
Do you believe in matter?

A mysterious phenomenon triggers the collapse of the world. Where everyone has been granted their "Ideal" Power, what they have believed in or affiliated the most, over any other, has become their strongest asset. However, powers varied, and the individuals who wielded them, more so. Not everyone was Blessed, mostly being victims. Some granted divine powers becoming God-like beings, and these were not all pure individuals. However, in this world, in this life, Satori still feels the same, his belief? The natural movement of Matter.

TDC · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Gifted bow

Gifted bow

"That sinful beast has finally been slaughtered!"

"Serves him right. Good job, boy, with the bow!"

"Justice has been served! For all the girls...all the victims!"

"Burn his repulsive body! its presence is staining our clean land!"

"Let me go...let me go right now! I need to see him!"

"His corpse is now the responsibility of our country. We will take care of it accordingly."

"Not on my watch! I will..."

"Brother, stop it! Satori...Satori is dead now! Stay focused on the objective. This isn't like you! You who doesn't ever worry about others! Where is my usual composed brother!"

"Your sisters right, Masashi, that kid he was already doomed for death the time he entered this setting."

"Mizuki...general Genkei, I'm sorry I lost it for a second. Your right. We should be..."

"Well, it was a boring match. That's that, I guess. But I have gotta say that Kenji he's really something else. I definitely saw those arrows miss, so how did they?"

"Oda! I told you to stop opinionating on the situation.!"


"General is there..."

"What is it, Hiriko?"

"Is there no way we can offer him a burial...seeing his corps like that? It does not feel right. please, can't we do something!"

"That's up to the Aisurando, not us. This is their land."

"Your majesty, how...how should we proceed?"

"Right Hmm, I guess the piercing of the heart really finished him off...very well, Yukina would you freeze his carcass before it begins to decompose. We cant have a rotting body lying around."

"Dear, should you really be making Yukina handle such a repugnant task? We could just have the soldiers burn the body..."

"No, I'll do it!"

"Wait, you can just do it from here. Why are you going?...also, Yukina, what happened to your arm?"

"Let go of my arm! Father, I don't wish to hear your careless worries...I fell down as I made my way up here."

"Is that..."

"Why is princess Yukina approaching that abomination?"

"How cruel, why must people suffer this much.All because of myself. I hate it... I hate it so much. It isn't nearly enough to ask for forgiveness...but I to someday will meet the same fate. I thought through this one year I could bring a change from the purposeless life I bared before as a hopeless failure. But it's still the same...all I can do is witness the end of..."

"What's the princess mumbling about? I can't hear at all."

"I think she's talking to the corpse?"

"What, No way!"

"The hostility you displayed earlier, I don't even question, after all...I am nothing but...a disgrace. However, even as you lay there...over your violated dead body, I vow to keep Aina safe to my very last breath!...so please, Satori, rest in peace...warm.The warmth of your body is most comforting, homely even...sorry...sorry...sorry forgive me for spreading my cursed frost into your pure existence."

"Why is Yukina...touching such filth."

"Idiot, stay quiet. It was the king's orders."

Where am I?...

"You're finally awake!Satori!"

"Oh, Sakura? Why are you...clinging so hard to me...I can breathe...le..go"

"I was so worried...so worried...I don't want to lose anyone else! I don't want to lose you, Satori!... Like brother Kurai!He's...he's my big...what should I do Satori please..."

So many tears...Sakura cried for what seemed hours beside my hospital bed.

"What about Reo...how is Reo!"

"Don't you remember? both you and your brother...were saved...by big brother Kurai."

"Kurai, whos that? Wasnt your only brother Reo?"

Kurai? Huh...oh yes, I recall this scene before.

"So what the doctor had mentioned is...don't worry about it, Satori... it's nothing...nothing at all...I'm just glad, so glad you came back to us...please never leave me like that again."

She said it was nothing...

However, as she did...

She just tightly hugged me, so tight...it seemed as she was trying to hide the very cry that corresponded her words.

I did not comment.

I simply embraced the undeserved warmth I was lent.

"Farewell Sa...what! my hand..."

"No way!"

"Hahahahaha, that's the Satori I know and love! So you really are..."

"This boy, Masahi, you told me his ability was...heali...but no question about it he's..."

"That dejected rat? No way...has an ability like Hisa's...no, that is Hisa's ability. Impossible inconceivable! A mere weakling bears immortality! Only Hisa the immortalised slasher and..."


"You there, Raiden, was it? You knew all along...right? Hahaha, not that I could care."

"Who knows...as much as a thug you are, you should have realised it too. It was plain as day he's an immortal. But I won't deny having a history with that brat."

"Sister Chiharu, did you realise it as well?"

"No, Homura, although I would have loved to say yes...but honestly...this has taken me by surprise also. That guy an immortal? No wonder...he was agonising."


"Oh, it's nothing...nothing of concern!"

"Arent you happy Mizuki...Satori is alive, and he just immensely piqued my curiosity. Haha, this is most exciting! I'm glad I came to this tournament!"

"Understandable Masashi brother...he came back from the dead...but...but...but...why is he....tell me...what right does that give him to... why is he cuddling the princess so tightly?!"

"Oh, yeah, now that you mention it. Satori...should he really be doing that? Despite your envious reaction towards it, how will the rest react? This isn't good...right now. He's embracing princess Yukina too much...is that really Satori?"

"Huh?...your alive, And why?... I don't...I don't. I don't deserve such tenderness...too tight Sa...t I'm glad. I'm shocked. Geez, I don't even know what to say right now. Don't I feel very frigid? Isn't it unpleasant? I can only steal heat and give agony. I steal happiness and gift despair. Why would you...cling so hard to me. Don't you hate me? Why don't you hate me? Satori, please answer..."

What is this sensation I feel? A person? So delicate and ...they feel strangely soft. But it isn't an unsatisfactory feeling? But I was desperate...Sakura. Where are you?... Reo, no matter what you are...or what you have become, there's no way you would abandon her, right?

What?, it's princess Yukina again?...shit, why do I keep...

I have no time to focus on her now...

Also, I'm pretty sure I was hit by three arrows. There is still a mess of blood and remnants of my clothing torn in the positions of the arrows, so where are the arrows?

"Yuki...I mean princess, did you...pull out the arrows?"

"Wha..huh...no...wait, that's what...that's all you are going to say?"

"I see. You better get out of here then. And...hmm...I'm not used to saying....doing this but, sorry for breaking your arm and selfishly hugging you...don't worry, it won't ever happen again."

"Oh, that...that yeah...yeah, don't worry about it. Besides, I don't think ill ever be able to get...a...a tight...hug like that again. So... it's a new experience for me also...so don't feel bad at all!"

"Immortal, huh? What a bother. Hmm ill just have to subdue you incapable...after all, you can still be knocked out. The next place I should shoot...no question about it...the head!"

"Prepare yourself with the next one...you might be an immortal pain in the ass, however even you feel pain."

I nearly forgot the Ice blade still attached to my arm...

"Hey, Kenji, by any chance, were you a fan of darts player before the mist?"

"Wait...you. Yes, I was."

"Haha, I just remembered how an annoying fool always used to make me play it with him."

"Well, that "annoying fool" sounds like he has good taste."

"Good taste, huh? I don't know anymore..."

"What's that about...well, who cares? I'm gonna finish you off here for good."

"Your ability is perplexing...to control the trajectory and spatial field of your arrows in the radius of your target...manipulating the very force of gravity...and hitting your target astoundingly precise...almost like... your playing darts. What a petrifying ability...handmade arrows, fancy bow you control the physics of your dart... you are impressive, you know that!"

"Shut up...shut up. How...How did you?...even if you...even if you know. it makes no difference!"

I had deducted my theory for a few reasons, the first being...

I had clearly dodged the arrows before, but they still landed from the opposite side...my backside? It clearly defies physics, And it formed the realization of manipulation.


The arrows perfectly landed in what I can assume was their designated positions..the heart is not noticeably large organ and is positioned unsymmetrical, not exactly in the centre...


Handmade arrows? Structures that are much weaker should not withstand such pressure exerted on them through impact. Unlike this sword which is crafted from fine solid ice, Yukina's ice.

An arrow through my brain isn't impossible; the skull will also be penetrated with ease...and it will surely subdue me...


"Be put to rest...detested immortal."

He made one big mistake in his ability...

He uses a bow to shoot his arrows when it's not required for his ability, stalling the few vital seconds he takes for granted.

"It no use, trying to run at me even with your pathetic sword. How pointless! What will that do?"

This is going to hurt, but if my unusual gamble pays off...

As expected, the arrow penetrated my skull...Shit, it hurts. I'm losing focus. Stay awake! Stay wary! Don't fall. I will use the sword...please, this will hurt like hell...but if it can, just keep me awake! Pain, why don't you ever kill me? Please let me go. One day...but just for today..this once I approve.

"Winner Satori Anzai!"

Shot by his own...arrow.

"ah, damn, it hurts. So damn bad. Blood tastes so...uh...foul. You go through this all the time without being granted dea?...ah...Satori, do you know why I use this bow?"

"That I cannot comprehend, but would you tell me before you..."

"Haha, your a selfish one, aren't you...the reason...I am even taking part in this befouled tournament is...Satori...please save them...please...they are all suffering, including the one who gifted me this bow."

"Hey! Wake up! Tell me who! Where! Shit, damn it all."

No stop...I'm starting to fall asleep...

"Satori...Anzai, hmm?"

"Masashi, Mizuki, you guys made an extraordinary friend...someone as impressive as that...his very willpower makes it almost heartbreaking he wasn't granted strength to compliment it while only suffering."

"General, I'm glad you finally notice why I love Satori so much...he with his mind in the real world of things..he fights for reality. That's who Satori is. Talking on the subject of "fights", yours is next, isn't it Mizuki?"

"Yeah...Chiharu Seika...I will break that mask of hers to reveal her true face in our match. I will definitely win! I won't accept anything other than success."

"Raiden...I see, so this is why you saved this brat hahaha...indeed, he's an interesting one, very entertaining to watch. I thought this match would be over for him as soon as he stepped in, but..."

"Haha, You don't have to tell me that, you damn thug."

"Sister Chiharu, what do you think?"

"It was interesting to watch...however. I cannot factor him as anything but weak as it is. Immortality may be an overpowering force. But if the individual is puny, it simply becomes a pointless misery. What does intrigue me the most is how are these two people in this world with the same ability!"

"You mean the about the "immortalised slasher" ?"

"The world is still holding a significant number of mysterious, without a doubt. We don't understand it all as much as we try to."

"My rat...oh my little rat, how I wish we could have resided in the same block!"

"Let's rid the field of the body now."


As the soldiers attempted to take away Kenji's body, I was still at a slight consciousness.

"What... you are still awake? Let go, please."

"No...not until you promise me you will bury him!"

"Don't push your luck, brat..."

As he attempted to shove me off...

"Bury the boy...I permit the request to have Kenji Yajirushi buried in our countries grounds!"

"Oh...ye..yes, your highness!"

The king? Well, thanks, I guess.From the ground, I picked up the posh-looking bow he owned, grasping it with care.

A gift...

He said.

The true story of Kenji and the gifted bow remains unknown, As the tournament heads onto its second match with cat masked silver-haired wind wielder Chiharu facing the confident twin sister of Masashi, Mizuki.

-Do you believe?-

To be Continued in the Next Chapter...