
Chapter 2

翻訳者: 549690339

"Sushi, oh sushi, fragrant and smooth sushi..."

Mu Hanxia hummed a tuneless little song as she placed each sushi she had just shaped onto a dish.

The daylight was bright, the shelves resplendent. It was still early, and there weren't many customers in the supermarket, making it feel empty and quiet. Mu Hanxia, wearing that silly red employee uniform, stood behind the counter, idle and with nothing to do. She picked a few pieces of sushi that she found most beautiful and satisfying, arranged them on an empty plate, and started to take pictures.

When it came to photography skills, though her phone camera was of average quality, the photos she took always received compliments.

In the blurry background of light and shadow, every grain of rice looked shiny and plump, the green seaweed, the red fish meat, the colors were clear and beautiful. She posted the photo on Weibo, along with a pretentiously artistic caption: "Salmon sushi and tuna hand rolls, soaked in a day of food aromas—by Mu Hanxia."

Soon, a bunch of people were commenting and liking it.

High School Classmate A: "So beautiful!"

High School Classmate B: "Is it really okay to incite jealousy so early in the morning? I'm still on the subway heading to the company, haven't had breakfast yet!"

High School Classmate C: "Mu Hanxia is pretending to be artsy again, sweat."

Cosmetics Salesgirl: "Hanxia takes really good photos!"

Meat Department Salesguy: "Hehe, pork is the real king!"

High School Classmate D: "Hanxia, you're thriving in the supermarket. Come visit Hainan when you're free, our family's lychees are almost ripe."


Mu Hanxia leaned on the counter, enjoying the comments when suddenly, He Jing passed by carrying two large durians. She was a fruit department salesperson. She took a deep breath and tossed the durians onto the shelf. Then, she came over to Mu Hanxia, glanced at the phone, and murmured, "You're just having too much fun!"

Mu Hanxia put down her phone, "Just because I'm poor, can't I have fun?"

He Jing laughed and, glancing at the fancy-looking sushi Mu Hanxia made, couldn't help but sigh, "Why do you always apply to change departments, switching back and forth."

Mu Hanxia replied seriously, "Didn't you know? My career goal is to master the seventy-two essential skills of the supermarket..."

"Get out of here!" He Jing interrupted her, stopped laughing, and whispered, "Don't think I don't know, you're trying to climb up the ladder. Your self-studied bachelor's degree has come through, right? From Jiangcheng University too. Humph, you're pretty, too. If you do make it up there, you better not forget me..."

Mu Hanxia awkwardly responded, "But as the saying goes, even the wife of one's youth cannot avoid being replaced..."

He Jing rewarded her with a knock on the head.


The general manager of Leya Supermarket's Jiangcheng Second Ring Road store was named Meng Gang, thirty-five years old, single and divorced.

He always arrived at the office very early, starting to take control of the supermarket's operations for the day. He often worked late as well, leaving with the sales and cashier staff. Although the salespeople didn't dare to speak to him, everyone knew that it was under his leadership that the supermarket maintained its position as the top in sales income in the China region for several consecutive years.

That day, like usual, Meng Gang called a weekly meeting for department managers. The morning sun was still gentle, and in the large conference room, everyone sat around the table. Meng Gang sat in the main seat, holding a Yunyan cigarette between his fingers, smoking leisurely. Sunlight fell across his square features, and his already tall stature gave him an imposing presence with a touch of rough majesty.

The atmosphere was originally calm and serious. But when it came to the turn of the marketing department manager to speak, smiles began to appear on some people's faces.

Because the marketing department manager had brought news: the heiress and marketing director of Yongzheng Supermarket, their competitor, Cheng Weiwei, had been in a car accident the previous night. Though her life was not in danger, her injuries were serious.

"Yongzheng just announced they'd open a new store 1.5 kilometers opposite us, and they got the land on the Second Ring Road. The director responsible for the new store's preparations had a car accident," the office director said calmly, "It looks like their new store will be delayed."

The procurement manager, with a more fiery personality, scoffed, "Honestly, I don't feel sorry for them. We were doing well here, and Yongzheng, seeing our good performance, insisted on opening a store right across the street to fight us for business. I shouldn't say this, but they deserved it!"

Everyone discussed the matter heatedly, finding a bit of schadenfreude in the news. Meng Gang sat in the main seat. Although he did not speak, as someone who was not known for benevolence or propriety, a smile would occasionally appear at the corner of his mouth.

"General Manager Meng," the marketing department manager said thoughtfully, "I heard the person who got into the accident with Cheng Weiwei was a friend of hers, a helper she invited back from the United States to assist her with the new store."