
Akeelah and Carlin (3)

Carlin stands up from the bedside and leaves the room.

Sometimes later, the man in black enters.

From the angle of the camera this time, his face is almost visible but for the cap. He glances up for a split second but it's too fast to catch anything even if paused.

I'd have to visit the security myself to get the footage frame by frame so as to get that split second face.

By the lower part of the face, there is a small scar just a bit blurry yet visible by the side of his lips.

That scar looks very familiar to me too.

"That's the scar you saw?"I ask Carlin

"Yes. That's definitely it." She confirms.

I'll keep thinking hard for where I had seen that scar.

The scar on the face of the attacker looks very fresh in my memory for some reason, like I knew when it was created.

I really wish I have a better kind of memory.