
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

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22 Chs

Episode 2 - The Hidden Secrets of Collosaur

In the middle of an immense desert, a large pyramid sits.

At the bottom of the pyramid, there's a door with a handle on it.

Four people stand outside of it, a woman and three men.

One of the men says "Mikayla, you sure about this?".

Mikayla nods at him "If I weren't sure, we wouldn't be here, would we...David?".

David smirks at her "That confidence, that's why I married you".

Mikayla smiles "I know! James! Can we get the door open?".

James nods at her "Yep...two seconds!".

Mikayla then says "Quinlan? Any readings from inside?".

Quinlan looks down at a device and says "Nope, nothing yet".

James then pushes the door, and a loud crack is heard.

The pyramid door slowly opens, revealing a narrow, dark entrance.

James steps inside and says "Quinlan, come check for any readings over here".

Quinlan enters the pyramid.

Mikayla goes to step inside, but David grabs her arm.

Mikayla turns around and looks at him "What?".

David sighs "Are we sure about this? Going inside here could be suicide".

Mikayla smiles "Like you said, my confidence is why you married me-".

David shakes his head "I'm being serious, no one who's entered has ever come out, doesn't that frighten you?".

Inside the pyramid, Quinlan stands holding a device, he holds it towards the dark hallway.

Quinlan says "No readings of anything yet".

James sighs "Well, keep checking".

Back outside, David looks at Mikayla "Well?".

Mikayla nods at him "We'll be fine, we have our torches and our equipment, come on-".

Inside the pyramid, Quinlan then hears a beeping going off on his device.

Quinlan then says "We might have something-".

Mikayla and David walk over to them.

Mikayla says "What's going on?".

Quinlan shakes his head "Something's coming, loads of somethings-".

David then sighs "No way, we're leaving! NOW!".

A creature on all fours is then seen in the shadows in front of them.

James stares in shock.

David turns around, but the pyramid's doors then close.

Mikayla stares in shock "Oh my god!".

Quinlan turns back around, and he sees the creature running straight toward them.

Quinland then screams "NO!".

(Title Sequence)

Connor Swindells - The 14th Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

Hetti Bywater - Kristen Wright

The Tardis materalises in the middle of a desert.

Inside the Tardis, The Doctor smiles and says "Something awesome, go and have a look outside!".

Kristen smiles, she looks over at Kathy, then over at the Tardis doors.

Back outside, the Tardis door opens, and Kristen steps out onto the sand.

Kristen takes a deep breath in and then looks around at her surroundings.

Kathy walks outside and smiles.

The Doctor steps out of the Tardis, he closes the door behind him.

The Doctor says "Welcome to the planet Callamden, the planet of sand, and one of the top tourist locations of the new human empire".

Kristen says "Human empire?".

The Doctor smirks "Well, in a few hundred years".

Kathy says "So how far from Earth are we?".

The Doctor looks up at the sky and says "I'd say...about three hundred billion miles to the left".

Kathy laughs at him "Ha-ha".

Kristen turns around, looking over at a massive pyramid.

The Doctor nods at her "And that...is one of the biggest pyramids in the universe, the pyramid of Callamden Stars, which is its official name...or just the pyramid".

Kathy points over a door "Can you look inside it?".

The Doctor walks over to the door and says "Well, I don't see why not-".

The Doctor, Kristen, and Kathy walk over to the pyramid.

The Doctor pulls out his Sonic Screwdriver and points it at the pyramid door, The Doctor then sonics the door, but it doesn't open.

The Doctor scratches his head "Well, that's new".

Kristen steps over and pulls on the door, and it opens.

Kristen smiles at the Doctor "Sometimes...you don't need the technology".

The Doctor says "Well...it's useful...sometimes".

Kathy walks past them and says "Come on then".

Inside the pyramid, The Doctor, Kathy, and Kristen stand in total darkness.

The door closes behind them, and Kathy says "Bit dark".

The Doctor pulls his Sonic Screwdriver out and switches it to a torch.

The Doctor points the torch at Kathy and says "Get your sonic out, you can use it as a torch".

Kathy pulls the 14th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver out, and she turns the torch on.

The Doctor points his Sonic toward the hallway and says "Right then, come on-".

Kristen looks down at the ground, she sees a device on the floor.

Kristen says "Hold on, what's this?".

The Doctor points his sonic down, lighting the device up and he says "Ah, that's interesting".

Kathy says "A toy?".

The Doctor pulls the device up and says "A lifeform detector, detects lifeforms within a one-mile radius, I like it...old school one too. But who dropped it?".

The Doctor walks further down the hallway.

Kathy and Kristen follow behind him.

Deeper into the pyramid, The Doctor and the others walk past dust piles.

A beeping sound is then heard.

The Doctor stops, and he says "Shush! What's that?".

Kathy points to the Doctor's pocket and says "It's that device thing".

The Doctor pulls the device out and says "Ah".

Kristen shakes her head "But you said it a was a-".

The Doctor nods "Lifeform detector".

Kathy stares in shock "So...what's coming?".

A low-pitched and quiet growl is heard from the distance.

Kristen looks ahead nervously.

Kathy slowly points the Sonic up and points it towards the hallway.

A creature is seen in the far distance.

Kristen looks over nervously and she says "What is that?".

The Doctor shakes his head "I-I-It-It doesn't matter but we need to leave...right now!".

The creature starts charging toward them.

The Doctor shouts "RUN!".

As The Doctor turns around, David and James run out from an archway.

David looks at The Doctor "ALL OF YOU! FOLLOW ME! QUICK!".

The Doctor looks at Kathy and Kristen "GO! RUN!".

In the order of Kristen, Kathy, and then The Doctor, the three of them run, following David and James through the narrow hallways of the pyramid.

Soon, as they run, a small doorway opens, David then stops, and looks at Kristen "Inside, all of you!".

Kristen, Kathy, The Doctor, James, and then David all enter the small doorway.

Inside the doorway is a medium-sized room.

Small torches are set in the room lighting it up.

Mikayla stands in the far corner of the room looking over at them.

Mikayla then says "Who are you? The three of you!".

Kathy stares at her "Us? Who the hell are you? What was that outside?".

The Doctor nods "Calm down Kathy, but she's right, who are you people?".

David says "I'm Professor David Williams, that's my wife, Professor Mikayla Williams, and that's James".

Kristen says "Professor of what?".

Mikayla looks at her "Archeology".

The Doctor's face lights up "Really? I like archeologists. What are you doing here?".

Mikayla says "We were coming to investigate the pyramid, many people have been here before and...they never came out. It's famous for the lost lives of those who've entered".

Kristen smirks "Wait, so the three of you, you all thought, you know that pyramid, the one that whoever enters never comes out, you thought...hey let's go inside and investigate?".

Mikayla nods "Yeah".

James says "There was four of us...but that thing, things...they killed him"

David says "So, who are you three?".

The Doctor says "I'm The Doctor, that's Kathy, and that's Kristen-".

Mikayla nods "And what's your reason for entering the pyramid?".

The Doctor scoffs "Well, didn't really know there would be creatures inside here".

Kristen nods at them "Kinda my fault for wanting to come here".

Kathy sighs "Anyway, getting off track, what are those things outside?".

David shakes his head "Monsters!".

Mikayla nods "We don't know, they came for us as soon as we entered, we lost Quinlan, and then as we were running, we found this place, we blocked it off, and they haven't come in. But we don't know who they are, or what they are".

The Doctor runs his hand through his hair nervously and says "Collosaurs, They're the Collosaurs".

Kathy looks at the Doctor "You know them then?".

The Doctor nods at her "mm, yeah. A long time ago, came here with my family, just a young kid, I was only about sixty. But it was before the storm. The sandstorm that wiped the planet out completely, turned everything into sand".

Mikayla scoffs "That was thousands of years ago, how can you have been there?".

The Doctor looks at her "Time traveller, that's how...but anyway, the storm came, and some of the Collosaurs, they came to the pyramid for shelter, to survive. Little did they know they wouldn't be able to leave for hundreds of years. But they must've evolved inside here. I mean, it's been thousands of years now, they must've devolved into monsters"

Kristen nods "So, we're leaving then? Right?".

David shakes his head "Once you enter, you cannot leave. The door, locks from the inside".

Kathy nods at him and says "Great, that's just great".

The Doctor looks up and he goes "I guess we'll have to do it then".

Mikayla looks over at him and says "Do what?".

The Doctor smiles "We'll have to climb the pyramid, survive the monster, and get to the top of the pyramid, they'll be an exit".

Kristen looks at him nervously "But first we have to survive the things out there?".

The Doctor looks at her "It's the only way".

David stands up, he looks at The Doctor nervously.

David says "You think we can survive this?".

The Doctor nods "As long as everyone follows my lead, yes...I think I can get everyone out".

Mikayla walks over to a torch and she picks one of them up.

Mikayla says "Well then, let's get going".

Back outside in the narrow hallway, Mikayla steps out in the hallway, she points her torch both ways, looking for any of the Collosaurs.

The Doctor then steps out pointing his Sonic.

Kristen, Kathy, James, and David walks out.

The Doctor points over in the direction and says "That way".

Mikayla nods at him "Okay".

As the six of them walk down the hallway, The Doctor walks with Mikayla and David.

The Doctor says "So, what made you wanna come here then?".

Mikayla smiles "Well, you know...I like adventure and mystery. This pyramid, it's full of it! The adventure of climbing it, and the mystery of all those who have entered and have not come out".

The Doctor smirks and says "I like you, that's exactly what I love, hence why I've been doing it for the last however many thousand years I've been doing it".

David says "Thousand?".

The Doctor nods "Must be quite a few thousand by now".

Behind The Doctor, Mikayla, and David are Kathy, Kristen, and James.

James says "So, this Doctor guy. Who is he?".

Kathy says "My best friend, and technically, designated driver".

James nods "Right, but how did you get here? Have you got a spaceship?".

Kristen says "We have a Tardis-".

James stares at her "Tardis?".

Kristen nods "We travel with it".

James looks at Kristen "So, where are you from?".

Kristen smiles "Earth. I'm not even sure what year it is".

James thinks for a moment and says "Well, must be about three thousand and something now".

Kristen laughs "Really? A thousand years in my future".

Suddenly, a deep growl is heard from behind them.

Kathy turns around, she points to her Sonic.

Kathy then stares in shock as she sees a Collosaur.

The Doctor then grabs Kathy's hand and says "RUN!".

The six of them run.

The sound of screeching is heard coming from all around.

Mikayla looks around and she then sees a ladder up ahead.

Mikayla runs over to it and says "DOCTOR, OVER HERE".

The Doctor nods at Kristen "QUICK, GET UP".

Kristen climbs up the ladder, followed by Kathy, and then James.

As James starts to climb up, the sound of growling is heard even louder.

The Doctor turns around nervously and he sees a Collosaur right beside them.

Mikayla stares in shock.

Mikayla then holds onto David's hand.

The Collosaur sniffs the Doctor, but as it sniffs, it then lays then its eyes upon Mikayla.

David looks at The Doctor nervously.

The Collosaur slowly moves over to Mikayla, it raises its arm, revealing large claws.

The Collosaur goes to grab Mikayla, but David then moves Mikayla out of the way.

The Collosaur screeches at David angrily.

David says "Mika, get up the ladder and get out of here, and please! Survive...for me".

Mikayla looks at him in tears "Please don't do this-".

David starts walking backward slowly, leading the Collosaur away from Mikayla and The Doctor away.

David says "Mika! Get up there, don't watch this".

The Doctor then looks at Mikayla and nods at her.

Mikayla then grabs onto the ladder and starts climbing upwards.

The Doctor turns around and he looks at David, David nods at The Doctor "Keep her safe".

The Doctor nods at him "I will, I promise".

The Doctor then grabs onto the ladder, he starts climbing upwards.

Moments later, David starts screaming.

At the top of the ladder, Kathy stands waiting with James and Kristen.

As Mikayla gets to the top, James says "Where's David?".

Mikayla looks at him with tears in her eyes "He-".

The Doctor then climbs up and he looks around.

The Doctor says "Time to go! I'm sorry about your husband, but don't let it be for nothing".

Mikayla nods at him "Then let's get out of here".

Kathy says "Where now?".

The Doctor looks around the hallway and says "Look for the light".

Everyone looks around the hallway.

Kristen then points up and says "There, I can see something".

The Doctor nods "Very small, but we're getting close, come on...this way".

Everyone follows The Doctor.

Further into the pyramid, the Doctor sees a set of stairs.

A loud screeching sound is heard, a many of the Collosaurs are seen coming toward them.

The Doctor points up the stairs and says "Quick, go now!".

Everyone runs up the stairs.

The Doctor reaches a door, and he pushes onto the door, but it doesn't budge.

Kathy, Kristen, Mikayla, and James all stand pointing their torches down the stairs.

Kathy screams "DOCTOR! HURRY!".

Mikayla looks down the stairs, seeing one of the Collosaurs' hands.

The Doctor says "Come on, open!".

The Doctor points his Sonic Screwdriver, and he sonics the door, he points it all around the door.

Kristen then sees a Collosaur, getting closer to them.

Kristen stares in shock.

James runs over to The Doctor, and the two of them start pushing onto the door.

Mikayla joins The Doctor and James.

Kristen and Kathy stand watching them.

The door then opens.

The Doctor smiles.

As James turns around, then sees a Collosaur behind Kristen.

James grabs Kristen, pulling her away, but the Collosaur grabs James, pulling him down the stairs.

Kristen screams "NO! JAMES!".

Mikayla stares in shock.

The Doctor puts his Sonic back into his pocket and says "COME ON, INSIDE EVERYONE!".

Running inside the room, The Doctor then shuts the door behind him.

Sunlight shines through the top of the ceiling.

The Doctor locks the door and he takes a deep breath.

Kathy then looks around inside the room and says "Doctor? Have you seen this?".

The Doctor looks up, and he stares in shock

All around the room are drawings and writings on the walls.

Kristen looks over at a drawing and she says "What are they?".

Mikayla puts her hand onto a drawing, one of them looks like David, Mikayla says "Prophecies".

The Doctor nods "Yeah, drawings of future events".

Mikayla turns around and she looks at the Doctor "They predicted David's death".

The Doctor stares at Mikayla.

Kathy then stops and she looks at one of the drawings nervously.

Kathy slowly says "Doc...tor".

The Doctor walks over to her, looking at one of the drawings, The Doctor looks at a drawing of a large Dalek.

The Doctor shakes his head "Can't be".

Kathy says "It's a Dalek".

The Doctor nods "Not just a Dalek, one of the most dangerous Daleks in the whole universe, the Nightmare Child...created by Davros, he only ever created one, because even that one was too strong for him to control. But it died, died during the Time War".

Kathy says "But if this is a prophecy, it might not even happen?".

The Doctor looks at Kathy "It can't happen, because the whole time would be destroyed".

Mikayla looks over at them.

Kristen then hears banging coming from the door and she says "Right...can we go now please?".

The Doctor then turns around, looking at Kristen "Yeah, come on, there's an escape exit on the roof".

Later on, at the bottom of the pyramid, The Doctor stands near the Tardis.

Kathy and Kristen enter the Tardis.

The Doctor stands looking at Mikayla.

Mikayla turns around, looking at the pyramid one last time.

The Doctor stands beside her and says "I am really sorry".

Mikayla nods at him "Should be angry at you, it was your decision to run, and David died...then James died because of Kristen. But I'm not angry, because James died saving her...and when someone dies, you have to honor that. David...died saving me, and I can't let his death be for nothing".

The Doctor nods at her "It won't be, come on, I'll take you home".

Mikayla looks at the Tardis and smiles "What? In there?".

The Doctor laughs "Yeah".

Mikayla shakes her head "No thank you, listen, I think you are crazy, I can't even begin to imagine the things you do together, but you saved my life, and I know David would be grateful, as I am that you saved me. Just be careful Doctor, those friends of yours, they shouldn't be used to danger like this, that's how people die".

The Doctor looks at Mikayla.

Mikayla then leans in, she hugs The Doctor, and says "Thank you".

The Doctor smiles "Good luck, Professor Mikayla Williams".

The Doctor turns away, but Mikayla then says "Doctor".

The Doctor turns back around and says "Yeah?".

Mikayla smiles "When we first met, you said you liked archeologists...why?".

The Doctor laughs "I used to be married to an archeologist...Professor River Song".

Mikayla nods "Used?".

The Doctor stares at her "She died, well sorta, It's possible I can see her from time to time, but technically in my time...she's dead".

Mikayla says "Goodbye Doctor".

The Doctor turns back around, and he walks into the Tardis.

Seconds later, the Tardis starts to dematerialise.

Mikayla stands watching, and she watches in shock.

Mikayla then smiles.

Mikayla then looks over to the distance at her ship.

Inside the Tardis, The Doctor stands flying the Tardis.

Kathy stands near the console, she then looks around at Kristen who is sat down.

Kathy walks over to her and she says "You okay?".

Kristen nods "Just...that was crazy, scary...and crazy. You do this all the time?".

Kathy smirks "Yeah, most of the time".

The Doctor then pulls a lever and says "Let's go somewhere a little more familiar".

Also Starring:

Unknown - Professor Mikayla Williams

Unknown - Professor David Williams

Unknown - James

Unknown - Quinlan

Next Time - Invasion From Within - The Doctor and his friends return to Earth, where Kate Stewart calls them in. The Doctor helps Kate with a case about Shop Work dummies coming to life. As Kathy and Kristen search a nearby warehouse, they uncover some secrets.