
Do not provoke the Taoist

Mount Zhongnan, known to the world for the Quanzhen Taoist sect, harbors a dilapidated Daoist temple at its foothills. One day, the people of the Ancient Well Temple emerged unexpectedly, and from that moment onward, their fame echoed throughout the world!

Deers · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter One  The Daoist Temple Below Mount Zhongnan











 尽管经过境迁,现在还没有完全理解这些规则矩的由来,但他们都认识到一个事实:很少遭受疾病和灾难的困扰.家户户过着安宁的生活,全村 312 人都安享晚年.悟的是,其中有109人已经年过百岁,农时节仍能看到九十多岁的老人在地里干活,坚持着日出而作,日落而息的作息. ,也只有这个村子,长寿者如此之多,实属奇观.











































This time, the three of them did not return to their respective places but sat cross-legged under the old locust tree.

...Two days ago, northwest of Mount Zhongnan.

Three off-road vehicles with license plates from Hebei province arrived at the foot of Mount Zhongnan, covered in dust. Once they reached the mountain base, the vehicles could go no further, and to ascend the mountain, they would have to proceed on foot. After the vehicles came to a stop, several people from the first two cars stood beside their vehicles, and a middle-aged man in his fifties emerged from the last off-road vehicle. He wore a tight-fitting black woolen coat, with a constantly furrowed brow and an extremely exhausted expression.

The middle-aged man seemed to sigh deeply as he looked towards Mount Zhongnan. He then turned to a man in his thirties by his side and said, "Jinzhong, you and I will go up the mountain. The others should wait here."

Jinzhong, the man he addressed, hesitated and asked, "Boss... we should bring a few more people for convenience. In these mountains..."

The boss waved his hand indifferently and said, "Just you and me. More people will only complicate things."

Jinzhong knew well that once his boss made a decision, there was no possibility of changing it. Without further words, he took out a large travel bag from the car, slung it over his shoulder, and followed the middle-aged man into the mountains.

For two days, the two city-dwellers endured a journey reminiscent of the Long March. The mountain roads, which took just over a day to traverse, had taken them two days, leaving their bodies in agonizing discomfort. However, neither of them uttered a word.

The more the middle-aged man walked toward their destination, the more his exhausted expression relaxed. The boss endured the journey in silence, while Jinzhong, unable to speak, followed suit.

Two days later, as night fell, Jinzhong and the boss reached a mountaintop. Holding binoculars in their hands, they gazed towards the northwest. The outlines of a small mountain village were faintly visible in the lens. The boss let out a long breath, and the tension in his expression completely dissipated as he sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

"Boss, I think that's where we need to go."

"Mount Zhongnan... People only know that Mount Zhongnan harbors hermits and the founder of Taoism, the Quanzhen sect. Heh, but few know that Mount Zhongnan also has an Ancient Well Temple," the boss said, standing up and walking towards the foot of the mountain with his hands behind his back. "From now on, everything you see and hear, keep it to yourself. Don't let a single word slip out."

Jinzhong looked bewildered for a moment. Even though he and his boss were close, his expression became serious at this moment. He couldn't recall the last time his boss had issued a warning to anyone since he began following him.

Since joining his boss, no one within their territory could warrant a warning from him.

Three and a half hours later, the sky was dark, but thanks to the accelerated pace, the two finally reached Ancient Well Village. At this point, most of the lights in the village had already gone out, and the majority of households were at rest. Without pausing, Jinzhong and the boss went straight to the hill in the middle of the village, where Ancient Well Temple was located.

Arriving at the foot of the hill, the boss instructed Jinzhong to wait below while he went up alone to Ancient Well Temple. The dilapidated state of the temple made the boss briefly hesitate, but he quickly regained composure. He approached the temple gate, tapping the crooked door that had fallen to the side.

After a moment, a young man walked up to the boss. Without hesitation, the boss spoke, "Descendant of Chen Liang, your ancestors advised seeking refuge in Ancient Well Temple in case of adversity. I've come."

The young man nodded and said, "Rest somewhere as you please. I'll accompany you out of the mountain at dawn."

In Tangshan, Hebei, there exists a colossal business empire known as the Baoxin Group.

Half of Hebei's energy resources, minerals, and real estate fall under the influence of the Baoxin Group. In the commercial landscape of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the name of the Baoxin Group consistently takes a prominent position. Over the past few decades, its influence has extended beyond these areas, yet Baoxin remains a discreet presence.

The average citizen has no knowledge of the Baoxin Group, and even the majority of businessmen in the market are oblivious to its existence.

Baoxin is a synonym, representing a conglomerate that controls dozens of companies. What's even less known is that the helm of Baoxin is held by a person named Chen. Whenever the domestic rich list is published, the Chen family members simply smile indifferently upon seeing the names at the top. They seem to regard it with a touch of disdain.

Among the Chinese elite, there are individuals who, even if paid handsomely, would refuse to be listed. The Chen family unquestionably belongs to this category.

The rise of the Chen family, the masterminds behind the Baoxin Group, is a history known to very few. Some have heard rumors suggesting that in times of war, the ancestors of the Chen family had some dealings with a Daoist. It is said that it was from that point onwards that the Chen family began to show signs of prosperity.

Regarding these speculations, the Chen family never offers explanations, denials, or confirmations. Most members of the Chen family are unaware of how their business empire was constructed. The true architects are known only to the person steering the Chen family ship.

In this generation, the person at the helm of the Chen family is named Chen Sanjin.

Standing upright at the foot of Mount Zhongnan, before the gates of Ancient Well Temple!

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