Akeelah Rose, the seemingly ordinary woman who lives with the Insufferable CEO, Mr Andrè Stilts, a hot male specimen who has the hots for another. He is a very cold man to his wife, Akeelah, although contractual wife. He finds his first love and ends up divorcing Akeelah. They say getting burnt on a spot makes that spot immune. A burnt Akeelah is going to fez up and claim what belongs to her. But what happens to Mr Andrè's fate when he discovers that Akeelah was never the simple woman he thought her to be...
The Director personally attends to me and walks me up to my room.
Every one who is a pest before and now will all be swatted like flies.
*Next Day's Afternoon*
"To the Rose Garden again."
We get there and I walk to the doors the same way as the previous day.
"Can I help you?"
Same voice from yesterday.
"It's Akeelah Rose."
"Oh. You can come in. The boss will see you.
I go back to my car and get in.
"Drive in."
The big gates are opened and we drive in. Apart from the flowers spilling everywhere, everything looks the same.
Am I just lucky?
The interior matters the most now. I can only hope the owner didn't change a lot on the inside.
I am chaffeured into the main building. The Mansion.
Oh My Goodness.
It's almost like yesterday I left this house. The current owner has impeccable taste.
"Have a seat here ma'am. He'll be with you soon."
I don't sit though. I walk to the frames in the room. Some have been there before and there are new ones.
I stand facing my Mother's favorite.
It is a painting of Sunset in the view of a beach. I see and understood why she loved it then and I still do now.
"I see you love art then..." A voice says from behind me
I turn around and see a hunky and clean cut man. He looks very clean and handsome but there is this aura around him.
"Only this particular one." I answer his statement and turn to take a seat
I can see his house on me as I walk over to the seat offered to me previously.
"Can I help you? Miss Akeelah?" He requires of me, quite gentlemanly.
"Yes. I want to purchase this house from you."
"It's not for sale."
"It belonged to me originally. Didn't the sellers tell you it wasn't theirs?"
A little savagery might help me here. Men are the same, they never want to give what belongs to them up and in this case, it belongs to me.
"They did. Or rather, I found out."
"Them you shouldn't have a problem giving it up."
"I can't let go like that. I paid 2 billion dollars to acquire this entire place. And to simply leave? High and Dry? No I can't."
It's the money then. He isn't so different.
"I'll pay you 4 billion to vacate by today."
His eyes widen in shock, surprise and interest all at the same time.
"Count me surprised."
4 Billion? The house mean so much?
She looks high class and walks with a certain grace so I won't be surprised if she can afford it.
"Count me surprised." I say with a side smile.
What's there to not leave for 4 billion? Double the amount I got it.
I have another place I could go anyway. She looks like she doesn't for some reason.
"Done thinking Mr...?"
"Aaron. Just call me Aaron."
"Mr Aaron. What do you think of my offer?"
"I'm okay with it. When do I get it?" I say to test her
She's either just bluffing or just really serious
That took my surprise. I did my best to not show it but she obviously registered my raised eyebrows.
"I'll send it now so you start moving immediately. Nothing you met here shall be touched. I'll forward the contract to you. You sign it and return a copy to me."
"I know how it works Miss Akeelah."
"Then, your account details please."
"123456789, CMC Bank."
She goes silent for a minute. Lost in thought and all seriousness. She looks really cute with furrowed eyebrows and her hair all over her shoulder. She is a woman after all. A strong one at that.
She suddenly looks at me and catches me scrutinizing her.
"Sent. You should be seeing the payment any minute now."
My phone vibrates in my pocket.
"That should be it." I say and fish my phone out and see it's actually true she sent 4 billion to my account. Reading the zeros behind the 4 gives me a headache.
"My work with you is done then. I'll be moving in tomorrow morning. I give till the end of today to be done. You still have a lot of daylight left." She stands, says her piece and leaves.
She is a really strong woman who has obviously seen her own share of pain.
She makes me curious. This will be interesting.
She is interesting.