
Chapter 2: The First Move of my Devilish Stepsister

Nancy's Point of view

“Hello Mr Derick”

The voice of a mischievous young lady greets the Doctor from the door.

It was April's step sister “Nancy”.

She walks in gorgeously in her red short gown, wearing makeup and standing on heels.

The Doctor fixed his gaze on her, totally engrossed at her beauty.

“ Young lady, how may I be of help to you?" He asked.

“Oh ..Mr Derick”, she pauses, moving closely to him …. casting a very strong eye at him.

“What is she up to?”

he soliloquised…

Giving a very conspicuous look at her..

She paused again and realized that she needed to level up more because it was as though her little sexual display wasn't yielding any impact .

Draws nearer to him as she caresses his chest..

“Doctor, don't tell me you aren't feeling me right now.”

she asked, licking her lips and biting it romantically…

He jerks a little, a hand possessing so much current penetrated inside of him.

Eyes fixed on the ceiling, mouth opened in shock, Nancy spread him with kisses from his forehead down to his neck…

He tries to alter a word..


With her hand vertically on his mouth erotically resisting him from speaking…

The other hand went straight under to his abdomen, gently searching for his cock.

She slowly tries loosening his belts whilst still kissing him.

Just as she was about to grab his shaft he pulled her hand off and flamed up…

“What the hell are you up to ,

you cheap slut.”

He Paused for a while and stared at her in the face.

“I don't even know how you got in here in the first place”..

“Don't you dare talk to me in that manner.”

She fired back at him

Moved back slowly then continued..

“Come to think of it, let's stop behaving like babies.. aren't you enjoying it ?” She asked flirting and playing with her hair,…

“Sometimes I wonder what a handsome young man like you will be doing in the hospital and I guess you haven't f**ked for a long time.”

“Yeah , it's glaring and written all over your face.”

The Doctor stands in total silence, looking so confused.

“Enough of this nonsense, please if you wouldn't mind ma'am you could excuse me…

He said as he pointed towards the door..

“At least you would have given me a chance to hold and feel your balls,”

I wouldn't mind choking on those mucus in there if you let me.”

She said seductively displaying and pulling her stunts.

“Oh my Goodness…,Madam, please use the door, I'm not interested.”

“As you can see,” pointing his hand towards the microscope.. “ I have a series of tests to carry out, .. I don't want to make a mistake so please leave before I call the security.”

Nancy wasn't still backing out , she requested for his phone number but the Doctor abruptly declined .

Meanwhile, Nancy was not alone in the office, she went with Karl,her accomplice unknowingly to the Doctor.

Both had it all planned out, Karl went through the other entrance connected to the office while Nancy was made to distract him and put him to bed - kind of trying to blackmail him or something .

Karl, dark in complexion, extremely revengeful and a no nonsense desperate girl executed her own part of the plan leaving no stone unturned.

Nancy threw a suspicious eye at Karl accompanied with some greatly rehearsed body gestures trying to pass a message across.

She nodded in confirmation… as both of them fled the office through both entrances.


“Hold on a second.”

Nancy said as she pulled Karl slowly backwards; removed her heels, changing into her portable footwear.

“Hope you did everything as planned.”

She inquired.

Kim answered,

“Of course I did, in fact I made sure that I switched both reports.”

“I wasn't really satisfied so I had to hide the correct medical report at the right hand corner of the drawer.”

Nancy , looking so engrossed in the conversation adjusts herself a bit and tries to say something but Karl interrupts immediately saying..

“At some point I was confused on what to do but however I quickly leveled up immediately,”… “You know what, there were two files there; one was a pregnancy report and the other was written “Bipolar Disorder”_ so I quickly exchanged both of them.”

Karl narrated her little mischievous act to Nancy.

“Honestly girl you did really well.”

Nancy applauded.

Pauses for a while…

“Looks like we've got a lot of things in common, ”Nancy suggested..

“Hahahaha of course, a lot of things,”no one messes with my friend and gots scot free, in fact my friend's enemy is my enemy.”

Karl assured her with so much confidence and faithfulness in her voice.

Nancy, looking angrily at the window from the staircase pours out her heart with so much pain and bitterness, her chest bubbles in anger as she voices out her mind.

“I will make life a living hell for her since she decided to eat the food meant for the king,”come to think of it,April is an underdog, a lowlife,..... my mother raised her in our own house whilst we were still growing up,_ but what I don't understand is how she maneuvered her way to the top.”

Karl looks at her with so much concern…as she tries consoling her but she continues.

“Even after everything I've been through-just to remain classy and dope , yet none drove it home like that of April.”

“In my own eyes , even after my whole Ex situation ordeal and all that happened to my marital life , I watched April get married to the Almighty Don Roman ; and coming to realize that they have been together for two years makes my blood boil.”

“Honestly since then I have tried to come in between their union and squeeze its sweetness until what's left is pure hatred and total bitterness,” I want April to crumble, I want her out of Roman's life for good… I've read so many Rag to Riches stories but this one hits differently.”

“Could love ever make someone stupid…? “This is the very question I constantly ask myself because I see no reason why Roman is still together with her even when she hasn't given him a son, an heir to his fortune, I strongly want to fill in that gap, I want to be talked about and addressed as DON ROMAN'S wife- my name should ring a bell, people should fall at my feet, my pictures should be scattered everywhere around the town,_ in the magazines, music industry and so on .. name it.. that's what I crave for, things shouldn't be the other way round at all.” She complained as anger bubbled in her heart.

“Or don't I deserve to be happy and swim in the poll of affluence and wealth.”

It seems she was getting all emotional but thanks to Karl who was there for her.

Karl patted her on the back and assured her that together they will bring down April …

Few minutes later, the Doctor,Derick, comes out with the medical report calling the attention of Don Roman from the other room.

“Alright Sir, this is the report concerning your wife's current issue.” He said in a very professional tone releasing the report to Don Roman.

With his eyebrows raised a little he collects the report and opens it..

A lump formed in his throat immediately as he was extremely shocked by his bone