

Junta, a high school loser with a bizarre "female allergy" causing him to puke when aroused by girls, unexpectedly morphs into the "Mega-playboy". Suddenly, every girl falls for him at first sight! Caught in a tumultuous love triangle with the mysterious beauty Saeki Tomoko and the time-traveling Aoi Karin, Junta's life is turned upside down. Significantly diverging from the original storyline, brace yourself for a series of astonishing twists in this reimagined destiny. This story happened in an imaginary spacetime in which all main characters were 18+. More works from the creator: patreon.com/simgirls

Tomoko_Saeki · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Ryuuji's Superpower

"Your mission has failed," the Supervisor's voice was cold, echoing off the high-tech walls. "Junta Momonari's transformation is not under control. This is unacceptable."

The DNA operator, her face a mask of frustration, responded, "I've followed every protocol. The situation with Junta was... unpredictable."

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Junta stepped in, his expression a blend of determination and unease. "I have a solution," he announced, capturing the attention of both the operator and the holographic Supervisor.

The operator turned, surprised. "Junta? You shouldn't be here..."

"Let him speak," the Supervisor interjected, his tone slightly softer.

Junta took a deep breath, "I've noticed something important. When I'm near the DNA operator, my Mega-playboy instincts... they're more controllable. I stay closer to my normal self."

A heavy silence filled the room. The operator hesitated, then, with a resigned sigh, confessed, "It's because of the DCM bullet I used on you. It was designed for compatibility with my DNA... for my future spouse. That's why you're drawn to me."

Junta's eyes widened, processing this revelation. "So, the reason I feel this way about you... it's because of that bullet?"

"Yes," she nodded, her voice tinged with regret. "But it seems to stabilize your transformation too."

Junta's mind raced. "If you stay with me, help me control this, we can prevent further issues. I believe I can learn to control the Mega-playboy side by will."

The Supervisor, now thoughtful, finally spoke, "This is highly unconventional... I need to discuss this with the Council. Until then, stay put. No more trouble."

As the image of the Supervisor faded, Junta and the operator were left in an awkward silence. Junta, attempting to lighten the mood, quipped, "So, we're kind of stuck with each other now, huh?"

A faint smile crossed the operator's lips. "Seems like it. Let's make the best of this... partnership."

In the stillness of the lair, amidst the hum of futuristic machinery, Junta's question hung in the air, tentative yet filled with curiosity. "It's been on my mind since the day you shot me. I don't even know your name..."

The DNA operator paused, her posture stiffening. "Never heard of that... a DNA operator revealing their true identity to their targets," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of professionalism and reluctance.

Junta's face fell, a flicker of disappointment in his eyes. The weight of the protocols and the distance they imposed seemed to settle between them.

Then, in a moment that felt as if time itself had paused, the operator looked at him. Her green eyes, usually so full of resolve, softened. "Aoi... Aoi Karin,"


The sun streamed through the window of the medical room, casting a serene glow on Tomoko, who lay unconscious on the bed, her breathing steady yet shallow.

Ryuuji, seated beside the bed, couldn't peel his eyes away from Tomoko. His gaze was fixated on her, admiring her stunning beauty that outshone any he had ever seen. In his mind, he compared her to the myriad of girlfriends he'd had in the past, over 1000 of them, each beautiful in their own way. But as he looked at Tomoko, it was clear to him: she was in a league of her own, surpassing them all by miles.

"This was the moment I had been waiting for for so long. This was my ultimate fantasy come true," Ryuuji thought to himself, a mix of satisfaction and anticipation in his gaze.

He pushed aside any lingering thoughts of the past, the chase, and the complexities. Now was not the time for reflection; it was a time to savor the victory, to relish the fulfillment of a long-held fantasy.

"Let's fully enjoy the moment, slowly…" Ryuuji's hands shook with excitement as he gently removed her shoes and socks.

Ryuuji's fascination with Tomoko reached a new height as his gaze settled on the contour of her bare feet. To him, her feet were a masterpiece, transcending the finest art he had ever laid eyes on. The gracefulness of her toes, the delicate curves, and the softness of her skin seemed to weave a visual symphony of elegance and beauty.

Being mere inches away from those feet, the most perfect he'd ever seen, close enough to finally have a chance at smelling and tasting them like he'd wanted to since day one he met her.

Ryuuji grabbed Tomoko's right foot, put his nose between her toes, and inhaled deeply. Then he puckered up and planted a big kiss on her pink sole. After a few more kisses, he grabbed her left foot and started giving it some love too. A few minutes passed with nothing but the sound of his kisses and him thanking God for letting him kiss her feet. Then the licking came.

He licked her soles from heel to toe, over and over. Slowly. Making sure to appreciate the taste, then he licked between the toes. Little by little, he put his tongue in-between all ten of her cute and lovely toes while saying out loud how much he loved her beautiful, perfect feet.

Tomoko's body was extremely responsive to sexual provocation, even in this unconscious state she was aroused, her toes curling in pleasure, and that made her feet even sexier.

He brought both of her feet to his face and began to lick them, to suck each toe with extreme care, one by one, until they were completely covered in his saliva.

As he was worshiping the beauty of Tomoko's feet, Ryuuji suddenly doubled over in pain. A sharp, excruciating sensation coursed through his body, making him scream out loud. It felt as if every cell was bursting, a chaotic dance of agony within him. He stumbled towards the water sink, knocking down medical supplies in a clumsy ballet of distress.

His clothes seemed to swell around him, or rather, his body seemed to shrink within them. His shirt billowed, his pants drooped, and his hair... it was growing longer, cascading around his face in a silken flow. The pain crescendoed to an unbearable peak, and then, as abruptly as it started, it ceased.

Ryuuji, trembling and disoriented, lifted his gaze to the mirror. The reflection staring back was not his own but that of - Saeki Tomoko!

Wide-eyed and in disbelief, he glanced down, his eyes widening further at the sight of the cleavage visible through the collar of his shirt. "No way..." he muttered, his voice a surreal mix of shock and awe. He had transformed into Tomoko!

At that very moment, the real Tomoko stirred awake. Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light, only to widen in shock at the sight of her doppelganger. "Kyaaa!" she screamed, her voice echoing off the walls.

Panicked and confused, Ryuuji bolted out of the medical room, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake. Tomoko, overwhelmed by the bizarre turn of events, fainted once again, slumping back onto the bed.


The moon cast a soft glow over the lavish interior of Ryuuji's mansion. In a spacious room adorned with luxurious furnishings, a shadowy figure stood in front of a tall, ornate mirror. The reflection revealed a surreal amalgamation…

"Ohh! As expected, every single inch of her body is perfect!" the figure cooed, admiring the reflection with a mix of vanity and awe.

This was Ryuuji, but not as anyone knew him. From the neck up, he retained his own features, but the rest of his body was unmistakably Tomoko's. He turned this way and that, taking in every detail of his new form.

"Ah, so this is my superpower – shapeshifting! With just a touch, I can copy someone's DNA and transform into them at will… What a fantastic skill!" Ryuuji exclaimed, a chuckle escaping his lips. His voice was tinged with a blend of disbelief and excitement. The thought of the endless possibilities this power offered filled him with a sense of boundless potential and cunning delight.


As the first rays of the morning sun began to paint the city in hues of orange and pink, Junta hurried along a quiet street, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the stillness. His mind raced with thoughts of Aoi Karin and the precarious situation they were in. He was only halfway to the underground amusement park, their designated meeting place, but each step felt urgent. "As long as Karin can stay, I can handle this," he reassured himself, his pace quickening with determination.

On his way, Junta's path was abruptly intercepted by Ryuuji, who emerged from the shadows wearing a long black coat, his demeanor shrouded in mystery. Junta, impatient and preoccupied, tried to brush past him. "I'm sorry, I don't have time for this right now."

But Ryuuji wasn't about to let him go so easily. With a sudden, theatrical yell, he transformed into Tomoko right before Junta's eyes. The coat draped over her like an oversized blanket, a bizarre and shocking sight.

Junta reeled back, his mind struggling to grasp the surreal scene. "How...?" he stammered, his words trailing off.

Ryuuji, now in Tomoko's form, teased him with a wicked grin, "Imagine what I could do with this power. I could touch Tomoko, anytime I want."

With another yell, Ryuuji reverted to his original form, his smirk widening as he observed Junta's horrified expression. Junta, overcome with fury and disbelief, charged at Ryuuji, but his physical strength was no match for Ryuuji's. With a swift move, Ryuuji dodged and landed a gut punch, sending Junta to his knees.

Junta gasped for air, his thoughts racing. "I need to transform, I need that strength," he thought desperately. But the transformation didn't come; he remained in his normal, weaker form.

Ryuuji loomed over him, a look of disdain on his face. "You can't even control your own power. You were tough at the restaurant, but look at you now. Pathetic. There's hidden power in you, and I intend to find it."

Suddenly, Ryuuji placed his hand on Junta's head, and a surge of energy passed between them, extracting Junta's DNA.

Ryuuji stepped back, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "You don't know how to use your power, but a genius like me certainly can." He turned and punched a wall, which crumbled under the force of his blow.

Leaving Junta in a state of shock and confusion, Ryuuji walked away, satisfied with his newfound ability and the potential it held.

Junta, still on his knees, watched Ryuuji's retreating figure. "What just happened?" he wondered, a mix of fear and determination settling in.

After the unsettling encounter with Ryuuji, Junta picked himself up and continued his journey to the underground amusement park. The quiet, eerie surroundings of the park contrasted sharply with the turmoil in his mind. When he finally arrived, his heart lifted at the sight of Aoi Karin, who was waiting for him amidst the shadows and rusting rides of the park.

"He hasn't replied yet," Karin said, referring to her supervisor. Her voice held a mix of anxiety and hope.

Junta wasted no time in telling her about his encounter with Ryuuji. "He can change his appearance at will, like shapeshifting... I think it's another effect of the DCM bullet." His words came out in a rush, a blend of fear and urgency.

Karin's expression turned to one of confusion and concern. "We should stay out of trouble, as instructed," she advised, her tone cautious.

But Junta was insistent, driven by a sense of duty and protectiveness. "What if he does something to Saeki…?" he pressed, his brows furrowed in worry.

A hint of sadness flickered in Karin's eyes as she realized Junta's deep concern for Tomoko, even in his normal state. "Even now, he cares so much about her," she thought.

"So what do you plan to do? Let me guess…" Karin asked, her voice a mix of resignation and curiosity. "You can't keep transforming into the Mega-playboy. It's dangerous for your DNA. It will speed up the stabilization of your Mega…"

Junta's face hardened with determination. "But I can't just let him go on like this," he protested.

Seeing Junta's unwavering resolve, Karin sighed, a plan forming in her mind. "Okay, let me handle this. I promise I'll make sure he doesn't harm no one," she said decisively.

Junta nodded, a sense of relief mixed with gratitude washing over him. He trusted Karin, and her willingness to help solidified their burgeoning partnership.


The tranquility of the night enveloped Saeki Tomoko's residence. Emerging from the bathroom, Tomoko stretched languidly, her toes pointing, arms reaching upwards as she yawned. Wearing a pajama shirt, she murmured to herself, "Is it time to sleep?"

The events on the rooftop still clouded her mind. She vaguely remembered the strange sight of seeing herself in the medical room, but it felt more like a fragment of a dream, the memories blurred by the heavy drugs and her own exhaustion. She recalled waking up alone, Ryuuji nowhere in sight.

As she moved towards her bedroom, a figure in the corridor caught her eye, startling her momentarily. But her fear dissolved when she recognized Junta sitting quietly.

Switching on the lights, Tomoko ushered Junta into the living room. Hastily, she tidied up, picking up fashion magazines scattered on the floor. Aware of his teleportation ability, she said, "I didn't expect you to show up all of a sudden... although... I know you can."

As Tomoko bent over to gather the magazines near the loveseat, Junta, standing behind her, noticed her attire, or the lack thereof. "You're very sexy tonight. I can almost see your panties..." he trailed off, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and surprise.

Tomoko turned, smiling warmly, "It's okay to let you see… if it's Momonari-kun." Her face glowed with an inviting charm that Junta had never seen before.

Unknown to Tomoko, the Junta before her was not the real one. It was Ryuuji, who had used the DNA information he acquired to shapeshift into Junta.

Ryuuji, masquerading as Junta, watched Tomoko with a mixture of fascination and internal conflict. As she smiled warmly at him, he couldn't help but admire her allure. "Such a lovely face... I've never seen her like before…" he thought, his heart fluttering despite himself.

"But… I'm not the one she's smiling at," he reminded himself, trying to suppress the growing attachment he felt in this stolen moment. It was a game of pretense, but the lines between his true feelings and the act he was putting on were blurring.

Holding the magazines to her chest, Tomoko sat down on the loveseat, her smile inviting. "Do you want to see me suddenly?"

Junta, or rather Ryuuji smiled, but inside, he felt a storm of emotions brewing.

"I am wondering… if you are starting to like me?" she asked, her eyes sparkled with playful and flirtatious curiosity.

Tomoko's charm was simply irresistible. Ryuuji's heart raced, his emotions a jumble of desire, jealousy, and frustration. "So, I thought it was Momonari fooling around with Tomoko... but it seems... the other way round..."

Tomoko spread her legs apart slightly, revealing her underwear, a pair of white cotton panties with red polka dots, just enough to entice and captivate.

Ryuuji, watched her closely, a mix of envy and intrigue in his eyes. "She's exposing herself like this to Momonari...?!"

"Ah, come sit down, I'll make some tea," Tomoko said, noticing her lapse in manners. She stood up and walked towards the kitchen, her movements graceful and inviting.

As Tomoko passed by Ryuuji, the sweetest scent of cherry blossoms and a subtle hint of rose from her hair and body enveloped him. It was intoxicating, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within him.

Overwhelmed, Ryuuji acted on impulse. From behind, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply, the aroma intensifying his yearning and desire.

Ryuuji, caught in a storm of contradicting emotions, started to tear off her pajama shirt, revealing the tank top and panties beneath.

The snug fit of her tank top and her panties accentuates her enviable figure, highlighting curves in a way that's both flattering and tantalizing.

As her hip moved, her underwear fabric clinged and shifted with a mesmerizing grace, hinting at hidden delights and leaving just enough to the imagination. The softness of delicate cotton contrasted with the bold red dots, creating an allure that was impossible to resist.

As he held her, a myriad of thoughts raced through his mind. "Tomoko is mine… her softness, her smell, her voice…" The fantasy he had harbored for so long was playing out, but under false pretenses.

Startled, Tomoko turned, struggling in his grasp. "Wait!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with confusion. "Will you go steady with me? Love me only?"

Her voice… was even more enchanting than a siren; no man in the World could resist. Ryuuji, desperate to make this moment real, nodded emphatically, "Yes."

For years, Ryuuji had dreamed of this, of claiming Tomoko as his own. But now, faced with the reality that she believed him to be someone else, his dream soured into a nightmare.

"Really? Can I believe you, Momonari-kun…" Tomoko's voice was soft, her eyes tender and filled with affection. However, the warmth in her gaze, the love that shone through, was meant for Junta, not for Ryuuji who stood before her.

Ryuuji felt a surge of anger at her words, but he quickly suppressed it, maintaining a calm exterior. Forcing a smile onto his face, he replied smoothly, "You can trust me."

As he held her, Ryuuji was acutely aware of her gaze. He felt uneasy under her scrutiny, worried that she might glimpse the real emotions hidden in his eyes - the mix of deception and desire.

He leaned in closer, gently placing a kiss on her forehead in a calculated, practiced manner. Then, moving skillfully, he slid his arms around her from behind, embracing her.

By embracing her from behind, Ryuuji avoided her penetrating gaze, giving himself a moment to gather his thoughts and maintain his façade.