
Do you believe in matter?

A mysterious phenomenon triggers the collapse of the world. Where everyone has been granted their "Ideal" Power, what they have believed in or affiliated the most, over any other, has become their strongest asset. However, powers varied, and the individuals who wielded them, more so. Not everyone was Blessed, mostly being victims. Some granted divine powers becoming God-like beings, and these were not all pure individuals. However, in this world, in this life, Satori still feels the same, his belief? The natural movement of Matter.

TDC · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Immortals attract

Immortals attract.

It feels soft...

What is this soft feeling?

I need to break out of this relaxing satisfaction.

Usually blurred wake-up vision...

Whose this? That unique shade of rich brown hair...

It was a strong colour but bore a light, pleasing allure.

Oh, Hiriko...

"You... you're awake. I'm sorry, it's probably uncomfortable. But there were...no other places. I'm sorry you have to make do with my intolerable lap... so again...sorry."

Right, I had blacked out right after my match against...

"No, you shouldn't get up! I'm sorry, it's because of me. I did...I'm sorry..."

"What's happening right now?...what happened to me? where am...I?"

"Satori! You're awake...did it feel good sleeping on a girls lap? What are your thoughts? Come on! I am much too curious!"


Masashi to?

"Satori Anzai, you fought well. I am general Genkei...as you know, I am in charge of this trainee squad. Finally awake, I see. Right now, we are still sitting in the participant viewing front... it's about to begin Mizuki's match. For your own benefit, I really do endorse you take this opportunity and spectate the match."

"Haha, Satori general Genkei probably has taken a liking to you as well now. Well, not as much as me, of course! By the way, you really are immortal?...well, I won't ask you the details. However, if I were you, I would keep quiet...no, you should keep quiet about it."

"Masashi, you honestly want to defend this guy. When you know, he will be taken by the ex-government for extermination upon knowing he exists."

"Oda! Did I not tell you not to talk too much? We have one duty, and that is this tournament. Satori is none of our concern!"

"Hmmm, that depends maybe, a word or two may slip out of my mouth...I do talk too much after all, like you said."

"Oda, maybe, I will accidentally slip up and tell Hiriko what you told me. You know the thing...the thing. So Satori is none of our concern rights?"

"Masashi..you...ha! I don't care anyway, whatever. It's just an immortal weakling."

"Wait, you wanted to tell me something, Oda?"

"No, no, no, it's nothing...Hiri...Hiriko, how about you? what do you think about this immortal freak?"

"How cruel...it is. He suffers, despairs and...can nothing be done?...to help him. Is there any way I can help him?"

"Shut it, don't spout such repugnance pity towards me... it's simply revolting. Besides, I'm a criminal, don't you...why don't you all feel repulsed at my presence?"

I answered in such a dense unthoughtful way, but I felt frustrated...why am I always in need of sympathetic thoughts?....in need of aid. In the past, I was unbounded..free from worry...free from agony...free from irrelevant avoidable interactions...and most importantly, free from judgement.

"Big words for such a useless human being. Hirik, pay no heed to his blather. He is just a lost lamb. Who has no purpose but to hold back the rest of societies growth."

As Oda had mentioned, that was exactly right. I could not remark it better myself.

"Oh, I forgot! Satori, did you actually manage to kidnap several girls? I'm impressed I would never...never think you had it in you. You grow so fast...it almost brings a tear to my eye."

"Masashi, sorry, but I just don't understand you anymore. Anyways wherever you believe me or not is irrelevant. At the end of the day, I am destined as a prisoner."

"You could always flee with us towards the East, haha!"

"Masashi, watch your mouth if anyone even hears you...it could even trigger retaliation of the ice empire!"

"It was only a joke...a joke. Sorry, Satori, it's a pure shame... absolute devastation. But don't worry ill be sure to bring so many souvenirs if we ever happen to meet again! Also, this has been in my head for a lengthy time, and if I don't find out, I will just be killed by curiosity. It's simple, Where did you originate from?"

Damn...I forgot I did not mention it. I can't just say I randomly appeared out of the Southern region to the West, slumbering for a year. Also, from the reaction I received of Mai and grandpa Hayashi I know better. The Southern region, after all... is the land...of Reo now. The dark army, huh?

While contemplating, I spotted Hannya and noticeably stared at her in awe...

"You know what, forget it. The past is the past...I only find interest towards the future anyways."

Thank you, Masashi.

"Guys, it's beginning Mizuki's match!"

"Masashi, can your sister even win? Does she even have a chance!"

"Satori, who do you think we are talking about? This is my sister...my twin sister. I'm afraid she doesn't know of failure."

"Wait, what even is her ability? How?"

"Immortal bastard...just shut up and watch...watch our Mizuki."

She had confidence. But her people even more? Why? This is against a godly individual Chiharu...we are talking about.

I am, actually... let's see what happens.

Wow, she is smiling the pale-skinned and black-haired Mizuki is. Is she excited? Does she not feel the emanation of her divine given might?


Chiharu, although I cannot tell her expression due to the bothersome mask she wears. Her confidence is undeniable; her stance shows no fear....no seriousness. As she stands there twirling around her shorter shiny silver hair and with another hand resting on her sturdy katana strapped beside her.

She frustrates me to endless aeons. The displeasure I feel mostly springs off her. So if Mizuki really can defeat her. My rapidly built up aggravation will be put to rest. It will probably feel unresistingly refreshing...not usually the one to utter this, but...Mizuki Sakai, you have my support, so...

"Mizuki, you can do it! I Believe in you! Win this for us all! Go!...go!...Mizuki! Go...go, Mizuki!"

I am gloomy. I don't disregard that proposal. However, even I know a thing or two about cheering people on, so don't you dare think small of me! Besides, I think I did it right. Right? No, this shouldn't be wrong its what Sakura used to do during Reo's...

"Sa..satori? Oh, he's done it now...but then again, this is a new side to him I haven't even believed could be possible...that guy can cheer people on?... It's amazing. It really does make me feel joyful to see, but satori the timing...the occasion, I'm afraid isn't right!"

Why is everyone staring at...me?

Hold on...isn't this normal?

There is still hate, well that's to be expected, for I am a criminal, I guess.

"Hahaha, this immortal is a joke hahaha..."

"I don't think that's the problem here, Oda... it's that the "joke" here hugged the people's beloved princess. How do you think they feel? Hmm...oh yeah, picture this if Hiriko was to be hugged very tightly by Satori...yeah...that's how it would feel."

"Huh, that's impossible! That would...I mean, stop uttering nonsense, Masashi. I don't want to hear it!"

"Silence both of you. I cannot perceive what Mizuki and that girl Chiharu are speaking of"

Anyways ill ignore the hatred pointed towards me...Genkei is right. It's hard to sense what the voices down there are...

"What...what is that guy doing! How humiliating...did brother put him up to that! Ah, who cares!"

"Mizuki, right? Is that noisy trash over there, your lover by any chance?"

"Chiharu Seika...what a funny mask you wear, don't tell me your appearance is that hideous you require that silly accessory...by any chance?

"No, I was wrong. It seems even trash like that won't fall for an arrogant, deluded girl like yourself."

"Well, whatever, I will break that mask of yours and reveal how pathetic you really are!"

It seems this is the bow that was left behind by Kenji...why did I carry it with me?...

"Satori, also about that bow... you're better to throw it out. I doubt they will let you keep it, returning into the prison. Kenji has died. You killed him. He died because of you. Is this your way of sympathizing with him? doesn't that make you the hypocrite in the situation? You do not wish to be pitied but end up taking pity on others. Like that disabled girl and boy, Daiki, was it?"

"Masashi, this isn't sympathy I want to find out...find out why he used this unrequired bow during our match. What would drive him to that point...he could have bought any other bow, a stronger one even. Or not used one at all. He did, and this illogical choice led to death. I want to know why..."

"In that case...let me hold on to it. Don't worry. I won't do anything fishy. What you said, your curious, huh? We are too alike, me and you, Satori."

"I beg to differ."

"Ahh, you really know how to break someone's heart."

I will find out...I will return this bow to its gifter!

"I hereby declared the match begun!"

How is this...


How did...

She charged so swiftly at Chiharu it felt almost alarming. It wasn't comparable to the speed of Raiden, but it had power so much force, as it collided with Chiharu's sword, the whole colosseum felt an intense impact.

Also, Chiharu has propelled backwards...still, that strike that impact. She blocked it simply with her sword!

"Masashi, it's time you tell me what your sister's ability is! I need to know...no. In fact, I want to know!"

As I requested for answers from Masashi...

Chiharu, she's so fast. Why isn't she even using her ability?...her wind!...

Mizuki has been...

She's been stabbed. That's to the heart... it's fatal! , impossible.

Without the use of wind?

"Satori, very well it appeals to me very much that you're curious...you see there's a reason I'm engrossed in the concept of immortality...the "immortalised slasher" and now "Satori Anzai"....truth be told there is another, only us in the squad know of it...no one has been able to find out. Mizuki...my sister... is also an immortal!"

"Wha...wait...even so, her strength her speed what's that about."

"Haha, asking questions is much more satisfying, isn't it?... Mizuki is an immortal...because of one reason... she is a vampire after all."

"Come on, stop teasing me, Masashi, vampire?"

"Unnatural strength, unusual speed...stronger senses and of course immortality. Putting the most obvious factor yes...she requires the consumption of blood. As well as being her brother, I'm also sort of a blood provider. I have no shame in extracting my blood aside for her...as much as she dislikes it... she feels cursed. I don't mind at all. Even as I am, I naturally love my sister. Satori, have you ever pondered as an immortal? You don't die...you don't suffer biological disadvantages...in other words, you live forever! A year has passed, and I can't be sure of what I claim, but if...if this is true, you and Mizuki will be alive for eternity! I try my best to research...attain the valuable information of this world...to prevent this...no progress is made no matter what I do. But I'm glad I met you, Satori...my sister, isn't alone."

Hold on...



Stop it...

Stop telling me I won't be granted the awaited death of mine!

"How about consumption! I still need to eat...I still have to sleep! And your sister Mizuki still needs to drink right..blood?right?right?Please tell me, Masashi!"

"If you starve, you will feel undoubtful lower stamina...symptoms of starvation...but you will never die. Mizuki drinks blood for a similar purpose...she wants to restrict herself more than any...she will just experience mental trauma and charge at any opportunity to forcefully acquire blood. If you were to starve yourself, you would no doubt have the same reaction in trying to find nutrients. Why does the concept of cannibalism even exist? When humans, regardless of being immortal or not, they want to soothe the deep feeling of thirst..hunger, I would love to label it...biological torture. You will sleep. If you don't, you won't die. By all means, give it a go! You will feel the distress, torment and torture...but you will..."

Please don't say it...I don't need to...I don't want to hear it!

"Never be granted death."

"Strangely, that isn't Mizuki's biggest dread..."

"She doesn't want to see the death of her twin brother, of her comrades...she doesn't want to be alone! So Satori, that's why...when she realised you were also an immortal...when she found out you had that similar ability. She looked happy...she felt joyful, but it still did not change her original goal to conquer the empire of ice...using its power...using princess Yukina's to seal away everyone...under the ice...preserve everyone she loves. And freeze herself to painfully bear the curse of experiencing a cold sleep. Satori, change her. Please...I don't want my sister to bear this agony no longer! We are twins, yet I'm one year older in biological age!"

"Masashi...I didn't think even you had such a piteous state. Immortality..." change my sister"...haha what obligation do I have to do such. Don't give in. Don't give up! Masashi save her yourself! And as a friend, I ask you, please...would you...save me too."

"Satori...you, that's new... no, that's exactly the Satori I know! You're absolutely right. Humanity has performed countless miracles through the years of time...science and religion alike! Nothing states that powers cannot be ridden of. After all, this world is headed for normalcy, right, Satori?"

I corresponded positively, however...

I am stunned...why...ever since the white mist, everything has been a joyride of emotions I had never experienced before...although it wasn't pleasant I could see an ending the light at the end of the tunnel...

That light has just been extinguished.

Along with it, my hope and most of my newly found emotions.

I am already most envious of all mortals...and

to all who can die.

Death cannot be sought for. It can only be...longed for. How will the prospect of endless life affect Satori? As the tournament continues its second match up.The wielder of wind vs the cursed vampire.

-Do you believe-

To be Continued in the Next Chapter...