
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

Thomas016 · テレビ
22 Chs

60th Anniversary Special - The Lives of Doctor Who

This episode is dedicated to the late Bernard Cribbins, who played Wilfred Mott.



A torch shines through a room.

A woman then steps out of the shadows, revealing Kathy.

Kathy has an earpiece in and she says "Doctor, I don't see anything-".

The 14th Doctor then replies "Keep looking, I'm getting a signal in that room".

Kathy shines her torch to the corner of the room, where she sees something in the corner of the room.

As Kathy slowly walks towards it, she walks past objects covered up with sheets.

Suddenly, one of the sheets moves.

Kathy gets closer and closer to the thing in the corner until she then hears a noise behind her.

Kathy turns around, she then shines her torch all around, seeing all of the sheets moving.

Kathy stares in shock until all the sheets start to get thrown off, revealing The Autons.

Kathy stares in shock "Autons!".

Kathy moves backward, as Autons follow her.

Kathy then stops as her back hits up against a wall.

One of the Autons gets close to her, and its arm raises, going to hit her.

Kathy closes her eyes until a hand then grabs onto hers.

Kathy's eyes open and she turns her head, where she sees The 9th Doctor who says "RUN!".

Kathy and The 9th Doctor run.

Running along a corridor, Kathy says "Who are you?".

The 9th Doctor says "I'm the Doctor! Now, keep running!".

Suddenly, the two of them come to a stop as the Tardis starts to materialise in front of them.

The 9th Doctor says "But that's not possible-".

Kathy says "This is my Doctor".

The 9th Doctor says "What?".

Kathy nods "Sorry, we had to get you here somehow-".

The 14th Doctor steps out of the Tardis.

The 9th Doctor then says "What is going on?".

The 14th Doctor says "Sorry, this was a little bit of a trap to get you, but we need your help".

Kathy stands there smiling.

The 9th Doctor stands there nervously.

(Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

Christopher Eccleston - The 9th Doctor

Matt Smith - The 11th Doctor

David Tenant - The 10th Doctor

Jodie Whittaker - The 13th Doctor

Far Far Away:

A massive explosion goes off along a planet.

Ice Warriors storm across shooting lasers towards an army of soldiers.

The Tardis materialises nearby but has the St John Ambulance Logo on it.

The Tardis door opens and The 11th Doctor runs out of the Tardis with Amy and Rory.

Amy stares in shock "Whoa! Doctor! What is going on?".

The 11th Doctor says "The Ice Warriors are at war with the Galactic Federation, just months before they decide to join forces together-".

Rory then says "Are we supposed to understand anything you just said?".

The 11th Doctor laughs "When do you ever understand anything?".

Rory says "Well-".

Amy smiles "Husband, don't answer that because I think that was a trick question".

The 11th Doctor steps forward and observes the war.

Amy says "Doctor, why are we here?".

The 11th Doctor says "I don't know, the Tardis brought us here, so something needs our help".

A deep voice then says "You were brought here because of me".

The 11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory turn around, where they see The Unknown.

Amy says "What is that?".

The Unknown says "Amelia Pond, the girl who waited, and The Centurian, the man who would wait over two thousand years...say goodbye to the Doctor-".

The Unknown takes a deep breath and he then suddenly breathes out, where Amy and Rory then both disappear.

The 11th Doctor screams "WHERE ARE THEY?".

The Unknown laughs "Gone, forever, I feasted-".

Earth: 2023

At UNIT HQ, Kate Stewart sits in her office.

Osgood walks in and says "Ma'am, have you seen the news?".

Kate shakes her head "No, why?".

Osgood then switches on the TV, where The Master is seen broadcasting on the TV.

Kate stands up nervously "Who can see this?".

Osgood says "The world".

Kate sighs "Phone the Doctor, now!".

Osgood walks down the corridor, and she pulls out a phone and she dials a number.

In the streets of London, the Tardis materialises.

The 13th Doctor and Yaz walk out of the Tardis.

The 13th Doctor says "This is where Osgood sent the coordinates, but what for".

Yaz then looks over at a window, where there is a TV store and she says "Doctor, look!".

The 13th Doctor looks over at the TV's where The Master is seen staring through the TV's.

The Master then says "I'm waiting".

Yaz looks at The 13th Doctor "What does he mean?".

The 13th Doctor points her Sonic Screwdriver into the air and she sonics.

The Master then says through the TV "Thank you, I'll see you in a moment".

The wind then picks up, as The Master's Tardis materialises before them.

Yaz stands there nervously.

The Master then steps out and says "Hello again Doctor, Yaz!".

The 13th Doctor sighs "What's so important you needed our attention?".

The Master says "I wanna save you".

The 13th Doctor laughs "You wanna what?".

The Master says "I've just been with your future self and The Rani, we went through hell, all because an ancient being from our home called The Unknown is now loose and coming after you, It's already taken some of your bodies, you need to go! Hide!".

The 13th Doctor says "Hold on, my future self? The Rani? And The Unknown? I am a little confused right now!".

The Unknown then appears behind them and says "Let me help make it clearer-".

Yaz then disappears.

The 13th Doctor stares in shock "YAZ!".

The Master pulls The 13th Doctor into his Tardis.

Elsewhere, the Tardis flies through the vortex.

Inside the Tardis is The 14th Doctor, the 9th Doctor, and Kathy.

The 9th Doctor looks at the console room and he says "Whoa, you've redecorated".

Kathy smiles "He has-".

The 9th Doctor nods "I don't like it".

The 14th Doctor sighs.

The 14th Doctor then says "Right, we need your help to fight The Unknown!".

The 9th Doctor shakes his head "Again, how did it exactly get loose the first time?".

The 14th Doctor tilts his head and says "Well, I thought I pushed it back out into the Void, but it turns out I didn't, and now, it's taken three of our incarnations, it's coming for the rest of us".

The 9th Doctor shakes his head "And here I thought my future was in safe hands".

A red flashing light starts to blare off.

Kathy says "What's happening?".

The 9th Doctor looks at the monitor and says "Distress call! Coordinates B, Nine, Seven, A, D".

The 14th Doctor types the coordinates in and he nods "Got it!".

Kathy smiles "Where is it?".

The Tardis start to land.

The 14th Doctor says "Kathy, wait here! It's dangerous".

The Tardis materialises.

The 14th Doctor steps out of the Tardis with The 9th Doctor.

The 9th Doctor smiles "Ice Warriors-".

The 14th Doctor nods "And a war, come on...we need to find the other one, quickly".

Walking along the battlefield, fighting is heard coming from the background.

The 11th Doctor stands looking at The Unknown angrily.

Suddenly, The 14th Doctor says "Hey!".

The 11th Doctor turns around, he sees The 9th Doctor, then The 14th Doctor.

The 11th Doctor says "Wait...you! So you must be".

The 14th Doctor says "Yep, The Doctor".

The Unknown starts to smile.

The 9th Doctor says "What're you smiling about?".

The Unknown says "Three of you, now I can feast on you all".

The Unknown stretches its arms out, but The 9th Doctor pushes The 11th Doctor out of the way and gets trapped by The Unknown.

The 9th Doctor says "Go! FIND THE OTHERS, AND STOP IT!".

The 11th Doctor and The 14th Doctor run.

The Unknown then smiles and The 9th Doctor slowly fades away.

Back in the Tardis, Kathy then sees The 11th Doctor and says "Who is he?".

The 14th Doctor says "Me-".

Kathy smiles "Another one? Where's the other one".

The 11th Doctor says "Gone, forever unless we stop it, it's taken Amy and Rory, I need to save them".

The 14th Doctor nods "And we will, but first of all, we need more help, I'm trying to locate one of our other selves".

The 11th Doctor says "Which one?".

The 14th Doctor smiles "Sandshoes".

People walk through a spa.

Inside a room, The 10th Doctor and Donna sit together.

The 10th Doctor smiles "This is like it! A proper break!".

Donna rolls her eyes "Yeah, well I'm still waiting for one of the staff members to turn into something like a Sonterun-"

The 10th Doctor then looks at Donna.

Donna smiles "I mean Sontaran".

The 10th Doctor shakes his head "Nah, I think we're fine, well...hopefully, we'll find out soon enough".

Donna looks at The Doctor who is smiling "Do you ever forget?".

The 10th Doctor looks at her "What do you mean?".

Donna smiles "Us? Before me it was Martha, then Rose...how many before that? Do you forget us?".

The 10th Doctor laughs "Oh come on Donna-".

Donna shakes her head "Oi! Don't get spaceman with me! Answer the question".

The 10th Doctor stares at her "Never, I never forget anyone, all that stuff with Jenny, and Gallifrey, losing my family...it broke me, but it's you guys, the people who come with me, my new family, and I never forget my family".

Donna smiles at him "Good, cause...I could never forget you".

The 10th Doctor smiles "Good, right come then Allonsy Donna. I'm bored waiting, I want an adventure!".

Donna then disappears.

The 10th Doctor screams "DONNA!".

The Unknown stands behind him, and it raises its arms up at The Doctor.

The Unknown says "Now, it's your turn".

A Tardis starts to materialise onto The 10th Doctor.

The 10th Doctor then turns his head, inside The Master's Tardis.

The 10th Doctor says "Who are you? What is this?".

The 13th Doctor runs out and says "Hiya! I'm The Doctor, this...well this is The Master, Long story short we're being hunted by a being called The Unknown".

The 10th Doctor says "The Master? Unknown? Wait, you're me?".

The 13th Doctor says "Yeah".

The 10th Doctor says "I need to get back out there, Donna was taken".

The 13th Doctor nods "My friend was taken, we won't get them back without helping each other".

The Master then says "Doctors, you might want to see this".

The 10th Doctor runs over to the console, looking over at the monitor, where the then says "Homing in beacon, only the Tardis can decipher the coordinates".

The 13th Doctor nods "Which means, more of us are out there and want our help".

A Tardis materialises on a planet.

The 14th and 11th Doctor walk out with Kathy.

Kathy shuts the Tardis door behind her.

Kathy says "Nobody's here yet".

The 11th Doctor says "Might not be anybody left".

The 14th Doctor shakes his head "No, I can feel it...The Unknown hasn't taken many of us yet".

The 14th Doctor then drops to the ground in pain.

Kathy runs over and says "Doctor?".

The 11th Doctor pulls his Sonic Screwdriver out and he sonics The 14th Doctor.

The 14th Doctor says "I'm okay".

The 11th Doctor says "You've got Time Invasion sickness".

The 14th Doctor laughs "What do you expect".

Kathy says "Someone explain it to me?".

The 11th Doctor says "With his past being taken away...we shouldn't even exist, his incarnation is fighting the sickness for all the others who are still alive...but if it gets too bad, he'll give up, and then all of us will be removed from history".

The 14th Doctor stands up and takes a deep breath "Good job I'm not done fighting then".

Kathy smiles at him.

The Master's Tardis starts to materialise.

Kathy shakes her head "But that looks like-".

The Master then steps out smiling.

The Master says "Don't worry, for once I really don't mean you harm".

The 10th and 13th Doctor's walk out of the Tardis.

The 10th Doctor says "Now, it's time to save everyone!".

The 14th Doctor nods at him "Our incarnations have been taken-".

The 13th Doctor says "And our companions, Donna Yaz-".

The 11th Doctor says "Amy and Rory".

The 14th Doctor nods "We need ideas, that's why we are all here".

The 10th Doctor paces around thinking.

The 10th Doctor then says "Come on, you've had since me to come up with an idea, it must've been at least a few hundred years, you must know something".

The 14th Doctor shakes his head "I don't remember this! With time currently a little wibbly wobbly, as you'd put it...nothing about my past or future even makes sense-".

The 11th Doctor smiles "Except...you'll remember all of us once it's over, right?".

The 14th Doctor nods "Well most of it".

The 10th Doctor smiles "Yes! Oh yes!".

The 11th Doctor nods at The 10th Doctor "Right?".

The 13th Doctor laughs "Yes! I'm getting it too! Oh wow, that's brilliant!".

Kathy stands there and says "What?".

The 11th Doctor says "If we have a future after this, if there's a way we survive, your Doctor will remember, which means he has a future, he has future selves".

Kathy nods at him "Right?".

A gush of wind starts to pick up.

The 13th Doctor says "So, we may not have the answer right now, but your Doctor and his future have had years to think of a way".

The wind picks up even more.

A Tardis starts to materialise.

Kathy says "I don't understand, who is that?".

The 14th Doctor smiles "Me, from the future".

The Tardis becomes visible, slightly different from The 14th Doctor's Tardis.

The Tardis door opens, and Connor Swindell's 15th Doctor walks out, he then says "I can't be long, time is really not liking me here".

The 11th Doctor says "You figured it out?".

The 15th Doctor nods "Yeah, give it what it wants".

The 14th Doctor stares at The 15th Doctor and says "That's your solution?".

The 15th Doctor smiles "Yep".

The 15th Doctor's Tardis makes a strange noise.

The 15th Doctor says "Sorry, really gotta go! Earth is currently in such a state, literally...the end of the world, so lots to fix, see you".

The 15th Doctor's Tardis starts to dematerialise.

Kathy then says "Well, that was a lot of help".

The 10th Doctor shakes his head "No it wasn't, hold on think about it-".

The 14th Doctor nods "I am-".

The 10th Doctor smiles "The Unknown's whole existence overrides its existence! If The Unknown feasts on people but then rewrites them, what did The Unknown even feast on? If we give ourselves to The Unknown, it would create a paradox, all of it would unhappen, because he'd have feasted on something that never even existed".

The 11th Doctor shakes his head "Are you sure about this?".

The 13th Doctor nods "He's right, this is our life we're talking about, this could change the universe forever".

The 10th Doctor nods "I'm right, I know I am".

Kathy says "So, what do we do now then?".

The 14th Doctor smiles "We have the lure The Unknown to all the other incarnations that didn't come here, sacrifice them, then...sacrifice ourselves".

Kathy looks around nervously.

The 14th Doctor then puts his hand into his coat pocket and pulls out a Vortex Manipulator and he hands it to Kathy.

The 14th Doctor says "This is set to take you back to Earth, but to a place called Torchwood, find Captain Jack, give him the coordinates on this paper-".

The 14th Doctor hands Kathy a piece of paper.

The 14th Doctor continues "And tell him to bring everyone, it's gonna be a war".

Kathy nods at him "You be safe".

The 14th Doctor smiles "Alway".

Kathy then presses the Vortex Manipulator, teleporting away.

The 14th Doctor smiles "Right, let's start from the beginning, the first face".


The sound of the Tardis console room is heard.

The 1st Doctor stands at the console piloting the Tardis.

Susan stands with him.

The 1st Doctor says "Well, Susan...we're almost there".

Susan smiles "You haven't said, where are we going?".

The 1st Doctor looks at her and says "Well Susan, whilst Ian and Barbara sleep, I thought me and you could go and explore a new planet, how does that sound? Hm?".

Susan nods at him "Sounds amazing".

The Tardis starts to materialise.

Outside, The 1st Doctor walks out of his Tardis with Susan.

Susan says "Grandfather, look!".

The 1st Doctor looks over at The Unknown and says "Well, why hello there, identify yourself by species".

The Unknown says "Doctor, it's your turn!".

The 1st Doctor disappears.

Susan stares in shock "GRANDFATHER!".

The Unknown starts to laugh.

On another planet, The 5th Doctor walk along a dessert, but he then stops.

The 5th Doctor turns around, he sees The Unknown.

The 5th Doctor says "It can't be, I'm not ready-".

The 5th Doctor disappears.

Somewhere else, The 6th Doctor walks with Peri.

Peri smiles "Come on Doctor, let's get back to the Tardis!".

The 6th Doctor then stops walking and says "Peri, I just wanted to say-".

Peri smiles at The 6th Doctor, until he then disappears.

Peri stares in shock, but she turns her head, seeing The Unknown.

On the other side of the universe, The 7th Doctor and Ace walk together, Ace holds her baseball bat.

The 7th Doctor says "Right then Ace, I think we've beaten up enough Daleks for one day, don't you think?".

Ace laughs "Oh professor, I could beat up Daleks all day, especially with my Nitro-Nine".

The 7th Doctor sighs "I've told you Ace, not too-".

The 7th Doctor disappears.

Ace turns around, seeing The Unknown.

An explosion goes off and The 8th Doctor runs down a hallway.

A Cyberman stomps out in front of him and says "DELETE!".

The 8th Doctor stares in shock "Oh dear, I'm in a little bit of trouble here, aren't I?".

The 8th Doctor then turns around, seeing more Cybermen behind him.

A Cyberman raises it's arm, going to electrocute The 8th Doctor, but suddenly, he disappears.

The Cybermen turn around, seeing The Unknown.

On Earth, The Fugitive Doctor stands holding a rifle.

The Unknown steps out from the shadows.

The Fugitive Doctor says "And who the hell are you?".

The Unknown smiles "It doesn't matter, you are about to be erased".

The Fugitive Doctor then disappears.

The 14th and 10th Doctor's Tardis' materialise on a planet, so does The Master's Tardis.

Walking out of their Tardis', is The 14th, 13th, 11th, and 10th Doctor's.

The Master also walks out.

The 14th Doctor stands nervously and says "we're the last four".

The 13th Doctor nods "Yeah, we just went and lured The Unknown to Fourth incarnation, the one with the scarf...so now, it is just us four, us four against The Unknown, our turns".

The 11th Doctor says "I am still a little bit worried that this might not work".

The 10th Doctor laughs "Nah, come on, we're normally right, I mean normally ninety-nine percent, well, maybe ninety-six".

The 11th Doctor says "Or eighty-seven percent?".

The Unknown then steps out from the shadows.

The Master looks over nervously and he steps back "I am staying out of his way".

The Doctor's all look over at The Unknown.

The Unknown smiles "The last four Doctor's. And then my feast will end".

The 14th Doctor nods "Will it?".

The Unknown smiles "You freed me, so I will give you the privillege of being the last one!".

The Unknown raises it's arms up, causing The 13th Doctor to disappear, then The 11th Doctor, then finally The 10th Doctor.

The 14th Doctor stands there glaring at The Unknown, as it smiles with pleasure.

The Unknown then looks down at The 14th Doctor and says "The last one, the last Doctor! Are you ready for your existence to end?".

All of a sudden, a massive light appears.

The Unknown and The 14th Doctor turn around, where they see Kathy, Captain Jack, and Gwen Cooper with Kate Stewart, Osgood, and many UNIT Troops.

Martha Jones stands there with more UNIT Troops.

The Unknown laughs "What is this? An ambush? Well, you have already lost, Doctor!".

The Unknown raises it's arm, and The 14th Doctor falls to his knees.

Kathy stands there looking over nervously.

The 14th Doctor then disappears.

The Unknown smiles, and the chains start to fall off of him, and the ragged clothes, revealing a red Gallifreyian robe.

The Unknown stands there and says "I am the strongest Timelord in all of the universe!".

The Master walks out and says "You're really not, and you're not alone!".

The Rani also walk out, she holds a gun, aiming it at The Unknown.

The Rani smiles "We've been prepared for this since we knew you were free, we rememeber the stories of The Unknown from back at home, and you end...today! The Doctor will live, The Doctor will survive, and there's only one reason for that".

The Unknown nods "What's that?".

The Rani says "To save yourself".

The Unknown glares at her "What do you mean?".

The Master says "You rewrote The Doctor, destroying them, they never existed anymore, but you have forgotten something".

Bright lights start to appear around everywhere.

Kathy looks down at her hand, seeing her hand starting to disappear.

The Rani says "The Doctor has saved this universe millions of times, and without him, there wouldn't even be one anymore, so you've taken out the one person who saved this universe, which means...there won't be one anymore, the Time War, Cyber Wars, Flux, all the wars that ravaged the universe, The Doctor wasn't there to stop them, so we all die, we all die together, unless you release The Doctor".

The Unknown starts to disappear, he starts to scream.

Martha then says "Let The Doctor go, and everyone you've taken!".

The Unknown screams "AH!".

Suddenly, The 14th Doctor appears, and he says "Here we go again".

More and more lights appear, and The Doctor's start returning.

The 13th Doctor.

The 12th Doctor.

The 11th Doctor.

The 10th Doctor.

The 9th Doctor.

The 8th Doctor.

The 7th Doctor.

The Fugitive Doctor.

The 6th Doctor.

The 5th Doctor.

The 3rd Doctor.

The 2nd Doctor.

The 1st Doctor.

The Judoon then appear and The Judoon Captain says "You have broken the jurisidiction in this universe, you will be imprisoned for your crimes! EXECUTE!".

The Unknown smiles "I didn't come alone".

The 14th Doctor looks up at the sky, seeing Dalek ships descending.


Across the planet, Dalek's open fire onto it.

UNIT Troops open fire at The Daleks.

Explosion go off.

The Daleks all start to shout "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!",

The Unknown goes to run, but Gwen then aims her handgun at him and says "Don't move, or I'll shoot ya!".

The 14th Doctor walks over with Kathy and Martha and he says "Your done for now, we won, you lost...the way it was always going to go".

The Unknown sees Judoon aiming guns at him and says "This is over for now, but this isn't the end".

The 14th Doctor nods "I gathered".

Tardis' start to dematerialise.

The 14th, 13th, 11th, and 10th Doctor stand together.

The 10th Doctor says "Right then, best we get back to our own times".

The 14th Doctor nods "Time has been saved for now, so...back to normal again, hopefully".

The 13th Doctor smiles "Right! I've got Yaz to get back, she'll be dying to know what happened, see ya guys".

Kathy stands there smiling.

The 11th Doctor nods "Same with Amy and Rory! To be fair we were headed for Manhatten before we ended up at the battelfield".

The 14th Doctor looks over at him nervously "Right, well...good luck".

The 14th Doctor stands there exhausted.

Kathy then walks over and she holds his hand "What a day, huh?".

The 14th Doctor smiles "Yeah".

The 14th Doctor looks up at his own Tardis, Kathy opens the door and she walks in.

Suddenly, the sound of a Tardis is then heard, and The 14th Doctor turns around, seeing a Tardis materialise, but the blue on the box has faded, and it looks old.

The 14th Doctor watches a man walk out of the Tardis.

The man then says "Hello again, it almost seems like it was all leading to this".

The 14th Doctor turns around and sees Tom Baker, The Curator in front of him.

The Curator then says "It must've been about three lifetimes for you since we last saw each other".

The Doctor nods at him "Yeah, something like that, what are you doing here?".

The Curator says "You must have been curious about how your Tardis originally got sent to the Void?".

The Doctor sighs "It was you?".

The Curator smiles at him "Sometimes I like to mess around with some of my former selves".

The Doctor stares at him "Sorry, what?".

The Curator smiles "The fact you will leave here and not remember this, is why I am telling you".

The Doctor stares at him.

The Curator says "I'm you, the last you, the last face you will ever have, and I sent your Tardis into the Void because it was the only way you and your friends would come back together, stand side by side once more...friends are important, remember that".

The Doctor's Tardis makes a strange sound.

The Curator smiles "It's time you go now".

The Doctor says "But I have questions, so many-".

The Curator nods "You'll have them answered, someday...the long way round".

The Doctor smiles at him.

The Doctor steps away and walks towards his Tardis.

The Curator then says "Doctor?".

The Doctor turns around, looking at The Curator.

The Curator then says "Your time is running out you know? You just found out that someday you will reach your last face, but you? You're reaching your last days".

The Doctor stares at him "What do you mean?".

The Curator says "She has a choice to make, but how it ends...is still to play out".

The Curator then turns around and starts walking away.

The Doctor stands there staring in shock.

The Doctor stands inside the console room with Kathy, he pilots the Tardis.

Kathy says "Where are we heading next?".

The Doctor says "Anywhere you want".`

Also Starring:

Karen Gillan - Amelia Pond

Arthur Darvill - Rory Williams

Mandip Gill - Yasmine Khan

Catherine Tate - Donna Noble

Freema Agyeman - Martha Jones

Jemma Redgrave - Kate Stewart

Carole Ann Ford - Susan Foreman

Nicola Bryant - Peri Brown

Sophie Aldred - Ace

Ingrid Oliver - Osgood

John Barrowman - Jack Harkness

Eve Myles - Gwen Cooper

Parminder Nagra - The Rani

Sacha Dhawan - The Master

Guest Stars:

David Bradley - The 1st Doctor

Reece Shearsmith - The 2nd Doctor

Sean Pertwee - The 3rd Doctor

Peter Davidson - The 5th Doctor

Colin Baker - The 6th Doctor

Sylvester McCoy - The 7th Doctor

Paul McGann - The 8th Doctor

Jo Martin - Fugitive Doctor

Peter Capaldi - The 12th Doctor

Tom Baker - The Curator

Connor Swindells - The 15th Doctor

(After credit scene)

Sat up on the hill, Donna walks up.

Wilf smirks "Aye, aye. Here comes trouble".

Donna laughs "Permission to board ship, sir?".

Wilf smiles "Permission granted. Was she nagging you?".

Donna nods "Big time. Brought you a thermos".

Wilf smiles "Oh, ta".

Donna looks up at the sky and says "You seen anything?".

Wilf nods at her "Yeah, I've got Venus, there with an apparent magnitude of minus three point five. At least, that's what it says in my little book".

Donna puts a tarpaulin on the ground next to him.

Wilf smiles at Donna and he says "Here, come and see. Come on. Here you go. Right?".

Donna looks up at the bright evening star.

Wilf then says "That's the only planet in the Solar System named after a woman".

Donna smirks and she nods "Good for her. How far away is that?".

Wilf thinks for a moment and says "Oh, it's about twenty six million miles. But we'll get there, one day. In a hundred years time we'll be striding out amongst the stars. Jiggling about with all them aliens. Just you wait".

Donna laughs "You really believe in all that stuff, don't you?".

Wilf looks at her nervously "It's all over the place these days. If I wait here long enough".

Donna smiles "I don't suppose you've seen a little blue box?".

Wilf looks at her confused "Is that slang for something?".

Donna laughs "No, I mean it. If you ever see a little blue box flying up there in the sky, you shout for me, Gramps. Oh, you just shout".

Wilf looks at Donna and says "Do you know, I don't understand half the things you say these days".

Donna rolls her eyes and says "Nor me".

Wilf looks at her sypathetically and says "No, fair dos. You've had a funny old time of it lately. There was poor old what's his name, Lance, bless him, and that barmy old Christmas. I wish you'd tell us what really happened".

Donna nods "I know. It's just, the things I've seen, sometimes I think I'm going mad. I mean, even tonight I was in a. Doesn't matter".

Wilf sighs "Well, you're not yourself, I'll give you that. You just, you seem to be drifting, sweetheart".

Donna smiles "I'm not drifting. I'm waiting".

Wilf raises his eyebrows and says "What for?".

Donna smiles "The right man".

Wilf laughs "Same old story. A man!".

Donna also laughs and says "No, I don't mean like that. But, he's real. I've seen him. I've met him, just once, and then I let him fly away".

Wilf nods "Well, there you are. Go and find him".

Donna sighs "I've tried. He's nowhere".

Wilf shakes his head and says" Oi, not like you to give up. Do you know, I remember when you were about six years old, your mother said no holiday this year. So off you toddled, all on your own and you got on a bus to Strathclyde. Ha! We had the police after you and everything. Ha, where's she gone, then. Where's that girl, hey".

Donna looks back up to the sky and says "You're right. Because he's still out there, somewhere. And I'll find him, Gramps. Even if I have to wait a hundred years, I'll find him".

Wilf smiles.

Next Time - Creation of The Robots - Arriving in the future, The Doctor and Kathy meet a familar face, but The Doctor soon clocks onto something worrying, a new invention, but it's something The Doctor has met before, and it leaves him worried for the future.