. I went through an alley so noone could see me. But I heard someone call my name. I didnt know that this would be the last time, I snuck out.