
First impression


"You are both getting married to each other " said Melanie 



They both shouted at the same time 

"You have both been bethrothed to each other since when you were born.I and Madam made this deal to marry the two of you together when you have come of age" Mr Smith said.

Smith I have told you to stop calling me Madam since we are going to become inlaws soon . Call me by my real name Melanie for God's sake 

Sorry Madam.....Mel.....Melanie 

"Don't worry,you will get used to it.Right kids" Melanie said 

No answer 


Chapter 1

In Michigan University

Tiffany and Katie are in school. 

"Oh look the CEO's are coming this way" Katie said.

The CEO'S stand for Chloe,Ella and Olivia the three richest, beautiful and popular girls in school.Chloe was their leader and was a sworn enemy of Tiffany.They call Tiffany and Katie the Unidentified Foreign Object -UFO

"Well ,well if it isn't the UFo's. Can you get me coffee you douchebag"Chloe said referring to Tiffany.

Hey leave her alone .What's your problem you bully ,said Katie putting on a brave face even though she and Tiffany knew that she wasn't brave at all and was scared instead.

"Katie , do not put yourself into trouble.I know you are stubborn and bold but you are not brave at all.

But it doesn't mean that they can control you .The Tiffany I know is not a pushover.

Katie,this is not the time for pep talks so please.

Suddenly Olivia recieved a notification on her phone,checked it and whispered something to Chloe.

"Well you guys are lucky.I don't have your time right now.Referring to Olivia and Ella,Girls beauty check do I look good ?

"Yasss,your looks is giving.

"Wow, look at those girls sucking up to her.What nonsense.Bunch of shrews" Tiffany whispered to Katie.

"What did you say?" Chloe asked

"Nothing" both of them answered at the same time and giggled.

"Weirdos" Chloe said and sashayed out with the rest of the CEO'S.

"By the way, what's wrong with them?

"I don't know.Anyways leave them,how about that your cousin,Zane.Can you please give me his number? Asked Katie

"You and boys,you are the first play girl I have seen.Do not touch me so it won't rub off on me" Said Tiffany

Both of them look up after hearing squeals and shouts in the hallway.

"What's going on? Why is everyone shouting because of that guy? Tiffany asked 

"Hey Katie back to earth".Who is that?

"Whatttt??? You do not know Jeffrey Green the most handsome and richest man in the country.God,where did I find you?" Said Katie 

"Well that explains why the CEO'S left so quickly and sure enough they are at the front line " said Tiffany

"That's your only reaction " Asked Katie looking shocked.

"Well ,am I supposed to greet him or worship him? Tiffany scoffed 

As he was walking past them, Tiffany made to leave and then tripped and fell on him and he fell down with her lying on him.

"Wow, Tiffany after all the nonchalance you are a baddie and that's why I love you.

"Attention seeker,get off me" Jeremy said and pushed her away after hearing Katie.

"Well ,such a gentleman pushing a young lady rather roughly" She replied and stepped on him with force and dirtying his shoes in the process

Hushed whispers were heard in the hall that Tiffany was in big trouble since it was well known that Jeremy had germaphobia .

"Hmmph, Katie let's go." Tiffany said,not knowing what she got herself into.

"I apologize on my friends behalf sir . Please forgive her"" Said Katie and followed after Tiffany.

" Girl,you will regret it" Jeremy shouted after the departing ladies.

His bodyguard tried to clean his shoes but it was badly stained and was worsening it instead of making it better and Jeremy took out all his anger on him and asked him to get information on the little girl that dared to provoke him"Ye .. Yessss....Yes sir