
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

Thomas016 · テレビ
22 Chs

Special Episode 2 - War of The Mechanoids

Metal clanks onto metal.

Cole swings a hammer onto a piece of metal, that is attached to a massive skyscraper.

A Dalek flies passed him, heading past many more buildings.

The Dalek then stops, looking around at a massive city being built by The Mechanoids.

Below, in the city, Kathy stands in rags.

She is covered in dirt and she looks around nervously "Where are you".

A yellow Mechanoid then appears and says "A message from The Doctor".

Kathy takes a note from The Yellow Mechanoid.

Kathy looks down at the note, and it says 'run'.

(Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

Kathy walks through a tunnel, climbing through the dirt.

At the end of the tunnel, is Cole.

Cole smiles "Hey, it's good to see your face again".

Kathy hugs Cole and she says "Likewise, how have you been?".

Cole nods at her "Same old, same as last month, and the month before that, building...building buildings for The Daleks".

Kathy nods at him "Yeah, The Doctor's nearly done, we don't have long left here, I promise!".

Cole stares at her "How many more years Kathy? I've lost track of how many we've already been here, we're trapped here, The Doctor...whatever he is doing, I just-".

Kathy nods at him "I know, I know".

Kathy steps forward and says "It's hard, this is the most difficult time I've had with The Doctor, but please trust me when I say...he will save us".

Cole looks at her "You better be right because I'm really starting to lose faith".

Kathy stares at him with tears in her eyes.

At the top of one of the massive skyscrapers.

Inside, a massive Dalek HQ has been built.

The Dalek Leader ascends and says "Report, what is the status of the new Dalek city?".

A Dalek says "The city is at eighty-nine percent, the city is almost fully built".

The Dalek Leader says "Good, soon the rest of The Daleks will come, and we will build a new Dalek empire!".

A voice then says "You'll never achieve it".

The Dalek Leader turns his head, looking at The Doctor.

The Dalek Leader says "SILENCE DOCTOR! YOU ARE ONLY HERE UNTIL WE FIND YOUR ASSOCIATE KATHY YATES, as soon as we find her, you both will be exterminated!".

A Dalek then says "Three Mechanoids incoming, they are reporting about the current status".

A door then opens, and three Mechanoids enter, one of them is the yellow Mechanoid.

The Dalek Leader says "Report!".

The yellow Mechanoid stops near The Doctor.

Another Mechanoid looks at The Dalek Leader and says "We are running out of materials".

The Doctor stands near The Mechanoids.

The Doctor looks at the yellow Mechanoid "Did you find her?".

The yellow Mechanoid says "Yes, she is alive".

The Doctor smiles "Good, she's alive, now, it's time to start the next plan".

The yellow Mechanoid says "Which is what?".

The Doctor says "Revenge! I need you to take her another message for me".

The yellow Mechanoids says "What is it?".

The Doctor then hands the yellow Mechanoid something in a box "Tell her to be ready by sunset, and tell Cole! It's time!".

The yellow Mechanoid opens up its casing, and The Doctor places the small box inside.

The Doctor says "Take this to Kathy".

Kathy climbs through a cave.

Up ahead, she sees a light.

Kathy then climbs through a gap in the wall, leading to an enclosed area that has been turned into a small living area.

Kathy says "Home sweet home".

Kathy then sits down on a chair made out of straw and picks up a homemade diary.

Kathy then writes 'Day eight hundred and thirty-seven'.

Kathy then sighs.

Cole stands mining.

Cole swings an axe, he hits the stone.

Cole then turns around, seeing a Dalek.

Cole grips the axe tighter.

The yellow Mechanoid moves up closer to Cole and says "I need you to send a message to Kathy".

Cole says "What message-".

A Dalek looks over at them.

The yellow Mechanoid says "Tell her to be ready for sunset. The Doctor also said...it's time!".

The Dalek then says "SILENCE, you are to work! Not talk!".

Cole then glares at the Dalek.

The Dalek goes to move away.

Cole then says "Hey! DALEK!".

The Dalek turns its head, looking at Cole.

The Dalek says "What do you want?".

Cole says "To show you something".

The Dalek moves closer to Cole.

Cole then swings the axe, the axe smashes into the Dalek's eyestalk.


Cole shouts "IT'S TIME! COME ON!".

Miniature guns come out of the Mechanoid's casing.

The Mechanoids then start to shoot the Daleks.

Cole then swings his axe into another Dalek's eyestalk.

Cole looks at the yellow Mechanoid and says "Come on, let's go find Kathy-".

Kathy sits in her enclosed room in the cave.

Kathy then looks over at a radio.

As Kathy switches on the radio, she sits back in her chair.

Kathy reaches for a small box that contains food inside.

Kathy then starts to eat a small stick of meat.

On the radio, the sound of Dalek chatter is heard.

All of a sudden, Kathy then looks up at the radio.


Kathy then smiles "It's time!".

Kathy picks up the radio, and she grabs her bag.

Outside the cave, Cole stands with the yellow Mechanoid.

Cole looks over into the distance at the Dalek City, where Daleks are flying through the sky, shooting down at the city.

Inside the Dalek city, along the streets, Mechanoids are fighting back, shooting at The Daleks.

Kathy then climbs out of the cave, she is holding her bag, and she sees Cole.

Cole nods at Kathy "We're ready!".

Kathy says "Did the Doctor give you anything?".

The yellow Mechanoid opens its casing up and says "Here".

Kathy smiles and she takes the box.

Cole says "What is it?".

Kathy opens the box up and inside is the Sonic Screwdriver.

Kathy says "This is how we win!".

Cole then sees Daleks heading their way.

Cole says "They're coming!".

The yellow Mechanoid says "Go! I will hold them off!".

Cole shakes his head "Are you sure?".

The yellow Mechanoid then releases its gun and says "GO!".

Kathy nods at Cole, and the two of them start running away, and towards the city.

The yellow Mechanoid starts shooting at the Daleks.

The yellow Mechanoid then destroys one of the Daleks.

But a Dalek then shoots and hits the yellow Mechanoid, and the yellow Mechanoid then explodes.

Running into the city, Daleks and Mechanoids are fighting each other, and destroying each other.

Cole says "Now what?".

Kathy looks at him "I need to find an antenna! Anything like that!".

Cole nods "Over this way, I helped to build it, why? What are we doing?".

As Kath and Cole walk towards the antenna, Kathy says "The Daleks, they communicate through the radio, so without it, they'll be blind, no one can warn each other, no one communicates. They won't know what's going on".

Cole nods at her and says "And what exactly is going on?".

Kathy smiles at him "We're winning!".

At the top of the massive skyscrapers.

Inside, the massive Dalek HQ, The Doctor stands there smiling.

The Dalek Leader shouts "WHAT IS HAPPENING!".

The Doctor says "What always happens, you...lose!".


The Dalek Leader says "call The Daleks back to Dalek HQ, the HQ must be defended at all costs-".

Kathy stands on the roof, near the antenna.

Kathy opens her bag and pulls out the radio.

Kathy pulls the radio apart with the Sonic Screwdriver.

Kathy then attaches wires to the antenna.

Cole looks around at the city and says "Come on Kathy, there are loadsa Daleks everywhere!".

Kathy nods "Two seconds!".

Kathy sonics the antenna, and the radio starts to spark.

Kathy grips the Sonic Screwdriver nervously "Come on!".

Cole then sees a Dalek heading toward them.

Suddenly, the radio starts to release a white noise sound.

Kathy laughs "YES! WE DID IT!".

Cole smiles at her "Awesome!".

Inside, the massive Dalek HQ, a Dalek says "RADIO IS DOWN! DALEKS UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE!".

The Doctor smiles.


In the city, Daleks fall from the sky as Mechanoids shoot them.

On the roof, Kathy stands there laughing with Cole.

Kathy then says "Come on! We need to get the Doctor!".

Cole nods at her "Yeah, then, we're going home".

As Kathy and Cole turn around, a Dalek is in front of them on the roof.

The Dalek shouts "EXTERMINATE!".

The Dalek aims at Kathy.

Kathy stares in shock.

Cole then grabs Kathy, moving her out of the way.

The Dalek blast and then shoots Cole.

Cole falls to the floor.

Kathy screams "NO!".

A Mechanoid then appears, and it shoots the Dalek, destroying it.

Kathy sits on the floor crying beside Cole, who lies there dead.

Kathy then stands up, and turns around, looking at the Mechanoid "Take me to the Dalek Headquarters".

Inside the Dalek HQ, a Dalek says "Mechanoids have entered the building, they are headed for us!".

The Doctor stands there and looks around at all the panicked Daleks.

Suddenly, the door then opens.

Kathy walks inside with five Mechanoids behind her.

Kathy looks at all the Daleks and says "times up! You lose!".

The Dalek Leader shouts "RELEASE THE EVACUATION SIREN!".

Kathy looks at the Dalek Leader.

Out in the city, the Daleks all start to disappear.

Inside the HQ, The Dalek Leader says "emergency temporal shift!".

The Dalek Leader disappears.

All the other Daleks start to disappear.

Kathy then looks over at The Doctor, tears in her eyes.

Kathy runs over to him, and hugs him "I'm so glad to see you".

The Doctor smiles at her "And I am so proud of you! Look at what you did, you just saved a planet! This city, now belongs to the Mechanoids again, because of you! Where's Cole?".

Kathy stares at him "He died, a Dalek-".

The Doctor sighs "I'm sorry".

Kathy says "I just wanna go, I just wanna get back to the Tardis".

The Doctor nods at her "Alright, come on".

Out in a field, The Doctor and Kathy stand near the ship that brought them to the planet.

A Mechanoid says "We had enough fuel to fill your ship, it will return you to where you came from!".

The Doctor smiles "Thank you"

The Mechanoid says "Martin Mecha sent us here to build a new city, but this city is not for him, it will be honored in your names".

The Doctor shakes his head "No, not us...by Cole".

Kathy smiles and holds The Doctor's hand and nods "By Cole".

The ship then blasts into the sky, and back towards Earth.

Back on Earth, at Mecha Industries, Martin walks out of the building in handcuffs, with police behind him.

The Doctor and Kathy both stand watching.

Theresa walks over to them and she says "I sincerely apologise for what happened to you, for what he did to you".

Kathy says "I don't care what you have to say, Martin...he murdered Cole, he sent us there, and Cole died there, that means he murdered him, make sure he gets locked up for the rest of his life".

Theresa nods at them "I give you my word".

Back inside the Tardis, The Doctor stands at the console and says "it's been a little while old girl, but I'm back, I'm sorry it's been so long".

Kathy stands near the door, and she looks up at him "I can't believe how long it's been".

The Doctor nods "yeah, sometimes it can be really dangerous, like it was this time, how are you feeling?".

Kathy smiles at The Doctor "I'm fine-".

The Doctor stares at her "fine?".

Kathy nods "It's almost like closure, he died again...I know it wasn't him, but he died again, but this time I was there, I don't know...but I'm fine".

The Doctor says "where next?".

Kathy laughs "I don't know about you, but I really wanna go somewhere a little more happier".

The Doctor says "how about Christmas?".

Kathy nods at him "I've missed a few Christmas' being on that Mecha planet, I guess we'd better".

The Doctor smiles at Kathy.

Also Starring:

Hugh Grant - Martin Mecha

Modupe Adeyeye - Theresa

Steven Cree - Cole

Next Time - Xmas Special - The Angels of Christmas - In a village, The Doctor and Kathy meet some people, they soon discover that Angels are terrifying the village. The Doctor and Kathy go up against The Weeping Angels, Kathy finds herself cornered in a room with no escape.