
Doctor Who X Reader

In this story you as the reader are the doctors long lost love, you've lost your memories and he has returned to find you without them. You both fall in love after his companion has left then danger strikes as The cloister bells ring. both run to the Tardis as quickly as you can getting inside and locking the doors behind. once inside you stay inside and find out the daleks had returned to try and kill you. unknown to you that they were coming for you to try to kill you for some reason but find out that you were connected to the doctor that you or his other soulmate. Find out what happens next by reading this book.

AlainaHylian · テレビ
3 Chs

Chapter one

Your p.o.v

I was walking down the street of my hometown as I would hear these voices in my head calling my name over and over again. I say to myself "It's not real. It's just your imagination playing tricks." I kept walking through town as I made it home taking out my keys as my hand shakes, the voices get a little louder around me as one stands out over the rest. It was him, the one in that trench coat that was long and dark brown. I start to remember his face as I mutter "Doctor. help. me." Before I knew it I was awake in my room as I sit up in bed, I heard the noise of his voice talking to someone else, a girl perhaps. I got up out of bed as I then realized the voices in my head stopped. I walk to the door as I open it to see him with another girl as I quickly shut the door as I go back to my bed. I lay down putting the covers over me, I heard him walk into the bedroom. That's when he call my name, which was (Y/n) as I heard him say "I've been looking for a decade for you I thought I lost you my love." I was confused as I moved the covers, I then looked at him recognizing his face to probably be his tenth regeneration. I still couldn't remember where I had seen that face before. He walked over to the bed as he sat down at the edge of it as he then looked at me. I felt my face heat up turning red as I felt my heart racing fast even though I barely remember him.

Doctor's p.o.v

When I sat down at the edge of the bed I saw her face heat up turning red. I told my companion to wait for me outside while I have alone time with (y/n). She may have lost her memories but her heart still knows the feeling I gave her when I was around. I was so happy to see her again that I felt my two hearts racing fast for her as we both leaned in as we then kissed. It was a sweet yet gentle kiss as she broke the kiss for air as her face was still red looking away. I gently grab her chin making her look at me as we make eye contact, she looks down then back up at me as I say, "My love I have missed you. I've been looking for you for a long time." She looks at me with a confused look and I says, "You lost your memories?" She slowly nods at me, her face still red as I hug her tightly. As I started to have tears fall down my face as I whipped my eyes as I didn't know that I was crying. She looks at me as I pull away from her as I hear her say, "I used to hear voices and yours stood out the most. I may not remember you but maybe we should start over and get to know each other again. Well until my memories come back." I looked at her as I say, "Don't worry I will help you remember."

Your p.o.v

Later he took me to this place outside my home as I saw the blue box with white letters saying "Police public call box" I started to remember a little bit as I hold my head in a small amount of pain.


Your p.o.v

"Doctor, we have to get out of here this place is coming down!" He grabbed my hand as the house was on fire as he starts running but I was but a teenager. Later I bumped my head as I lost my memories as the doctor had a bandage wrapped around my head.

End of memory*

Still your p.o.v

I looked at the doctor as I remember him bandaging my head a long time ago. "Doctor, why... Why did you leave me?" He turned to face me as he simply says "I'm sorry but I had no choice, I didn't want to lose the person I fell in love with." I felt tears fall down my face as I then ran up to him as he held me tight as he says, "I'm so sorry I did that but I did it to protect you." I honestly didn't know what he was thinking half the time but my heart said I had feelings for him, yet I hardly remember a thing about him. Then the doctor gently kissed my forehead as I then looked up at him, I smiled softly at him. Later he had his companion leave the room of the console of the TARDIS as he looked at me. He grabbed my hand pulling my to him as he put my arms around his waist then putting his around my neck. He leans in as I felt my heart racing, his lip touched mine, I felt my leg lift up as I kissed him back. A few days later we went on an adventure but we made a run for the Tardis as we get inside we were panting heavily after closing the door behind us. We both started to laugh as we held hands still after running away from whatever was chasing after us.

Doctor p.o.v

I never thought that after so long of not having her around how much fun we used to have when she was in my life. After our adventure years later we decided to stay in the TARDIS for a while as I had a ring wanting to propose to her. I made her dinner as we ate, I finished as well as her, I got up from the table since well we were at her home as I walked over to her getting down on one knee. I look her in the eyes as I say, "Will you do me the honor of being my wife and travel companion (y/n)?" She simply smile at me as she nods as I put the ring 💍 on her finger then standing up kissing her lips. When we got married it was the best time of my life as I picked her up bridle style taking her to where her room was as I lay her down as I kissed her.